
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A very happy 2011

Our dear friends,

A grand old Thatha sitting in front of his desk top.

And his great old lady sitting with the thousand great things that she does great ,

Are with happiness looking back at the road they had walked.

No doubt there were thorns , stones , pits and lions,

That made their walk difficult often times,

But having faced all of them with tears and smiles,

And now being able to take their well earned rest ,

Surrounded by their kids , kids in law and the grand kids,

And well realizing that their evening is neither hot nor cold,

They are all smiles and are praying God to give a little of their smiles,

To you , your family and your loved ones in this, Ramachander and Jayalakshmi

Thank you God for your blessings

Thank you god for making me take birth in a poor family in Kerala. Had I not been born in such a family, I would not be what I am today.

Thank you God for being born to my parents, who though not educated in the modern sense, were intelligent, inquisitive, caring and wise people. I inherited some of these qualities from them and me and my siblings, care for others, because of this.

Thank you God for giving me an opportunity for becoming a post graduate in mathematics and becoming an applied Statistician. Because of this, I was proud to be associated with many of the findings which have indirectly helped the farmers of India.

Thank you god for being born with a younger brother, who is a remarkable genius who cares not only for his fellow beings but to me as his elder brother. Thank you God for giving me a younger sister, who in spite of everything has chosen a life to do service to Cancer patients.

Thank you God for making me marry a girl, who has sacrificed all her wishes and wants to keep me happy. But for her I would not be what I am.

Thank you God for giving me two sterling children, who like me and my siblings care for all those who suffer. I am sure that when they get older and more secure, they will spend all their energy and wealth to wipe the tears of every one in the world. They too are extremely intelligent and inquisitive. Due to all this when the time comes for me to bid farewell to this world, I will do it without any care cheerfully.

Thank you God for giving me a very efficient and a very concerned son in law and a very caring and concerned Daughter in law.

Thank you God for the very naturally intelligent and inquisitive grand daughters and grand son. I am sure you would look after them well

Thank you God for my scientific contributions and the great recognition that I got from my peers. I know with my qualification and my subject of specialization, it is you who have done it.

Thank you God for giving me ability in astrology and made me work for a social cause. When unknown children thank me for leading a happy married life, I thank you.

Thank you God for my ability to write poems in English and my deep sense of humour. Without these, I would have considered me as incomplete.

Thank you God for making me choose astrology as a hobby after retirement. Due to this, I lead a very satisfied life as I am able to help thousands of people all over the world.

Thank you God for making me do research on Kerala Iyers and launching the web site. This has now grown in to a banyan tree providing knowledge and help to the needy of my community.

Thank you God for making me translate Stotras in to English. As on today, by your blessings and grace I have translated more than 550 stotras and 350 Karnatik music Krithis written in 4 languages. When unknown people from all over the globe phone to me, I always thank you for choosing me as an instrument to do your job.
Thank you God for my innate nature of a story teller to blossom in to a great web site for Indian children.

Thank you God for whatever I am. Because of your grace and blessing I would be 71 within a few days. You have made me healthy and wealthy (without any wants) and a great human being.Once again THANKYOU GOD.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Recipes for a Onam feast from a professional Kerala Iyer

Recipes for an Onam feast from a Kerala Iyer professional

Recipes by
Sri. M.Anantha Raman of
Vinayaka Caterers of Kadavanthra, Ernakulam
(published in Malayalam Journal Vanitha ,August 15-31 , 2010-12-07

                                                    Dedicated to the Nala Paka Chakravartthy

Translated in to English with comments



Needed materials

1.Grated coconut ¼ coconut
2.Grated coconut ½ coconut +1 tea spoon mustard+ 10 gm grrn chillies
3.Red Pumpkin( ripe Mathanga)
4.Pineapple 25 gm+ one ripe Nendran Banana +20 gm tomato
5.1 tea spoon turmeric powder+1 tea spoon pepper powder + needed salt + little curry leaves
6.Jaggery 25 gm
7 curd ¼ litre
8.Cashew 10 gm
9.Coconut oil 2 tea spoons
10.1 teaspoon mustard + 2 Dried chillies + Curry leaves

1.Extract milk from Number 1
2.Grind together in a mixie no.2
3.Cut Pumpkin, pineapple , nendran Banana and tomato in to small pieces
4.Boil the cut vegetables along with I litre water, + items mentioned in 5
5.Once vegetables are well cooked add jaggery till water becomes alonst nil,
6.Add coconut milk, Ground materials and curd and bring it to boil
7.After that add cut cashew nuts
8.Season with maerials mentioned in 10

(Comments of P.R.Ramachander: In homes, this Pachadi could be prepared also with red pumpkin, ash gourd and Brinjal added with turmeric or raw mango for the sour taste.
It could also be prepared without Nendran Banana. Several brands of ready made coconut milk , which are of good quality are available and they could be used instead)

Yerisseri (Erisseri)

Needed materials

1.Chena (Elephant food yam)-25 gm
2.Raw Nendran Banana -one
3.One table spoon of pepper powder+ 1 ½ litre water
4.Turmeric powder one teaspoon and necessary salt
5. ½ coconut grated + jerra seds ½ tea spoon
6.One table spoon of coconut oil tea spoon mustard
8. ½ grated coconut
9. one table spoon ghee
10.Jeera seeds ½ tea spoon


1.Cut yam in to small pieces and put in water
2.Remove skin of banana, split it in to four pieces length wise and cut it in to small pieces
3. Mix pepper powder in water and wash it to remove skin portion .Filter it in a nice cloth
4.Boil yam and items in 4 for some time in the water where pepper powder is added.. When three fourth cooked add cut banana pieces and boil till well cooked
5.Grind items in 5 add it to the boiled vegetables and bring it to boil
6.Take little oil , heat with mustard. When it splutters add grated coconut mentioned (in a low fire) in 8.
7.Add ghee to the frying coconut mixture, When coconut turns brown season it with jeera
8.Add the fried mixture in the boiled vegetables and heat.

(comments by P.R.Ramachander: This preparation could be also done only with yam or carrot or red pumpkin pieces. Though adding ghee would add to the taste , in small scale preparations it is not a must.)

3. Aviyal

Needed materials

1.Yam (Elephant foot yam) 15 gm
2.Snake gourd 5 gm
Cucumber 5 gm
Carrot 10 gm
Drum stick 10 gm
Cow pea (Payar) 5 gm
3.Cooking Banana ½
4.Raw mango little
5.Coconut oil three teaspoons
6.Turmeric powder 1 teaspoon+pepper powder 1 tea spoon, needed salt
7. ½ coconut grated + 1 teaspoon jeera seeds + 10 gm green chillies
8.Curry leaves
9 coconut oil 3 tea spoons


1.Cut yam in to thin 2 inch long pieces.Put them in water
2.Cut vegetables mentioned in 2 and 3 in to long thin pieces and put in water.Put Cucumber separately.
3.Cut raw mango in to thin pieces
4.Heat oil mentioned in a thick bottomed broad vessel and put all cut vegetables one , one and Yam at the top.
5.Over Yam , you can put cucumber
6.Over the vegetablesput powders mentioned in 6
7.Heat them, closing with a heavy lid over a low fire.When it comes to boil stir it.
8.Once every thing is coked well, Make a crator like hole in the centre. Whatever water oozes out from the sides,It has to be poured on vegetables stacked on sides.
9.When all water has died, grind items mentioned in 7 loosely , and mix it with the vegetable along with curry leaf. Switch off the stove
10.Add oil mentioned in9

(Comment:The sourness to Avial can also be got through, raw mango, sour curd or tamarind or a combination of any of them. We have tried Amchoor (dry raw mango powder) instead of mango. Though it is not as good , it does indeed taste like avail. Depending on the availability many other vegetables like Chow chow, Avarakkai , capsicum etc can also be used. In Kerala potato is never used in avial. In our part of Kerala, pepper powder is not used in avial.)


Materials required
1. Dried cow pea seeds (Rajma)-10 gm
2. Green sweet pumpkin-15 gm
3. Tender ash gourd-15 gm
4. Cow pea 5 gm
5. Green chilies 4
6. ½ grated coconut
7. Coconut oil -1 table spoon


1.Soak cow peas seds for 8 hours
2.Cut pupkin and ash gourd in to thin square slices
3.Cut cow pea in to two inch pieces
4.Add cow pea seeds and green chiles to cut vegetables and cook till everything is properly cooked
5.Extract milk out of the grated coconut
6.After taking out the vesselfrom the stove add the Coconut mil and raw coconut oil (7) and stir well.

(Comment by P.R.Ramacander:Olan is possibly the simplest dish to prepare. It could also be prepared only using ash gourd or only pumpkin. Chow chow olan also can be made. Though Cowpea adds to the taste and makes it superior, Olan can be prepared with out that also. In USA , we have tried preparing olan using Squash. It tasted Ok )

Onam Mezhukku puratti

Materials required

1.Yam (elephant foot yam) 30 gm
2,Green Nendra Banana 2
3.Cow pea 20 gm
4.Turmeric powder 1 tea spoon, salt as per need , Green chilles 6
5,Coconut oil -2 tea spoons


1. Cut Yam in to small sqayre pieces after removing the skin
2. Cut Raw nendran Banana in to small square pieces
3. Cut cow pea oin to one inch long pieces
4. Wash all vegetables and cook them in water along with what is mentioned in S.No.4
5. Try to add less water so that the water is absorbed comnpletly by the vegetables
6. Heat coconut oil , put the cooked vegetables and stir so so that the vegetables get evenly coated by the oil.

(Comment by P.R.Ramacander:Normal Mezhukku peratti is prepared using raw cooking Banana and not using raw nendran Banana. Koorkai adds a lot to the taste of Mezhukku peratti)

Kurukku Kalan

Materials required

1.Sour curd ¾ litre
2.Pepper powder 1 teaspoon
3. Yam (Elephant foot yam) 15 gm
4.Green nendran Banana 1
5,Curry leaves, 3 green chillies, I tea spoon turmeric powder ,salt
6.Ghee –one tea spoon
7. ½ green coconut , one spoon jeera seeds, Green chillies 10 gm
8.Mentha seeds -1 teaspoon
9.Coconut oil –one table spoon
10.Mustard – ½ teaspoon , red dries chillies 2 , curry leaves


1.Churn the curd well and remove impurities
2.Wash and clean the pepper powder
3.With this pepper add water, cut yam, cut nendran Banana , and items mentioned in and boil
4.After the Yam has cooked well and water has almost disappeared add ghee and stir well
5.Add the churned curd in to this
6,When it becomes very thick , add grinded articles mentioned in S.No.7 and boil
7.Switch off the stove
8.Season with articles mentioned in S.No.10

(Comment by P.R.Ramacander:Kalan can be prepared using only yam or only Nendran Banana. During mango dseason, Mambazha Kalan is also prepared.Instead of black pepper powder, if we use white pepper powder, it need not be cleaned.)

Puli inji

Materials required

1.Tamarind 50 gm
2.Turmeric powder 1 tea spoon+pepper powder one table spoon+ L .G. Asofotida powder 20 gms +Powdered Jaggery 75 gms+curry leaves
3. Coconut oil 3 tea spoons
4. Mustard one tea spoon+few pieces of dried red chillies
5.Curry leaves
6.Ginger cut in to very small pieces-75 gms
7.Chillies 10 gms –cut in to small pieces
8.Mentha seeds


1,Soak tamarind in two and half litres of water , take out juice and sieve it
2,Take one litre water add things mentioned in and boil well
3.When starts boiling add one tea spoon of coconut oil
4.Heat two tea spoon of oil in a heavy bottomed vessel and put the mustard seeds . When it splutters add cut dried chillies and curry leaves
5. Add cut Ginger and cut green chillies and keep stirring
6.Continue this till ginger is three fourth cooked
7.Boil the three and half litre of water mentioned earlier till it becomes one and half litres
8.Add the fried chilli +ginger mixture and stir well
9.Dry heat Methi seeds till they turn colour, powder it and add.

(Comment by P.R.Ramacander:In some areas, pepper powder is not used. When Naranga is available, we can reduce the tamarind and substitute it by Naranga pieces.)

Sambhar and Rasam


Materials required

1.Coconut oil -1 table spoon
2. Asfotida powder 10 gm
\3.Bengal gram dhal-5 gm
Mentha seeds 5 gm
Black gram dal -5 gm
4. Coriander seeds -10 gm
5.Curry leaves
6.Dried red chilies 10 gm
7.Tur dal 200 gm
Turmeric powder ½ tea spon
Curry leaves
8.Tamarind -40 gm
9.Turmeric powder – ½ tea spoon
Pepper powder -1/2 tea spoon
Salt to taste
Asafotida-10 gm
Jaggery –little
Curry leaves –little
10.Coconut oil – I teaspoon
11.Drum stick-10 gm
Bitter gourd- 5 gm
12.Brinjal-15 gm
Okra(Ladies finger)-15 gm
13.Coconut oil -1 table spoon
14. Mustard –one teaspoon
Few pieces of dried red chillies
Little curry leaf
15.Coriander leaf

Method of preparation

1.In a heavy bottom Kadai, heat coconut oil, add asfotida and when it is sufficiently hot , add item in S.No.3
2.When this is properly fried, add Coriander seeds and curry leaves
3.When the leaves are properly fried add pepper.
4.When the pepper splutters, take out from the stove add little water and grind oit and keep separately. This is the fresh sambhar Masala (Keep two table spon of this masala to make Rasam)
5.Boil one litre of water. Add the Well washed Tuar dhal . turmeric powder and curry leaf. Boil it till Dhal is completely cooked. Add One and half litre of well boiled water. Stir and allow it to cool. The sediments of Dhal will be in the bottom and clear yellow colour water will stand at the top. Separate out the water and keep it for making Rasam. The Dhal with little water can be used to make Sambhar.
6.Put the tamarind in hot water and extract the juice completely..Add one litre of water and also add the items mentioned and S.No.( and boil .Add little coconut oil
7.Add Cut drum stick and bitter gourd and this boiling mixture.
8.After bitter gourd is properly cooked add cut pieces of Brinjal and Okra and contine boiling
9.After these vegetables are well cooked add the Dhal for Sambhr and continue boiling
10.Once this comes to boil , add the freshly prepared sambar masala and once this comes to boil , remove the vessel from stove.
11.Season with items mentioned in 14
12. Add cut coriander leaf. Mix it well and serve.

(Comment by P.R.Ramacander:In normal days, Sambhar also can be prepared by any one of the vegetables mentioned.)


Materials Needed

1.Dhal water 1 ½ litre saved while preparing Sambhar
2. Tamaring 15 gms
3.Water 15 ml
4.Turmeric powder one tea n+ Pepper powder 1 ½ tea spoon+Asfotida 5 gm +little jaggery +jeera seeds ½ tea spoon + ¼ tea spoon Methi seeds, + cut tomato 50 gm + curry leaves
5.Cut tomato 50 gm
8. Sambar masala (refer SAmbhar recipe)- 2 table spoons
7. cut coriander leaf
8.Coconut oil
9.Mustard ½ tea spoon
Dried red chillies few pieces
Curry leaves

Method of preparation

1. In the turmeric juice add items in S. No.4 and boil for some time, till the water reduces to half
2. Add The dhal water(S.No.1) and tomato in S.No.5 and continue boiling
3. Add SAmbar Masala and again boil.After boiling well add coriander leaf and take it out from the Stove.
4. Season it with items mentioned in S.No.9
5. Dry heat little pepper, Coriander seeds, Jeera seeds and Curry leaf, Powder it and add one tea spoon to the Rasam prepared.

Pazha Prathaman

Materials needed

1. Five well ripened Nendran Banana fruits
2. Jaggery 175 gm
3. water 1 ½ litre
4. Ghee 2 table spoons +2 teaspoons
5. Coconut 2 ½
6. Two spoons of small cut pieces of coconut
7. Cashew nut pieces -2 table spoons
8. Cardamom 15 gm

Method of Preparation

1.Peel the Bana fruits , remove the centre spindle , add little water and boil
2.When it becomes like a pulp , switch off the stove.
3.When the fruit becomes cool, grind it in the mixie adding little water
4.Mix Jaggery in 1 ½ litre water , boil till it reduces to hal ,Strain the jaggery mixture
5.Add the Banana fruit mixture till it becomes almost without water.Add ghee and mix it and remove from the stove
6.Grate the coconut , grind it with ¼ litre water, extract the first milk and keep aside
7.Add 1 ½ litre water , grind further , extract the second milk and keep aside
8.Add two litres of water , grind further and extract the third milk
9.Boil the banana fruit mixture with third milk . When it is attains fluid consistency add Second milk and Boil till it becomes thick (payasam)
10. In the heavy vessel heat the oil. Fry the cut coconut pieces , add cashew nuts , fry further and add it to the payasam
11.Add first milk and powdered cardamom
12. never add cow’s milk or Buffalo’s milk to this Payasam, because it will split.

Palada Prathaman

Materials needed

1.Unakkalari (Short grained raw rice with bran)-300 gm
2.Sugar -50 gm
3.Coconut oil 2 teaspons
4.Milk 4 litres
5.Sugar 800 gm

Method of preparation

1.Wash the rice and grind it in to a paste
2.Add sugar and coconut oil and add water till a consistency less than that of Dosa batter is attained
3.In a banal eat , where the mid stem is removed and sligfhtly heated, spread this dough and roll it
4.Boil water and put the rolled leaf with dough tillit is well cooked
5.Remove from stove , strain the water and after leaves are cooled, remove the dough made dosa like material
6.Make them in to very small pieces. This is Ada
7.Boil milk and sugar and make it till it reaches slightly thick consistency
8.Add the Ada and boil, Remove when you reach the serving consistency.

(Comment by P.R.Ramacander.Ready made Adai is available nowadays. Though the superior quality will be lost, A good Ada prathaman can be prepared using readymade Adai.)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recipes for some Deepavali/Diwali sweets

Some Deepavali sweets

These were selected by Mrs Ramachander from the addendum which came with Aval Vikatan and Kumudham Snehithi (tamil Magazines of October month) . I am giving them in English so that people who do not know Tamil can try them out.

1.Deepavali Halwa

Materials needed
¼ cup sago rice
1 cup corn flour
¼ cup maida
4 ½ cup sugar
1 cup ghee
Juice of one lime
Cardamom powder
Cashew nuts
Food colour

Soak separately sago rice, corn flour and MNaida for 8 hours.
Boil sugar in 1½ cups of water
Add Sago rice , Maida and corn flour and keep on stirring keeping stove in medium flame
Add I cup of ghee slowly
Add lime juice, cardamom powder , cashew nut roasted in ghee
Keep stirring till the mixture does not stick to the vessel
Pour in a plate coated with ghee
Cut in to pieces and serve

2.Kala Jamun

Materials needed

1. 2 cups of grated Sugar less Khova
2. Rose syrup
3. 3 table spoons of sugar
4. 4 cups of sugar
5. 3 cups of water
6. little saffron
7. Cardamom powder

Mix grated khova, rose essence, cardamom powder, 3 table spoons of sugar (without adding water) and keep it for 2 hours
Make in to balls without cracks and fry them in ghee till they are brown
Add 3 cups of water in 4 cups of sugar and boil for 15 minutes
Add the fried Jamuns
Once soaked take out the Jamuns and serve

3.Mohan dal Laddu

3 cups of Bengal gram dal powder(Coarsely ground)
¾ cup of ghee
2 ¼ cups of sugar

Mix the the Dal powder and ghee and fry till the mixture becomes golden colour.Add Cardamom poder and take out from the stove
Add sugar to 1 ¼ cups of water and boil (Kambi padam)
Add the Dal powder mixture mix it and pour in a plate.
Cut in to pieces .You can decorate with Badam, Cashewnut and Pista before cutting in to pieces.

4.Mothi choor Laddu

2 cups of Besan
2 table spoons of white Rava
1½ cups of sugar
1 few drops of orange colour
Sufficient quantity of ghee to fry
Saffron, Almonds, cashew

Mix Besan and Rava in one cup of water
Add sugar to 1¼ cups of water and prepare syrup (Kambi Pagu)
Rub the besan mixture over hot ghee in the H+Jarani with small holes
Fry till the drops become golden colour
Put it in sugar syrup
Add little saffron, cashew not almonds etcand mix
Make small laddus

5.Milk Cake

1 tin Milk maid(condensed milk)
1½ cups Maida
2 cups sugar
1½ cups butter
Cut cashew nuts ¾ cup

Mix all the above put in a heavy bottom vessel .Keep on stirring while heating in a mild flame
When the mixture does not stick to the vessel , remove put it in plate and cut in to pieces.

6.Gulabhi Burfi

1¼ cup Maida
2 ½ cup sugar
One cup butter
Rose essence few drops
½ cup cut cashew pieces
½ cup cut Tutty fruity pieces
¼ cup milk powder
Add all these things and heat them over mild flame in a heavy bottomed vessel and stir
Add few drops of essence when the mixture does not stick to the vessel
Pour it in a plate and cut in to pieces


Grated carrot 1 cup
Grated Beet root 1 cup
Grated Chow chow 1 cup
Slightly heated Besan flour 3 cups
Suger 9 cups
Milk 3 cups
Ghee 3 cups
One pinch of edible Camphor(Pachai karpooram)
One spoon of Cardamom powder
Milk Khoa 1 cup
Cut cashew pieces one cup

Mix all the above and heat them over mild flame in a heavy bottomed vessel and stir
Remove from stove when the mixture does not stick to the vessel

Pour in a ghee coated plate , cut in to pieces

8.Cashew Coconut Pal khoa

Milk 8 cups
Saffron one pinch
Sugar 2 cups
Soaked cashew not 10
Grated coconut one cup
Ghee 4 tea spoons
Little cardamom powder

In a thick bottomed vessel heat milk in a low flame and keep on stirring till it becomes half. Add groud cashew nut and coconut and continue boiling till is becomes further half . Add sugar and keep on stirring Add cardamom powder and cashew and remove. Make small balls for serving

9.Dry Fruit Boli

Soaked skinned Almond, cashew and Pista 10 each
Raisins , dates 4 each
Ground jaggety , grated coconut 1 cup each
Maida one cup
Kesari powder a pinch
Cardamom powder a pinch
Ghee one cup
Gingelly oil 4 tea spoons

Grind all nuts as well as coconut without adding much water
Add jaggery to this mixture and heat till it is well cooked. Add cardamom powder and make small balls of this mixture
Mx Maida , kesari powder , Gingelly oil , knead and spread them like chapathis. Keep them on banana leaf ., keep the balls prepared earlier, close with another chapathi and spread a little.
Head them in thava over mild flame .Coat both sides with ghee and take out.

10.Khoa –Kesari Sukhiyan

One cup of Milk khoa
One cup of Maida
Rava 2 cups
Pinch of Kesari powder
Sugar one and half cups
Cardamom powder little
Ghee one cup
Oil as much as needed

Roast Rava in ghee till it turns red . Boil five cups of water. Put Rava in boiling water .Once cooked put Sugar and Kesari powder Also add khoa as well as cardamom powder.Remove from flame and make it in to small balls.
Add little water to Maida and Kesari powder till it gets in to the consistency of Bhajji dough. Heat oil. Dip the Rava-Khoa rolls in to the maida dough and fry till it becomes to a golden colour.

11.Gujarathi Ladu

Besan I cup
Atta ¼ cup
Ghee ¼ cup
Vanaspathi five table spoons
Cashew nut , raisins little
Sugar 1 ½ cup

Roast Besan and Atta in a Kadai till good scent comes
Take out , add sugar and powder the mixture. Roast cashew and raisins in ghee and evenly add to this powder.
Take ghee and Vanaspathi in a Kadai , heat , put the above powder, mix well and make them in to dense balls.

12. Diamond biscuit

Maida 2 cups
Sugar ½ cup Baking soda one pinch
Salt ¼ tea spoon
Oil as per need.

Add sugar , salt , soda in to maida and spread like puri. Cut the puri into diamond shape and fry the pieces in oil.

Friday, August 13, 2010

About me in a city news paper

Dhainik Jagaran has a weekly called city plus circulated free in different cities of India. It carries a write about me.Ramachander

Steeped in astrology & religion

P R Ramachander

"Astrology plays a very important role in all aspects of one's life, especially in matrimony. Even with modern day changes in perception of what is right and what is wrong, a person (mostly Hindus) regardless of caste and religion casts horoscope of the child, approaches the astrologer when he or his family faces problems, uses the medium of astrology to invoke God's blessings and verifies matching of horoscopes of the bride and the bridegroom before they marry," says P R Ramachander, a retired Principal Scientist and Head of the Division of Statistics of the ICAR research institutes.
Ramachander has been offering free service in matching horoscopes for the last ten years to a large number of people who contact him through e-mail or in person at his residence in Koramangala. Till date, thousands of people from all over the world have availed of his service. Those interested can send their horoscopes to and he will reply in a day or two. Even those who like to see him also can fix up an appointment through the same e-mail.
Learning astrology from his father at the suggestion of Murugavel, the owner of Bharath Matrimony, Ramachander started offering services for matching of horoscopes for matrimony as a free service over the internet. His customers are mainly NRIs who find it difficult to find an astrologer and even if they find one, it is also expensive to consult him. Ramachander himself has seen many people struggling and that is why he started this free service.
A Post Graduate in Mathematics, Ramachander hails from Chelakkara, Kerala. He specialised as a biometrical statistician as well as an applied geneticist and served as Head of the Division of four different ICAR research institutes in India as Head of division of Statistics. During his 36 years of service he has written about 150 research papers and three books till he retired in the year 2000.
Besides that, he has played a pivotal role in developing various softwares for the use of horticultural scientists and farmers as well. He was recognised by an institution in England as one of the top scientists of the millennium.
After retirement, he was deeply interested in bringing out the majesty of his religion to the young. As a result, he took up translation of Hindu prayers into English. The result of the work of God, got done through him is this website. So far, he has translated 500 famous "stotras" in Sanskrit, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi into English. Almost all the well-known "stotras" have already been translated.
Besides he has brought to light very many obscure "stotras". You can find them at Among his translations are also the Bhagawad Gita in English. Many of his translations have been published in book form and many spiritual websites have reproduced his translations. Also he has translated 21 minor Upanishads into English. You can find them at As if that was not enough, he has translated 300 Carnatic music "Krithis" from Telugu, Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada and Malayalam into English. You can find them at Yet another hobby of his is writing stories for children with Indian background.
He has rewritten several English rhymes to suit the Indian condition and published two books, one on Rudram and another on Lalitha Sahasranamam. If you want to know all about the 65 village deities of Tamil Nadu, then see
He has also written about the temples of Kerala. You can find them at You can find many more information in several of his websites and blogs given below:For reading Raja Thatha's 77 Blogs :
For reading about rules and rituals of Brahmins:
For reading stories and rhymes for children:
For reading poems by Ramachander:;item=all
For stories illustrating Malayalam Proverbs:
Ramachander is not only an astrologer, but he is also a poet. Realising how important proverbs are in our cultural life, he has illustrated 100 Malayalam proverbs with stories and pointed out how these can be used in conversations. Ramachander is now 71 and lives with his partner in life Jayalakshmi who is his inspiration in life.
—Akshaya Deva

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A young girl questions the colour phobia of men?

From Gori chitti to sportscaster

Meera Venkatesan
(She is my daughter. I hope some of you may remember what I wrote long back about the cursed colour differences in India, which is possibly the largest country with people of the largest colour differences. Every male wants a Ghori as a bride ? Is it all right? A female point of view)
A young girl, with evidently little sophistication is quite worried. Her parents are discussing about the boy who is coming to see her next week with a marriage proposal. Her mother’s hopes are low it appears, because of her dusky skinned daughter. Cut to a friend offering her a miracle, “Make yourself fairer ( gori chitti) within a week “( or something like that she says). All you need is this cream applied everyday. The girl and the mother cannot believe their good luck and go on to use the same cream as directed. Hey presto, the dark skinned one is magically fair much to the satisfaction of the boy who comes to see her and much to her mother’s relief.
Anyone who has watched Indian television in the 1980s could not have missed this commercial for a famous fairness cream. As a young girl who believed that she was a feminist and a dusky skinned one at that, this advertisement never failed to irritate me.
Why does someone need to be fair skinned to be liked? And how could a girl offer to white wash herself simply to win the approval of the groom’s family? Many of the advertisements in that era were sadly on those lines. Another classic ad I can remember is that of a worried daughter in law cleaning up her bathroom pending her mother in law’s visit. Interestingly, the people they were projecting( my generation of the young women of India) was surging ahead at that time to unchartered fields and successes. The advertisers seemed to have been clueless of that.
Cut to the present. I happened to see the commercial for the same cream- which it appears has survived the long time. The girl, this time is a wannabe sports caster, a la Mandira Bedi. She is all set to blaze the screen, but the only issue, sigh , again her dusky and lacklustre skin. She is worried, but mama dear is prepared. (Was this the same mama who got married with the help of the cream?). She produces the same with a flourish and viola, beti dear is all fair complexioned and ready to win the world on screen.
A small improvement some may say, but I am truly glad that the era of the submissive females is getting extinguished in the advertisement world at least! A host of feminine products are now sold targeting individual success, growth and confidence. The young girl in Indian commercials need no longer make herself presentable only to impress the man in a bride seeing ceremony. She instead will do this only to achieve her goals. We also see a host of women in different professions in ads, be it a journalist, a model, a sports coach. Of course there is that element of the Barbie syndrome in the ad world where all these ladies in the different walks of life are perfectly turned out without a hair of their head out of place!
Why the fairness factor is still required is beyond my understanding. Perhaps it is soo ingrained in the Indian psyche ( the superiority of the gore log) to be changed. Perhaps, it requires another 20 years to change this perception in Indian advertising!

The Burnt shackles -A short story

The Burnt Shackles
A short story by Meera Venkatesan*
Sumi felt the unpleasantly familiar heave of bile from inside. She quickly got up for the fifth time in so many hours and rushed to the restroom. It was as if, something in her interiors was waiting to gush out of her being and expel itself from her. She wished it would happen and provide her relief. But just like the other characters in her life, who controlled her from outside, this inner enemy held her captive from within and refused her freedom.
Sumi quickly locked the toilet door. As she leaned over, she closed her eyes to suppress the images that always rose up with her upheaving. But she could not. As a student of psychology, she should have been quite curious at this inseparable bond between her physiological distress and the images that rose in her mind. They both seemed to draw from one another, exist because of the other. Maybe even this curiosity would have helped to lessen the impact of the torturous frames. But nothing came to her aid. She helplessly watched the rerun for the millionth time, as she retched into the antiseptic office toilet.
“Then why this,” her anguished voice was asking pointing to the growth inside her. “Why this, when you don’t care about me?” She could not bear his silence. But that was because, she had not realised that the response would be beyond her endurance. Now, she knew. Now, she longed for the bliss of ignorance.
A couple of knocks on the door and her friend, Radha’s voice from the other side brought her back. Radha was asking her if she was ok. Sumi nodded her head, as tears choked her throat. As the knock came again, she managed a choked, “Yes”. The interruption helped to stem the torrent in her mind momentarily.
“I think you should go home. You seem worse off today Sumi, “the concerned voice called. Sumi flushed the toilet and stepped out. Radha held her and propelled her to the wash basin in the women’s room.
“You look so pathetic. You should talk to the doctor about this. The nausea should not continue like this into the eighth month. I don’t know why you are being so stubborn,” Radha said bringing her some water.
“Will you Sumi?” her friend was asking. Sumi shut her eyes. She nodded her head in the negative automatically, only half realising that she was responding to something. She was imploding within herself, oblivious to the world beyond her.
“I should talk to your mother. You cannot ignore this you know,” Radha admonished, as if implying that she knew her mother closely. Actually she didn’t and had just met her on one occasion. Radha was just a habitual helper, always willing to share another’s distress and help. But Sumi had always been incapable of sharing her pain.
Sumi managed a wry smile,” You think she doesn’t know?” she whispered. Radha was jolted. She caught Sumi’s hand again and asked in a concerned whisper,” Sumi, Is everything else ok?”
Radha’s mobile intervened to block any explanation that could have managed to slip out. Radha looked at Sumi’s face and then at the number calling on her mobile.” Sorry yaar, I need to take this call. Stay here. I will be back,” she half ordered apologetically moving out of the restroom.
Sumi’s mother, wife of a decorated army officer, was a kind of person that the world thirsted to celebrate as the epitome of patience, dedication and loyalty. She had stood by her husband steadfastly, through the last two years of his comatose existence, on complete life support. She refused to give up even after the doctors did. She believed with an inhuman intensity, that the miracle would happen and her husband would rise again to be with them. She had spent all their savings on his treatment and sold their house for him. Sumi often wondered if her mother had crossed the thin border of sanity. Sumi’s mind wandered to the evening, in her father’s hospital room, a couple of months back.
“Amma, I have decided to leave Bhasker, “Sumi had said abruptly after some small talk. The hum and hiss of the ventilator and the other equipment which were retaining her father in this world soundlessly filled the air. Her father breathed through machines and was fed through them.
“Hush, Sumi, What are you saying? Are you my daughter? Look at me; I have struck through with your dad at his best and worst. Now, you also need to think of the baby,” her mother had admonished her, confident that her daughter was not serious.
Sumi moved over to her mother’s side and put her head on her lap. She pleaded. “That’s different. Father was always loyal to you and he cared for you. My husband is neither. No ma. I cannot stand it any longer. I have made up my mind. I have found a job in Mysore. We can all move there. I will take care of everything, myself, you, appa and the baby. Trust me. “
Sumi had expected sympathy, advice, resistance but not rage from her mother.
Her mother’s face had tightened into a mix of fear and anger. “Sumi, you are so irresponsible. You know your father’s treatment will cost at least 5 times the salary you can get. It is only thanks to Bhaskar that we are pulling along. Which son in law would support the treatment of his in laws like this? He is God to me. If you need to put up with some infidelity for that, can’t you do it? What kind of a daughter are you?” Her mother had shouted, her chest was heaving, her eyes glassy.
A kind of a daughter, who had let her life and hope to be killed to provide the hopeless care for her father, Sumi thought. She said, “Do you want me to die everyday so that you can keep my dead father alive?” The words had slipped inadvertently from her lips. Never before had she faced head on the helplessness that was forcing her to stay in hell for the sake of her father who was medically dead and already there.
“Sumi, How dare you? Your father can hear you. It is my misfortune that I have no sons. I need to depend on this irresponsible daughter. I wish we would both die together one day,” she had shouted shaking with helpless fury. The nurse poked her head in and looked at them both. Sumi’s mother calmed down and turned to adjust her father’s pillow. “Visitor’s time is up, Amma. You need to leave,” she informed them with a smile. Sumi’s mother practically knew everyone in the hospital. She talked to everyone, remembered their birthdays and brought home cooked food for them when she came to visit her husband.
“We will. I just feel like staying with him a moment longer please, beti,” she said smiling at the nurse, addressing her as the daughter. The nurse smiled, nodded at her and turned to look curiously at Sumi and left. No doubt, the bit about the irresponsible daughter had fallen on her ears.
Her mother had turned towards her with trembling lips. The rage was now replaced by utter misery. “Sumi, Please darling. Please wait till your father is better? Whom else can I turn to?” she had wept and dramatically touched Sumi’s feet. Sumi had moved away in shock. Repulsed by her reaction, she had not spoken to her mother since. But she found herself unable to break off either.
The thought of the past episode brought a fresh upheaval in Sumi and she rushed to throw up again. Back in the present, she could hear Radha’s conversation through the slightly open door. Radha seemed to arguing with Shyam, her fiancée on where they would go out for dinner. How lucky some people were, she wondered that they had such trivial matters to argue about! After she was done, she sat down on the restroom floor, too tired to get up and closed her eyes for a minute, willing all her thoughts to go away, to leave her a minute of peace.
Suddenly, she was jolted by loud screams. Had she fallen asleep? What had happened? She tried to get up, but a wave of intense pain in her abdomen racked her forcing her down. “It could not be,” she panicked. It was too soon!
“Fire, fire…. “, came the screams. Footsteps ran randomly everywhere and within minutes, the first hint of smoke reached her nostrils. Was there a fire on their floor? She again tried to push herself up mustering all her strength. Her legs refused to rise. As she tried to coax them up, she froze as screams of anguish reached her ears. “Don’t jump” someone screamed. This was followed by a higher pitched tone of someone in a free fall, from somewhere very near her. Someone had jumped from the window, probably to their death. It sounded like Radha!
Sumi sat there transfixed in shock, as a fresh wave of pain racked her, the pain brought on by the feverish activity of someone trying to break free of the shackles of the mother’s womb. Her child wanted to be free of her, a mother who had never known the true freedom, the kind of freedom the poets sang about, the kind of freedom that the birds in free flight seemed to enjoy.
Sumi had always been bound by invisible shackles. The kind that pulled you and bound you, but were unseen or unfelt. Everyone believed that she was one of those lucky ducks, for whom life had come together in the perfect way. No one had a glimpse of her bondage and her thirst to break free.
A loving but disciplinarian father had run her life like the army, to which he belonged. He had directed her life at every step. He had pushed her to excel in studies, when her interest had been in music. He always made it clear that it was her responsibility not to let him down. She had never dared to. His was a chain of authority and responsibility.
After his serious injury in an army action against the naxalites and subsequent descent into coma, she had seen her mother’s metamorphosis into a woman she hardly knew, with a single point agenda. From then on, her mother ensured that every moment in her life and any money she earned were geared towards her father’s care. Any action to the contrary meant disloyalty for mother. It was her mother who had found the prime catch, her husband. A young, good looking industrialist well placed in life who had promised to support all her father’s expenses with an improbable pretext of supporting an army hero. It was too good to be true. But her mother had not wanted to think twice. Her mother’s were the irons of love and guilt.
Sumi had accepted the marriage as a trade off for her mother’s happiness, and also because she had never known to protest. Even after her husband had told her, that the marriage was mostly an obligation he had accepted for the sake of his rich and controlling mother. His only expectation from her, he had said was complete compliance to his mother’s wishes. He would never step back on his word to support her father if she kept her bargain. She was free, he had said, to live her life otherwise. She had willingly submitted to his indifference. By doing that, she gave in his hands the shackles of deceit and black mail.
The siren of the fire engines was everywhere. It was getting hotter. There was smoke in the bathroom now. Wails and cries were everywhere
“Let us be calm,” someone was saying. That was Raghu, the section manager. “We should gather near the window on the other side, facing the road so that the fire fighters can easily reach us when they come. One of you, please check if someone is in the bathroom or pantry.” People seemed to calm down a bit to this authority.
Sumi tried to shout. Someone made a perfunctory attempt to knock on the door with a feeble, ” Anyone there?” Sumi raised her hand to hit the door from inside. Her child retaliated and brought another wave of pain.
What did it want to do, this devil inside her? Did the baby want to kill her? She had hated her child from the day that she had come to know of the reason for his conception. Now she felt murderous. How could he! This child was becoming the next shackle for her, a handcuff that would chain her to the coffin.
There was a huge crash and gut wrenching screams. A huge ball of light burst bringing light and incredible heat near her. Sumi felt her will and courage melt with the heat. It was hopeless. In the middle of complete despair, her mind started on another path. This was for the best she decided. Her baby was doing the right thing. Why had she wanted to escape? Why had she wanted to return to the world? Her baby was breaking her free. Calmness pushed down the bile, and she in spite of the smoke outside she felt herself fill with free air, with anticipation for her release. Slowly she felt herself slipping into subconsciousness. And for the last time, her half conscious senses began a rerun of that horrendous evening.
“Why this,” she had prodded her husband again and again pointing to the growth inside her. She had just come to know he was continuing his affair, after the marriage. She had accepted that he did not care about her, but it was very painful to tolerate that he cared about someone else. In spite of herself, she found her demanding an explanation from him for the first time after their marriage. Their marriage may have been a sham, but they had lived as man and wife. “If you loved someone else, you could have married her. This child could have been one of love. Why did you fill your indifference in me?”
Finally he had given in.
“Damn it. Listen, if you really want to know. Let me tell you. You will not like it.” He turned and walked away from her breathing heavily. He hissed, ”Because it is not a she. He cannot have my child, a child that my mother insists I should have. ” As she listened stunned, He added as if by way of a logical explanation,” The major share of our family property is still with her”
Even she was not prepared for the revulsion that hit her, the revulsion for every touch, every moment of passion between them, real or otherwise. She screamed a scream of anguish.
“Listen, you won’t do anything crazy like killing yourself, will you? “He had asked quickly, looking truly worried at the prospect.
Those were the last words that echoed in her mind before she slipped off.
She was being carried down. Someone rested her against the walls and splashed water on her face. Her eyes opened slightly to focus on an old wizened face peering at her anxiously. He was wearing the uniform of a fire-fighter. As she opened her eyes slightly, he raised his hands and muttered a prayer.
“Amma, it is God in your tummy. Otherwise, how could you have escaped? Everyone else on your floor is dead. God came to save you.”
She whispered, “Everyone?”
He nodded his head. “You were in the bathroom on the backside of the building. All the others were in the front. A burning beam fell from above.”
Sumi closed her eyes. “Stay here. The doctor will be here. I need to go back. After seeing you, I feel there may be more miracles,” he smiled at her and left.
She turned to look at the building still burning. Tears rolled down for the people she had left behind, the parents, lovers, wives, husbands who had come to work one eventful day, fully expecting to return to their lives. Like her friend, Radha, preparing to out for dinner with her lover. She wished she had taken the place of one of them, wished she was dead instead. As she mechanically groped for her cell phone in her kurtha, to call her family, it struck her. No one knew she was alive. She could simply walk away to find her life, however wretched, but her own.
Was it possible or really was it so impossible? When she left her past, she would also have to leave behind her wealth, her relatives, friends, car, house, her education. What would she do without any of these? All she would have was her child and her courage. It was scary, but at the same time strangely exhilarating.
She pushed herself, and this time her child had cooperated. When she rose, it was with surprising strength. Why had she lived a life of bondage and self sympathy so far? It had taken a catastrophe for her to understand the preciousness of life. She would get her freedom, but not in the way she thought. She would break free not by burning herself but by burning her past. Perhaps, she would come back sometime to revisit these ashes of her past life, but she would return as an unbound soul.
She turned to have one more look before she walked into the free universe leaving behind her a burnt building worth crores, burnt dreams of thousand and the burnt shackles of one woman.
*Meera Venkatesan is my daughter. She would like to know your comments. I think the story is great

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reply to my four mile stones

Dear Shri Ramachander

Oh Sage !, You have released from the Cage (of printed media) many a Page of our holy scriptures by digitalising it and making it as a Webpage. Truly, the milestones are not made of 'concrete' or 'granite' but of 'diamonds' and 'pearls'.

From Shri Nandu's mail, I came to know about your great achievements. Man, You have truly "lived", and Swami Vivekananda would greatly be proud of you, as according to him : "Those who live for others alone live, the rest are more dead, than alive."

I Salute the thought, (of sharing, all the best with others)

I Salute the Feat, (ala a Bhagirathan),

I Salute the Feet,

and above all

I salute the nimble fingers, which made all this possible.

Such is the composition of great Souls, who position themselves in the service of others, at the appropriate time.

Thanks a million for sharing the compositions of all great works of all ever greats in the 'digital world', for which the whole world is Ever Grateful to you. This again shows what a determined Mind can achieve.

My pranams are also due to your dear Dharmapathni, who permitted you, supported you and made this all possible by maintaining a 'peaceful homefront', for the last 40 years happily with you, true to the role she accepted in your life. You two have given a new meaning to the word 'Together', which is the Key to a successful family life. Kalidasa's opening prayer in one of his great epics poems (Kumarasambhava ?), exemplifying Lord Shiva and Parvathi, starting with वाक् and its inseperable 'अर्थ्", comes to my mind. You two have proved it a fact.

It is all because you had your Priorities right and you treaded a right line. Truly your 'service' is Music to the digital world, going to ever reverberate like all the ever green krithis and keerthanas you have helped translate ad place it on the net. Your site has become a reference point for all the sthothras and is always one and also will remain the only one, which any devotee would like to sight.

May the blessings of the Lord be ever on you and your Great Family, so that you all can continue to bless the humanity in your own great way.

അനന്à´¤ à´•ോà´Ÿി നമസ്à´•ാà´°à´™്ങളുà´Ÿà´¨്‍.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Prayer to get children in Sanskrit

Dear Friends,
I had recently told about a stotra to get married. I had another great stotra in Malayalam script which would help in
a. To get a childless women to get a child
b, To get a son for a women who has only daughters
c. To prevent frequent abortions leading to childlessness.
This is the great Stotra called “Vamsa Vrudhi karam Durga Kavacham.”. This stotra was taught to Lord Saneeswara by his father Sun.
. Mr.P.R,Chandran has taken great pains to type the stotra in Devanagari Script.
People who are interested in getting it may please write to me at ramya475 at hotmail dot com or MrP.R.Chandran at chandranpr at gmail dot com . With best wishes, Ramachander

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Three great mile stones in my life.

I. The first mile stone is my completing the translation of 500th Stotram, I can publicly confess that I am not a great scholar and whatever I have done is by the express guidance from God. This great collection includes such gems like Bhagavad Gita, SundraKandam of Ramayanam, Devi Mahathmyam, Sri Krishna Karnamrutham ,Three great Sahara Namams(Vishnu, Lalitha and Shiva) The great Abhirami Andhathi from Tamil ,and Jnana Pana of Poonthanam. It also includes great works like Narada Bhakthi Suthra, Yaksha Prasna, Aprakshanubhuthi, Sri Ramo dhantham and so on. I would like to humbly bow before God and tell, “Lord, thank you for using me as your finger for typing in my computer using my fingers.”
II. The second mile stone pertains to my translation of 300 Carnatic music Keetrthanas originally written in five different languages. I am not a musician and not a great pundit in any of the five languages. Here again it is God’s miracle, especially when we take in to consideration the fact that I have completed this stupendous job in a period of just three months.
III. The third mile stone is a personal one. On July 13th I would be completing 40 years of blissful and happy married life with my wife. Taking in to consideration the fact that , it is her love and encouragement that makes me do what I do, I would make her the silent partner of all that I do and achieve. Together we have raised a great son and a great daughter. As on today we have two very great grand daughters and two great grand sons. By modern day standards , we are not rich but both of us think that whatever we have is all that we need. We believe strongly in God and also believe he knows what we need. For the past ten years I have been helping thousands of people all over the world with astrological consultation mainly on matching horoscopes. Several times we were offered huge amounts of money but we both decided that we will not take any money. We do have differences in our likes, dislikes and priorities in life. But very early in married life we decided that these differences would not create even a small ripple in our married life. I am sure that God guides us even here and we both salute him and tell “Sir , a big thank you”, and I would like to say to her , “My wife, I consider you as the greatest blessing Of God to me.”

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2010

Sama Veda Upakarma Prayoga for the year 2010
(Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)

In the case of Sama Veda, The upa Karma prayogam is very extensive and differs very much from the Upakarma prayoga of Rig and Yajur Vedis.They always do it in Hastha Nakshtra of the Kanya Masa. It essentially consists of ten steps in the following order

1.Panchagavya sammelanam
2.Snana Mahasankalpam
5.Rishipooja(Uthsarjan Karma)
6.Deva,rishi, Pithru Tharpanam (264+12)
7.Ghata Poojai
Naturally these have to be done with the instruction of a Guru but in modern times when people are scattered all over the world and also because well learned Sama Vedi Purohithas are very scarce, many people are forced to do it in their home depending on some handouts. Since most of the above steps are lengthy and involve proper chanting of Sama Veda Mantras,they do only three steps of the above 10. They are

1.Snana maha Sankalpam,
2,Brahma Yagnam
3.Yagnopaveetha dharanam

English is a very inadequate language to type out Sanskrit manthras. But I have made an effort to present the needed mantras for the above steps for the year 2087 because I feel that our youngsters are more at home in English rather than in their mother toungue or Sanskrit. Since I am not a Sama Vedin I depend for the mantras on Book published by C.Sankara TRama Sastri(1956) Sama Veda Upakrama prayoga published by Sri Balamanorama press, Madras. I have also got my typing read through and to certain extent edited by Sri.P.A.Anantharaman.I am grateful to him,

Maha Samkalpam

a.Aachamanam, wear Pavithram.
b.Shuklam baradharam……..
c.Om bhoo
d.Maha samkalpam
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama rama
Tidhir Vishnu, Tatha vaara, nakshatram Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha karanam chaiva sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagat ,
Sri Govinda , Govinda, Govinda
Aadya sri bhagawatha, Aadi vishno, Aadinarayanasya achinthyaya , aparimithaya, sakthyaa, briyamaanasya, mahaa jalou ghasya madhye,
Paribrhama maanaanam aneka koti brhmaandanam madhye, eka thame,avyaktha mahadahankara pruthivya aptejo vayvakaasaa ahankaradhii -aavaranair- aavruthe- asmin mahathi bramanda-karanda-madale- aadhara sakthi – aadhi koormaa nandathi ashta diggajopari prathishtithasya uparithale -Sathyadhi loka shadkasya adho bhage, mahaa nalayamana phani raja seshasya sahasra phanaa mani mandala mandithe, lolaalokachalena parivruthe-dighdanthi-shunda dhanda-uttambhithe, lavaneshu suraa sarpee dhadhee dugdha sudhodhakrnavii parivruthe , jambhu-plaksha-saka-salmali-kusa-krouncha-pushkarakhya saptha dweepa dheepithe, Indra dheepa kaseru thamra gabhasthi naga soumya gandharwa chaarana bharathakhya nava gandathmake -Maha meru giri karnakopetha maha saroruhayamana pancha sath koti yojana vistheerna bhoo mandale- sumeru nishadha hemakoota himachala malyavath pariyathraka gandhamadhana kailasa vindhyachaladhi, maha shailadhishtithe, Lavana Samudhra mudhrithe, Bharatha Kimpurusha Hari Ilavrutha Ramyaka Hiranmaya KuruBhadrascha Kethumalakhya nava varshopashobithe, , Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe, bharatha kande, Mero Dakshine Parswe, Karma Bhoomou - Swamyavanthii kuru kshethraadhi sama bhoo Madhya rekhaya poorva dig Bhage, Vindhachalasya Dakshina dig Bhage , Dandakaranye , Sakala Jagat Srushta parardha dwaya jeewino Brahmana Pradhame Parardhe Pancha sadhabdhathmike Aatheethe, Dwitheeya parardhe, Panchasadabdhou, Pradhame Varshe, Pradahme mase , Pradhame Pakshe, Pradhame divase, AAhani dwitheeye yame , tritheeye muhurthe, swayambhuva-swarochisha-uthama-thamasa-raivatha-chakshuhakheshu, shatsu manusha vyatheetheshu, sapthame vaivaswatha manvanthare, aashta vimsathi thame, varthamane kali yuge, prathame padhe, , Shalivahana shakabdhe, Chanrda savanna souradhi maana bramithe , prabhavaadheenam sashti samvatsaranaam madhye , Vikruthi nama samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha rithou, Simha mase, Shukla pakshe, aadhya tritheeyam * shubha thidou, Brugu vasara yukthayam, hastha ** nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna, viseshana visishtaayam, asyam tritheeyam * shubha thidou, Sarva Papa Harana nipuna sri Parameswara preethyartham, Anaadhya vidhyaa vaasanaya pravarthamane , Asmin mahathi Samsara Chakre, Vichithrabh karma gathibhi- vichithrasu yonishu , puna punaranekadha janithwa, Kenaapi punya karma viseshena idhaaneentha maanushye dwija janma visesham prapthavatho mama, iha janmani poorva janmasu maya kruthaanam brahma hathyadhi -swarnaastheya –suraapana- guruthalpagamana,- maha pathaka chathushtaya, vyatheerikthaanaam , thath samsargaanaam, theshaam pathakanaam, nikshipthaya, saranaagathaaya, , pathivruthaya sangama nimithanam, nishidha sashtraabhi gamanaadheenaa, vidwad brahmana pankthi bhedhacharana , vaardhakee -vidhawa vesya vrushalyaadhi samsarga nimithaanaam, balye vaysi kaumare youvane vaardhake, jagrath swapna sushpthyavasthasu, mano vaak kaya karmendriya vyapaarai, jnanendriya vyapaaraischa, samsarga nimithaanaam, bhooyo bhooyo aabhyasthanaam, thathra thathra garbhothpathi nimithanaam, thath saha bhojana thad uchishta bhakshana, aswa yoni, paswadhi yoniretha skhalitha nimithaanam, govadha paswadhi prani vadha nimithaanam, sthree shoodhra vita kshatriya vadha nithaanaam, aayuktha lavana pakvanna madhu ksheera thila thaila maama moola phala ,
saaka raktha vasa suvarna, kambalaadhi vikraya nimithaanaam, aswadhi vahana , ikshu kanda dathana, paraapavaadana, bradhakadhyapana, asad prathi grahana, vrukshschedana, dhaanya roupya pasustheya, vaardushi karana shudhra seva, shudra preshya , heena jathi prathigraha, heena sakhya, pankthi bhedana, paka bhedana, paraa anna bhojana, asachasthra lapa, pramadhi kara, matadhikara, pourohithya, pareeksha paksha pathaka, thatakaarama vikraya, thataka vichedhanadhi sama paathakaanaam, jnantha sakruth kruthaanaam, aajnatha asakruth kruthaanaam, jnanatho aajanathaascha abhyashaanam, athyanthabhyasthaanam, nirantharabhyasthaanaam, sankari karanaanaam, malini karananaam, aapathri karanaanaam, jathi bramsa karanaanam, aavihitha karamaacharana, vihitha karma thyagaadheenaam, prakeernikaanaam upa pathakaanaam, maha pathakaanaam, aathi paathakaanaam, evam navaanam nava vidhaanaam, bahoonaam bahuvidhaanaam sarveshaam papa namapanodhana dwara, aayajya yaajanaasath prathi grahaa bakshya bhakshanaa bhojya bhojanaa peya paanaadhi samastha papa kshyartham,
aswatha narayana sannidhou-deva brahmana sannidhou-tryaa trimsath koti devathaa sannidhou-sri visaalakshi sametha visweswara swami sannidhou-mahaa ganapathi sannidhou-seetha lakshmana bharatha sathrugna-hanumat samedha sri rama chandra swmai sannidhou-sri rukmani sathyabhama samedha sri gopala Krishna swami sannidhou-hari hara puthra swami sannidhou-sri lakshmi narayana swami sannidhou
Mama samastha papa kshyartha proshta padhyam hastharshe adhya yoth sarjana karmangam maadhyahnika snaanamaham karishye, maadhyahnika snaanamaham karishye.

Aathi kroora maha kaya kalpantha dahanopama,
Bhairavaya namasthubhyam aanugnaam dhathu marhasi.

Durbhojana duraalaapa dush prathigraha sambhavam,
Paapam hara mama kshipram sahyakanye namosthuthe.

Triraathram jahnavi theere pancha rathram thu yaamune,
Sadhya punathu kaaveri papa maamaranthikam.

Ganga gangethi yo brooyaadh yo janaanaam shatai rapi,
Muchyathe sarva paapebhyo Vishnu lokam sa gachathi. (take bath thus)

After bath (Nowadays people only take Sankala Snanam by sprinkling water)

take Pancha Gavyam chanting

Yathavagasthi gatham papam dehe thishtathi maamake,
Praasanam pancha gavyasya dahathwagni rivendanam.

Take bath again, wear dry cloths, put on caste marks, do regular daily duties and then do Brahma Yagna.

*Up to 6.58 AM IST of 10/9/2010 Dwitheeya , afterwards Tritheeya and ** up to 6.11 PM IST is Hastham and then Chithra Nakshatra . .If in any country , you are performing the japam after 6.11 PM IST of 10/9/2010 that ,change Hastham to Chithra but the Upakarmam should be performed before “Hastham “ changes..This would be for example applicable in many parts of USA

Summary meaning:Here again apart from locating oneself with reference to time , one locates himself with reference to place also.We are supposed to live in Jambu Dweepa, Bharatha Kanda which is south of the great mountain Maha meru.Then again this Bhasratha Kanda is blessed with many holy rivers and holy places.Then prayer is done to God to pardon sins committed by word, thought and deed, because this was done inspite of his great grace which made us be born as human beings after several wheels of birth.Also the sins performed during several ages in life is highlighted.Some of the sins specifically mentioned are those done while earning money without conscience, giving money to improper people, actions which did not suit the caste we are born in, cutting of tree, spoiling a lake , trading of several banned commodities such as salt , blanket, meat, root , fruit etc, sins due to non performance of actions which ought to have been done and so on. We pray God and tell him that we would take bath in holy pure water and then start the veda parayanas which is our duty as a Brahmin.

2.Brahma Yagnam.

1. Perform Achamanam
2. Face eastern direction and do “Shuklam baradaram….” Followed by pranayamam “om Bhoo…”
3. Mamopatha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri Parameshwara preethyartham Brahma Yagnam karishye. Brahma yagnena Yakshye.
4. Chant and clean the hands with water
Vidhyudasi paapmanam vidhya me paapmanam amruthath Sathya mupaime
And then chant
Om Bhorbavassuva
Om tatsa vithurvarenyam.
Om Bhargo devasya Dheemahi
Om Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya dheemahi
Om Dhiyo yona prachodayath

Om Bhoo, Om Bhuva, Om Suva, Om Sathyam,Om Purusha

Om Bhoo, bhoo., hoi bhoo, Hoi bhoo Haa aavu vaa a, suvarjyothi aa

Om Bhuvaa, Bhuva, Hoi Bhuva, Hoi Bhuva, Haa aavu vaa a,suvarjyothi aa

Om Suvaa , Suva, Hoi Bhuva, Hoi Bhuva, Haa aavu vaa a,suvarjyothi aa

Om Sathyam , Sathyam, Hoi Bhuva, Hoi Bhuva, Haa aavu vaa a,suvarjyothi aa

Om Purushaa , Purusha, Hoi Bhuva, Hoi Bhuva, Haa aavu vaa a,suvarjyothi aa

Om Thatsa vithurvarenyam , bhargo devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yoo na Pracho aa, him , dhayo Aaa aa,

Om Agnimeele purohitham Yagnasya Dheva mruthvijam, hotharam Rathna Dhathamam
Om Ishe Tworje Thwa ,vayavasthapayavastha Devo vassavitha prarpayathu sreshtathamaya karmane
Om Agna Aayahi veethaye grunano havyadathaye, ni hotha sadhsi bharhishi
Om sanno devirabheeshtaya Aapo peethaye sam yorabhisravanthu na

5. Sprinkle water round the head by reciting
Sathyam Thapa sradhayam juhomi

6. Recite three times with folded hands
Om namo brahmane namosthwagnaye nama pruthwyai nama oshadheebhya namo vaache namo vaachaspathaye namo vishnave bruhathe karomi.

8.Clean the hands again with water by reciting “vrushtirasi vruschame paapmanamamruthath sathyamupaaga”

Devarshi Pithru tharpanam Karishye

9.Do deva tharpanam through the tip of fingers
1.Bramodaya ye deva thaan devaan tharpayami
2.Sarvaan devaan tharpayami
3. Sarva deva ganaan tharpayami
4.Sarva deva pathnis tharapayami
5.Sarva deva ganapathnis tharpayami
6.Sarva deva puthaam stharpayami
7.Sarva deva gana puthamstharpayami

10. Do rishi tharpanam(each twice) by wearing yagnopaveetha as garland and pouring out water from the little finger
1,Krishna dwaipayanaya ye rishaya thaan rishin tharpayami
2. Sarvaan risheen tharpayami
3.Sarva rishi ganaan tharpayami
4. Sarve rishi pathnis tharpayami
5,Sarva rishi gana pathnistharpayami
6.Sarva rishi puthramstharpayami
7.Srava rishi gana puthramstharpayami

11.Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers
1.Rig vedam tharpayami
2.Yajur Vedam tharpayami
3. Sama Vedam tharpayami
4. Atharva Vedam tharpayami
5. Ithihasa puranam tharpayami

12.Only those who have lost their father (others go to step 13)do Pithru tharpanam wearing the yagnopaveetham on the right shoulder pouring water between the thumb. And index finger(thrice).
1.Soma pithruman yamo angiraswan agni kavyavahana ithyadaya ye pithara
thaan pithrun tharpayami,
2. Sarvaan pithrun tharpayami
3. Sarva pithru ganan tharpayami
4. Sarva pithru pathnistharpayami
5. Sarva pithru ganapanthnistharpayami
6.Sarva Pithru puthrastharpayami
7.Sarva pithru gana puthraastharpayami
8.oorjam vahanthi amrutham grutham paya keelaalam parisruyatham
swadaastha tharpayatha me pithrun
13.Put the Yagnopa Vita in the Normal fashion and do Aachamanam

Brahma yagnam(sacrifice to Brahma) is the oblation offered to satisfy Devas, Rishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). It is supposed to be performed daily after Madhyannikam, But nowadays it is done mainly on avani avittam days.
3.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra
( Manthra for wearing Poonal)
a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhaye
b.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswarom
c.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham
Sroutha smartha vihitha sadachara nithya karmaanushtanaa yogyatha sidhyartham brhma teja abhivrudyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam karishye.

d.Yagnopaveetha dharana maha manthrasya
Parabrhma rishi(Touch forehead)
Trushtup chanda (touch below nose)
Paramathma devatha (touch heart)

e.Yagnopaveetha dharane viniyoga

Wear Poonal one by one by reciting(poonal should be held by both hands, the tie in the poonal being held above by the right hand facing upwards)
Yagnopaveetham paramam pavithram praja pathe,
Yat sahajam purasthad aayushyam
Agriyam prathi muncha shubram yagnopaveetham balamasthu theja.

f.After wearing all poonals one by one do Aachamanam

g.Remove the old poonals and break them to pieces by reciting

Upaveetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kasmala dooshitham, visrujami jale punarbrahman varcho deergayurasthu me.

h.Do aachamanam.

Summary meaning: I wear the white yagnopavitha that is purifying , which was born along with brahma, which is capable of increasing life .I am sure this would give glory and strength to me.I am destroying the dirty , soiled yagnopavita .

6.Gaayathri japam (25-8-2010)
For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis

2,Shuklaam baradharam
3.Om bhoo
4.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri parameshwara preethyartham Tadeva lagnam sudhinam tadaiva, tharaa balam chandra balam thadaiva , vidhya balam daiva balam tadaiva, Sri Lakshmi pathe aangriyugam smaramaami
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama Shubhe Shobane muhurthe adya Brahmana dwiteeya paradhe , Swetha varaha kalpe, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare, Ashtavimsathi thame , Kali yuge, Prathame pade, Jambhu Dwipe, Bharatha Varshe,Bhartaha Kande, Mero Dakshine Parswe, Sakabdhe, Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike, Prabhavadhi Sashti Samavathsaranaam Madhye, Vikruthi nama Samvathsare , Dakshinayane, Varsha Rithou, Simha mase Krishna pakshe aadhya prathamaayam* shubha thidou Soumya vaasara yukthayaam sathabishak ** nakshatra yukthaayam shubha yoga shubha karana evam guna viseshana visisishtaayam asyaam prathamaayam shubha thidou mithyaa theetha prayaschittartham ashtothara sahasra samkya gayatri maha manthra japam karishye.
Start from Pravasya Rishi brahma…. followed by aayathith anuvagasya… and then chant the gaythri manthra 1008 times.
Complete with Abhivaadaye and then complete with
Kayena vacha…….
* Prathma is up to 11.02 PM IST from 6.26 AM IST of 25/8/2010 .Afterwards chande to Dwitheeyam shubha thidhou
**Shathabishak is up to 12.03 AM on 26/8/2010 IST , afterwards Poorva Proshtapada Nakshatra yukthayam .
Please compare the time when you are doing japam to IST and do corrections accordingly.

Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010

Rig Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010*

Avani Avittam 23-8-2010(Monday)
(compiled by P.R.Ramachander)

1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra
( Manthra for wearing Poonal)
a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhaye
b.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswarom
c.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham
Sroutha smartha vihitha sadachara nithya karmaanushtanaa yogyatha sidhyartham brhma teja abhivrudyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam karishye.

d.Yagnopaveetha dharana maha manthrasya
Parabrhma rishi(Touch forehead)
Trushtup chanda (touch below nose)
Paramathma devatha (touch heart)

e.Yagnopaveetha dharane viniyoga

Wear Poonal one by one by reciting(poonal should be held by both hands, the tie in the poonal being held above by the right hand facing upwards)
Yagnopaveetham paramam pavithram praja pathe,
Yat sahajam purasthad aayushyam
Agriyam prathi muncha shubram yagnopaveetham balamasthu theja.

f.After wearing all poonals one by one do Aachamanam

g.Remove the old poonals and break them to pieces by reciting

Upaveetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kasmala dooshitham, visrujami jale punarbrahman varcho deergayurasthu me.

h.Do aachamanam.

Summary meaning: I wear the white yagnopavitha that is purifying , which was born along with brahma, which is capable of increasing life .I am sure this would give glory and strength to me.I am destroying the dirty , soiled yagnopavita .

2.Maha Samkalpam
(23-8-2010 after Madhyaanikam and Brahma yagnam*)
b.Shuklam baradharam……..
c.Om bhoo
d.Maha samkalpam
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama rama
Tidhir Vishnu, Tatha vaara, nakshatram Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha karanam chaiva sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagat ,
Sri Govinda , Govinda, Govinda
Aadya sri bhagawatha, Aadi vishno, Aadinarayanasya achinthyaya , aparimithaya, sakthyaa, briyamaanasya, mahaa jaloughasya madhye,
paribrhamatham aneka koti brhmaandanam madhye, eka thame, prithya aptejo vayvakaasaa ahankaradhi -mahada vyakthai-aavaranair- aavruthe- asmin mahathi bramanda-karandaka-madhye aadhara sakthi –koormaa nandathi ashta diggajopari prathishtithasya , athala-vithala-suthala-rasaathala-thalaa thala-mahaathala-pathalakyai loka sapthakasya upari thale, punya kruthaam nivaasabhuthe bhoor –bhuvar-suvar-mahar-janarr-thapa-satyaakhyai loka shatkasya adho bhage mahaa nalayamana phani raja seshasya sahasra phanaa mani mandala mandithe, dighdanthi-shunda dhanda-uttambhithe, panchasath koti yojana vistheerne, lokaloka –achalena valayithe lavaneshu-sura-sarpi-dhadhi-ksheera-udakaarnavischa parivruthe, jambhu-plaksha-saka-salmali-kusa-krouncha-pushkarakhya saptha dweepanaam madhye, Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe, bharatha kande, prajaapathi kshetre dandakaaranya-chamapakaaranya-vindhyaaranya-veekshaaranya-vedaaranayaadhi, aneka punya aaranyaanam Madhya pradeshe, karma bhoomou, rama –sethu-kedharayoo madya pradaeshe , Bhaageerathi-Gouthami-Krishna veni-Yamuna-Narmadaa-Thungabadhraa-Triveni-Malaapahaarini-kaveri- ithyadi , aaneka punya nadhi viraajithe, Indraprastha-Yamaprastha-Aavanthikaapuri-Hasthinaapuri-Ayodhyaa puri-Maayaa puri-Kasi puri-Kanchi puri-Dwarakaa aadi aneka punya puree viraajithe Sakala jagat srushta, parardha dwaya jeevana, bramana dweethiya parardhe, Pancha sathabdhou, prathame varshe, prathame mase, prathame pakshe, prathame divasae, aahni, dweethiye yame, trithiye muhurthe, swayambhuva-swarochisha-uthama-thamasa-raivatha-chakshu shakheshu, shatsu manusha atheetheshu, sapthame vaivaswathe manvanthare, aashta vimsathi thame, kali yuge, prathame padhe, Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe , Bharatha kande, Mero dakshine parswe. Asmin varthamane , vyavaharike prabhavaadheenam sashtya samvatsaranaam madhye , Vikruthi nama samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha rithou, Simha mase, Krishna pakshe, aadhya Chat5hurdasyam * shubha thidou, Indu vasara yukthayam, Sravana nakshatra yukthayam**, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna, viseshana visishtaayam, asyam Chathurdasyam * shubha thidou,
anaadhya vidhya pravarthamane asmin mahathi samsara chakre vichitrabhi karma gathibhi vichitrasu yonishu puna puna anekadha janithwa kenapi punya karma viseshena idhaanimthana manushye dwijanma visesham prapthavatho mama jjanmabhyasa jjanama prabruthi ethath kshana paryantham , baalye, vayasi kaumare yowane vaardhake cha jagrath swapna sushupthya avasthamsu mano vak kaya karmendriya jnanendriya vyaparai kama-krodha-lobha-moha-madha-mathsaryaadhi sambhavithaanam iha janmani janmanthare cha jnana ajnana kruthaanam maha pathakanaam mahaa patathakanumanthratwadeenam , samapathakaanaam upapaathakaanaam malini karanaanam nindhitha dhana dhaano upa jeevanaadeenam aapathrikarananaam jathi bramsa karaanam vihitha karma thyaagaaadeenam jnanadha sakruth kruthanaam ajnanatha asakruth kruthaanam sarveeshaam papaanam sadhya aapanodhanartham
aswatha narayana sannidhou-deva brahmana sannidhou-tryaa trimsath koti devathaa sannidhou-sri visaalakshi sametha visweswara swami sannidhou-mahaa ganapathi sannidhou-seetha lakshmana bharatha sathrugna-hanumt samedha sri rama chandra swmai sannidhou-sri rukmani sathyabhama samedha sri gopala Krishna swami sannidhou-hari hara puthra swami sannidhou-sri lakshmi narayana swami sannidhou sraavanyaam pournamasyaam adhyopakrama karma karishye.Thadangam sravanee pournamasi punyakale sareera shudhartam shuddhodhaka snanam aham karishye
Athi krura maha kaya, kalpanthahanopama,
Bairavaya namasthubhyam anujnam dathu marhasi

*Chathurdasi is up to 8.09 PM IST on 23/8/2010 and ** Sravana Nakshatra is up to 6.05 PM IST on 23/8/2010 according to the Panchanga.If in any country , you are performing the japam after that change Chaturdasyam to Pournamyam and Sravana to Sravishta nakshtra yukthayam.

Summary meaning:Here again apart from locating oneself with reference to time , one locates himself with reference to place also.We are supposed to live in Jambu Dweepa, Bharatha Kanda which is south of the great mountain Maha meru.Then again this Bhasratha Kanda is blessed with many holy rivers and holy places.Then prayer is done to God to pardon sins committed by word, thought and deed, because this was done inspite of his great grace which made us be born as human beings after several wheels of birth.Also the sins performed during several ages in life is highlighted.Some of the sins specifically mentioned are those done while earning money without conscience, giving money to improper people, actions which did not suit the caste we are born in, sins due to non performance of actions which ought to have been done and so on. We pray God and tell him that we would take bath in holy pure water and then start the veda parayanas which is our duty as Brahmin.

3.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra

After bath again change poonal by reciting manthra as given in s.No.1.Please note that now a days very rarely people take bath after mahaa sankalpam but do prokshana snanam i.e bath by sprikling of water on the head.

4.Kanda Rishi Tharpanam
2,Shklaama baradharam
3.Om bhoo
4.Mamo patha samastha durida kshya dwara sri parameshwata preethyartham sravanyaam pournamaasyam adhyoyapakrama karmangam kanda rishi tharpanam karishye.
Wear poonal as garland and do tharpanam using water mixed with thil (black gingely) and akshatha
Each manthra has to be chanted thrice and tharpanam done.

1.Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami
2,Somam kanda rishim tharpayami
3.Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami
4.Viswaan devaan kanda rishim tharpayaami
5.Saahinkeer devatha upanishadha tharpayami
6.Yagnigeer devatha upanishadha tharpayaami
7.Vaaruneer devatha upanishadha tharpayami
8.Brhamanagum swayubhuvam tharpayaami
9.Sadasaspathim tharpayami
wear poonal in the normal fashion and then do aachamana.

Summary meaning:Tharpanam means really satisfying.By this tharpanam we satisfy the rishi(sages) of Soma(moon), Agni(fire), Viswaan devan(all gods looking after earth), etc.


Though these are essential part of Avani avittam , I am not giving this because Vedic manthraas are very diffcult to transliterate in to English and reading them wrongly would be counter productive.
6.Gaayathri japam (25-8-2010)
For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis

2,Shuklaam baradharam
3.Om bhoo
4.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri parameshwara preethyartham Tadeva lagnam sudhinam tadaiva, tharaa balam chandra balam thadaiva , vidhya balam daiva balam tadaiva, Sri Lakshmi pathe aangriyugam smaramaami
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama Shubhe Shobane muhurthe adya Brahmana dwiteeya paradhe , Swetha varaha kalpe, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare, Ashtavimsathi thame , Kali yuge, Prathame pade, Jambhu Dwipe, Bharatha Varshe,Bhartaha Kande, Mero Dakshine Parswe, Sakabdhe, Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike, Prabhavadhi Sashti Samavathsaranaam Madhye, Vikruthi nama Samvathsare , Dakshinayane, Varsha Rithou, Simha mase Krishna pakshe aadhya prathamaayam* shubha thidou Soumya vaasara yukthayaam sathabishak ** nakshatra yukthaayam shubha yoga shubha karana evam guna viseshana visisishtaayam asyaam prathamaayam shubha thidou mithyaa theetha prayaschittartham ashtothara sahasra samkya gayatri maha manthra japam karishye.
Start from Pravasya Rishi brahma…. followed by aayathith anuvagasya… and then chant the gaythri manthra 1008 times.
Complete with Abhivaadaye and then complete with
Kayena vacha…….
* Prathma is up to 11.02 PM IST from 6.26 AM IST of 25/8/2010 .Afterwards chande to Dwitheeyam shubha thidhou
**Shathabishak is up to 12.03 AM on 26/8/2010 IST , afterwards Poorva Proshtapada Nakshatra yukthayam .
Please compare the time when you are doing japam to IST and do corrections accordingly.

Appendix Brahma Yagnam.

1. Perform Achamanam
2. Face eastern direction and do “Shuklam baradaram….” Followed by pranayamam “om Bhoo…”
3. Mamopatha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri Parameshwara preethyartham Brahma Yagnam karishye. Brahma yagnena Yakshye.
4. Chant and clean the hands with water
Vidhyudasi paapmanam vidhya me paapmanam amruthath Sathya mupaime
And then chant
Om Bhooo tatsa vithurvarenyam
Om Bhuva Bhargo devasya Dheemahi
Ogum suva Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Bhooo Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya dheemahi
Om Bhuva Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Ogum Suva Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo yona prachothayath

5. Chant Vedic manthras
Om Agnimeele purohitham Yagnasya Dheva mruthvijam, hotharam Rathna Dhathamam
Om Ishe Twoje Thwa vayavasthapayavastha Devo vassavitha prarpayathu sreshtathamaya karmane
Om Agna Aayahi veethaye grunano havyadathaye, ni hotha sadhsi bharhishi
Om sanno devirabheeshtaya Aapo peethaye sam yorabhisravanthu na
After this recite if possible vedic manthras that you know like Rudram, Chamakam etc

6. Sprinkle water round the head by reciting
Sathyam Thapa sradhayam juhomi

7. Recite three times with folded hands
Om namo brahmane namosthwagnaye nama pruthwyai nama oshadheebhya namo vaache namo vaachaspathaye namo vishnave bruhathe karomi.

8.Clean the hands again with water by reciting “vrushtirasi vruschame paapmanamamruthath sathyamupaaga”
Do aachamanam
8. Chant “shuklam baradaram….”
9. Do Pranayamam, “om Bhoo…”
10. Mamopatha samastha duritha kshaya dwara sri parameshwra preethyartham deva-rishi-pithru tharpanam karishye.
11. Touch water and clean your hands
12. Do deva tharpanam through the tip of fingers
1.Bramodaya ye deva thaan devaan tharpayami
2.Sarvaan devaan tharpayami
3. Sarva deva ganaan tharpayami
4.Sarva deva pathnis tharapayami
5.Sarva deva ganapathnis tharpayami
13, Do rishi tharpanam by wearing yagnopaveetha as garland and pouring out water from the liitle finger
1,Krishna dwaipayanaya ye rishaya thaan rishin tharpayami
2. Sarvaan risheen tharpayami
3.Sarva rishi ganaan tharpayami
4. Sarve rishi pathnis tharpayami
5,Sarva rishi gana pathnistharpayami
6. Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami
7. Somam kanda rishim tharpayami
8. Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers
9. Viswan devan kanda rishin tharpayami
10. Samihithir devatha upanishada tharpayami
11. Yagnigir devatha upanishada tharpayami
12.Varuneer devatha upanishada tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham and pour water by towards the left
13. Havyavaham tharpayami
14.Viswaan devaan kanda rishin tharpayaami
Pour water by the bottom of the palm towards self
15.Brahmanam swayambhuvam tharpayami
16.Viswan devan kandarishin tharpayami
17.Arunan kandarishin tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers
18.Sadasaspathim tharpayami
19.Rig vedam tharpayami
20.Yajur Vedam tharpayami
21. Sama Vedam tharpayami
22. Atharvana Vedam tharpayami
23. Ithihasa puranam tharpayami
24. Kalpam tharpayami
14.Only those who have lost their father (others go to step 15)do Pithru tharpanam wearing the yagnopaveetham on the right shoulder pouring water between the thumb. And index finger.
1.Soma pithruman yamo angiraswan agni kavyavahana ithyadaya ye pithara
thaan pithrun tharpayami,
2. Sarvaan pithrun tharpayami
3. Sarva pithru ganan tharpayami
4. Sarva pithru pathnistharpayami
5. Sarva pithru ganapanthnistharpayami
6.oorjam vahanthi amrutham grutham paya keelaalam parisruyatham
swadaastha tharpayatha me pithrun trupyatha, trupyatha, trupyatha
7.Aabrahma sthambha paryantham jagat trupyathu
15.Put the yagnopaveetha in the normal fashion
Pour water saying Om That sat Brahmarpanamasthu
And then do aachamanam.
Brahma yagnam(sacrifice to Brahma) is the oblation offered to satisfy Devas, Rishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). It is supposed to be performed daily after Madhyannikam, But nowadays it is done mainly on avani avittam days.

Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010

Yajur Vedi Avani Avittam for the year 2010*

Avani Avittam 24-8-2010(Tuesday)
(Compiled by P.R.Ramachander)
1.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra
( Manthra for wearing Poonal)
a.Aachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam………. Santhaye
b.Om Bhoo…………..Bhoorbhavaswarom
c.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri paameshwara preethyartham
Sroutha smartha vihitha sadachara nithya karmaanushtanaa yogyatha sidhyartham brhma teja abhivrudyartham yagnopaveetha dharanam karishye.

d.Yagnopaveetha dharana maha manthrasya
Parabrhma rishi(Touch forehead)
Trushtup chanda (touch below nose)
Paramathma devatha (touch heart)

e.Yagnopaveetha dharane viniyoga

Wear Poonal one by one by reciting(poonal should be held by both hands, the tie in the poonal being held above by the right hand facing upwards)
Yagnopaveetham paramam pavithram praja pathe,
Yat sahajam purasthad aayushyam
Agriyam prathi muncha shubram yagnopaveetham balamasthu theja.

f.After wearing all poonals one by one do Aachamanam

g.Remove the old poonals and break them to pieces by reciting

Upaveetham bhinna thanthum jeernam kasmala dooshitham, visrujami jale punarbrahman varcho deergayurasthu me.

h.Do aachamanam.

Summary meaning: I wear the white yagnopavitha that is purifying , which was born along with brahma, which is capable of increasing life .I am sure this would give glory and strength to me.I am destroying the dirty , soiled yasgnopavita .

2.Kamo karshet Japam (24-8-2010 morning)
a.Aaachamanam:Shuklaam Bharadharam…….Santhaye
b.Om Bhoo
c.Mamo patha--- Preethyartham
Tadeva lagnam sudhinam tadaiva, tharaa balam chandra balam thadaiva , vidhya balam daiva balam tadaiva, Sri Lakshmi pathe aangriyugam smaramaami
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama
Tidhir Vishnu, Tatha vaara, nakshatram Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha karanam chaiva sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagat ,
Sri Govinda , Govinda, Govinda
Aadhya sri bagavatha mahaa purushasya Vishnor Agnaya , Pravarthamanasya , Aadhya brhmana , dweethiya parardhe, swetha varaha kalpe, , Vaivaswatha manvanthare, ashta vimsathi thame, kali yuge, prathame padhe, Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe , Bharatha kande, Mero dakshine parswe. Asmin varthamane , vyavaharike prabhavaadheenam sashti samvatsaranaam madhye , Vikruthi nama samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha rithou, Simha mase, shukla pakshe, aadhya pournamasyam shubha thidou, Bhouma vasara yukthayam, Sravishta** nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna, viseshana visishtaayam, asyam pournamaasyam shubha thidou, taishyaam pournamaasyam* adhyot sarjana akarana praayaschithartham , samvatsara praayaschithartham, cha ashtothara satha samkhyaa “kamo karsheth manyura karsheth” ithi maha manthra japam karishye.
d.Then chant “Kamo karsheth manyura karsheth namo nama” 108 times
e.Afterwards perform Aachamana and say”Kama manyu upastham karishye” , Om tat sat brahmaarpanam asthu.
*Pournami is till 10.35 PM IST ** Sravishta Nakshatra is up to 9.04 PM IST on 24/8/2010 according to the Panchanga.If in any country , you are performing the japam after 9.04 PM, change Sraviishta to Sathabhishak nakshtra yukthayam.If you are doing it after 10.35 Pm IST , change also Pornamasyam Shubha Thidhou to Pradhamyam Shubha Thidhou .This would be for example applicable in many parts of USA.This is also applicable to mantras of Maha Sankalpam given below.

Summary meaning:The Brahmin first prays God that the time of doing whatever it may be should become holy and this he is sure is achieved by prayer to God.Then he tells when he is doing this japa, for example which year, which season, which day and so on.And he says that this japa is being done as a repentance for his not perfornming various religious duties during the year that he ought to have performed.The main manthra is a prayer to pardon the lapses which were due to Kama(passion) krodha(anger) and lopa(avarice)

3.Maha Samkalpam
(24-8-2010 after Madhyaanikam and Brahma yagnam*)
b.Shuklam baradharam……..
c.Om bhoo
d.Maha samkalpam
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama rama
Tidhir Vishnu, Tatha vaara, nakshatram Vishnu reva cha
Yogascha karanam chaiva sarvam Vishnu mayam Jagat ,
Sri Govinda , Govinda, Govinda
Aadya sri bhagawatha, Aadi vishno, Aadinarayanasya achinthyaya , aparimithaya, sakthyaa, briyamaanasya, mahaa jaloughasya madhye,
paribrhamatham aneka koti brhmaandanam madhye, eka thame, prithya aptejo vayvakaasaa ahankaradhi -mahada vyakthai-aavaranair- aavruthe- asmin mahathi bramanda-karandaka-madhye aadhara sakthi –koormaa nandathi ashta diggajopari prathishtithasya , athala-vithala-suthala-rasaathala-thalaa thala-mahaathala-pathalakyai loka sapthakasya upari thale, punya kruthaam nivaasabhuthe bhoor –bhuvar-suvar-mahar-janarr-thapa-satyaakhyai loka shatkasya adho bhage mahaa nalayamana phani raja seshasya sahasra phanaa mani mandala mandithe, dighdanthi-shunda dhanda-uttambhithe, panchasath koti yojana vistheerne, lokaloka –achalena valayithe lavaneshu-sura-sarpi-dhadhi-ksheera-udakaarnavischa parivruthe, jambhu-plaksha-saka-salmali-kusa-krouncha-pushkarakhya saptha dweepanaam madhye, Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe, bharatha kande, prajaapathi kshetre dandakaaranya-chamapakaaranya-vindhyaaranya-veekshaaranya-vedaaranayaadhi, aneka punya aaranyaanam Madhya pradeshe, karma bhoomou, rama –sethu-kedharayoo madya pradaeshe , Bhaageerathi-Gouthami-Krishna veni-Yamuna-Narmadaa-Thungabadhraa-Triveni-Malaapahaarini-kaveri- ithyadi , aaneka punya nadhi viraajithe, Indraprastha-Yamaprastha-Aavanthikaapuri-Hasthinaapuri-Ayodhyaa puri-Maayaa puri-Kasi puri-Kanchi puri-Dwarakaa aadi aneka punya puree viraajithe Sakala jagat srushta, parardha dwaya jeevana, bramana dweethiya parardhe, Pancha sathabdhou, prathame varshe, prathame mase, prathame pakshe, prathame divasae, aahni, dweethiye yame, trithiye muhurthe, swayambhuva-swarochisha-uthama-thamasa-raivatha-chakshu shakheshu, shatsu manusha atheetheshu, sapthame vaivaswathe manvanthare, aashta vimsathi thame, kali yuge, prathame padhe, Jamboo dweepe, Bharatha varshe , Bharatha kande, Mero dakshine parswe. Asmin varthamane , vyavaharike prabhavaadheenam sashtya samvatsaranaam madhye , Vikruthi nama samvatsare, Dakshinaayane, Varsha rithou, Simha mase, shukla pakshe, aadhya pournamasyam* shubha thidou, Bhouma vasara yukthayam, Uthrashada** nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubha karana evam guna, viseshana visishtaayam, asyam pournamaasyam* shubha thidou,
anaadhya vidhya pravarthamane asmin mahathi samsara chakre vichitrabhi karma gathibhi vichitrasu yonishu puna puna anekadha janithwa kenapi punya karma viseshena idhaanimthana manushye dwijanma visesham prapthavatho mama jjanmabhyasa jjanama prabruthi ethath kshana paryantham , baalye, vayasi kaumare yowane vaardhake cha jagrath swapna sushupthya avasthamsu mano vak kaya karmendriya jnanendriya vyaparai kama-krodha-lobha-moha-madha-mathsaryaadhi sambhavithaanam iha janmani janmanthare cha jnana ajnana kruthaanam maha pathakanaam mahaa patathakanumanthratwadeenam , samapathakaanaam upapaathakaanaam malini karanaanam nindhitha dhana dhaano upa jeevanaadeenam aapathrikarananaam jathi bramsa karaanam vihitha karma thyaagaaadeenam jnanadha sakruth kruthanaam ajnanatha asakruth kruthaanam sarveeshaam papaanam sadhya aapanodhanartham
aswatha narayana sannidhou-deva brahmana sannidhou-tryaa trimsath koti devathaa sannidhou-sri visaalakshi sametha visweswara swami sannidhou-mahaa ganapathi sannidhou-seetha lakshmana bharatha sathrugna-hanumt samedha sri rama chandra swmai sannidhou-sri rukmani sathyabhama samedha sri gopala Krishna swami sannidhou-hari hara puthra swami sannidhou-sri lakshmi narayana swami sannidhou sraavanyaam pournamasyaam adhyopakrama karma karishye.Thadangam sravanee pournamasi punyakale sareera shudhartam shuddhodhaka snanam aham karishye
Athi krura maha kaya, kalpanthahanopama,
Bairavaya namasthubhyam anujnam dathu marhasi
*Pournami is till 10.35 PM IST ** Sravishta Nakshatra is up to 9.04 PM IST on 24/8/2010 according to the Panchanga.If in any country , you are performing the japam after 9.04 PM, change Sraviishta to Sathabhishak nakshtra yukthayam.If you are doing it after 10.35 Pm IST , change also Pornamasyam Shubha Thidhou to Pradhamyam Shubha Thidhou .This would be for example applicable in many parts of USA.

Summary meaning:Here again apart from locating oneself with reference to time , one locates himself with reference to place also.We are supposed to live in Jambu Dweepa, Bharatha Kanda which is south of the great mountain Maha meru.Then again this Bhasratha Kanda is blessed with many holy rivers and holy places.Then prayer is done to God to pardon sins committed by word, thought and deed, because this was done inspite of his great grace which made us be born as human beings after several wheels of birth.Also the sins performed during several ages in life is highlighted.Some of the sins specifically mentioned are those done while earning money without conscience, giving money to improper people, actions which did not suit the caste we are born in, sins due to non performance of actions which ought to have been done and so on. We pray God and tell him that we would take bath in holy pure water and then start the veda parayanas which is our duty as Brahmin.

4.Yagnopa veetha dharana manthra

After bath again change poonal by reciting manthra as given in s.No.1.Please note that now a days very rarely people take bath after mahaa sankalpam but do prokshana snanam i.e bath by sprikling of water on the head.

5.Kanda Rishi Tharpanam
2,Shklaama baradharam
3.Om bhoo
4.Mamo patha samastha durida kshya dwara sri parameshwata preethyartham sravanyaam pournamaasyam adhyoyapakrama karmangam kanda rishi tharpanam karishye.
Wear poonal as garland and do tharpanam using water mixed with thil (black gingely) and akshatha
Each manthra has to be chanted thrice and tharpanam done.

1.Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami
2,Somam kanda rishim tharpayami
3.Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami
4.Viswaan devaan kanda rishim tharpayaami
5.Saahinkeer devatha upanishadha tharpayami
6.Yagnigeer devatha upanishadha tharpayaami
7.Vaaruneer devatha upanishadha tharpayami
8.Brhamanagum swayubhuvam tharpayaami
9.Sadasaspathim tharpayami
wear poonal in the normal fashion and then do aachamana.

Summary meaning:Tharpanam means really satisfying.By this tharpanam we satisfy the rishi(sages) of Soma(moon), Agni(fire), Viswaan devan(all gods looking after earth), etc.


Though these are essential part of Avani avittam , I am not giving this because Vedic manthraas are very diffcult to transliterate in to English and reading them wrongly would be counter productive.

6.Gaayathri japam (25-8-2010)
For Yajur, Rig and Sama Vedis

2,Shuklaam baradharam
3.Om bhoo
4.Mamo patha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri parameshwara preethyartham Tadeva lagnam sudhinam tadaiva, tharaa balam chandra balam thadaiva , vidhya balam daiva balam tadaiva, Sri Lakshmi pathe aangriyugam smaramaami
Apavithra pavithro vaa sarvaavasthaam gathopi vaa , ya smareth pundari kaksham, sabahyanthara suchi , manasam vaachikam paapam , karmanaa
Samuparjitham, sri Rama smaranenaiva vyopahathi na samsaya .Sree rama Rama Shubhe Shobane muhurthe adya Brahmana dwiteeya paradhe , Swetha varaha kalpe, Vaivaswatha Manvanthare, Ashtavimsathi thame , Kali yuge, Prathame pade, Jambhu Dwipe, Bharatha Varshe,Bhartaha Kande, Mero Dakshine Parswe, Sakabdhe, Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike, Prabhavadhi Sashti Samavathsaranaam Madhye, Vikruthi nama Samvathsare , Dakshinayane, Varsha Rithou, Simha mase Krishna pakshe aadhya prathamaayam* shubha thidou Soumya vaasara yukthayaam sathabishak ** nakshatra yukthaayam shubha yoga shubha karana evam guna viseshana visisishtaayam asyaam prathamaayam shubha thidou mithyaa theetha prayaschittartham ashtothara sahasra samkya gayatri maha manthra japam karishye.
Start from Pravasya Rishi brahma…. followed by aayathith anuvagasya… and then chant the gaythri manthra 1008 times.
Complete with Abhivaadaye and then complete with
Kayena vacha…….
* Prathma is up to 11.02 PM IST from 6.26 AM IST of 25/8/2010 .Afterwards chande to Dwitheeyam shubha thidhou
**Shathabishak is up to 12.03 AM on 26/8/2010 IST , afterwards Poorva Proshtapada Nakshatra yukthayam .
Please compare the time when you are doing japam to IST and do corrections accordingly.
Appendix Brahma Yagnam.

1. Perform Achamanam
2. Face eastern direction and do “Shuklam baradaram….” Followed by pranayamam “om Bhoo…”
3. Mamopatha samastha duritha kshya dwara sri Parameshwara preethyartham Brahma Yagnam karishye. Brahma yagnena Yakshye.
4. Chant and clean the hands with water
Vidhyudasi paapmanam vidhya me paapmanam amruthath Sathya mupaime
And then chant
Om Bhooo tatsa vithurvarenyam
Om Bhuva Bhargo devasya Dheemahi
Ogum suva Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Om Bhooo Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya dheemahi
Om Bhuva Dhiyo yona prachodayath
Ogum Suva Tatsa vithurvarenyam Bhargo devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo yona prachothayath

5. Chant Vedic manthras
Om Agnimeele purohitham Yagnasya Dheva mruthvijam, hotharam Rathna Dhathamam
Om Ishe Twoje Thwa vayavasthapayavastha Devo vassavitha prarpayathu sreshtathamaya karmane
Om Agna Aayahi veethaye grunano havyadathaye, ni hotha sadhsi bharhishi
Om sanno devirabheeshtaya Aapo peethaye sam yorabhisravanthu na
After this recite if possible vedic manthras that you know like Rudram, Chamakam etc

6. Sprinkle water round the head by reciting
Sathyam Thapa sradhayam juhomi

7. Recite three times with folded hands
Om namo brahmane namosthwagnaye nama pruthwyai nama oshadheebhya namo vaache namo vaachaspathaye namo vishnave bruhathe karomi.

8.Clean the hands again with water by reciting “vrushtirasi vruschame paapmanamamruthath sathyamupaaga”
Do aachamanam
8. Chant “shuklam baradaram….”
9. Do Pranayamam, “om Bhoo…”
10. Mamopatha samastha duritha kshaya dwara sri parameshwra preethyartham deva-rishi-pithru tharpanam karishye.
11. Touch water and clean your hands
12. Do deva tharpanam through the tip of fingers
1.Bramodaya ye deva thaan devaan tharpayami
2.Sarvaan devaan tharpayami
3. Sarva deva ganaan tharpayami
4.Sarva deva pathnis tharapayami
5.Sarva deva ganapathnis tharpayami
13, Do rishi tharpanam by wearing yagnopaveetha as garland and pouring out water from the liitle finger
1,Krishna dwaipayanaya ye rishaya thaan rishin tharpayami
2. Sarvaan risheen tharpayami
3.Sarva rishi ganaan tharpayami
4. Sarve rishi pathnis tharpayami
5,Sarva rishi gana pathnistharpayami
6. Prajapathim kanda rishim tharpayami
7. Somam kanda rishim tharpayami
8. Agnim kanda rishim tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers
9. Viswan devan kanda rishin tharpayami
10. Samihithir devatha upanishada tharpayami
11. Yagnigir devatha upanishada tharpayami
12.Varuneer devatha upanishada tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham and pour water by towards the left
13. Havyavaham tharpayami
14.Viswaan devaan kanda rishin tharpayaami
Pour water by the bottom of the palm towards self
15.Brahmanam swayambhuvam tharpayami
16.Viswan devan kandarishin tharpayami
17.Arunan kandarishin tharpayami
Put the Yagnopaveetham in normal fashion and pour water from the tips of fingers
18.Sadasaspathim tharpayami
19.Rig vedam tharpayami
20.Yajur Vedam tharpayami
21. Sama Vedam tharpayami
22. Atharvana Vedam tharpayami
23. Ithihasa puranam tharpayami
24. Kalpam tharpayami
14.Only those who have lost their father (others go to step 15)do Pithru tharpanam wearing the yagnopaveetham on the right shoulder pouring water between the thumb. And index finger.
1.Soma pithruman yamo angiraswan agni kavyavahana ithyadaya ye pithara
thaan pithrun tharpayami,
2. Sarvaan pithrun tharpayami
3. Sarva pithru ganan tharpayami
4. Sarva pithru pathnistharpayami
5. Sarva pithru ganapanthnistharpayami
6.oorjam vahanthi amrutham grutham paya keelaalam parisruyatham
swadaastha tharpayatha me pithrun trupyatha, trupyatha, trupyatha
7.Aabrahma sthambha paryantham jagat trupyathu
15.Put the yagnopaveetha in the normal fashion
Pour water saying Om That sat Brahmarpanamasthu
And then do aachamanam.
Brahma yagnam(sacrifice to Brahma) is the oblation offered to satisfy Devas, Rishis(sages) and Pithrus(ancestors). It is supposed to be performed daily after Madhyannikam, But nowadays it is done mainly on avani avittam days.