
Friday, June 10, 2011

Ramya475 –Punascha Hari Om

Ramya475 –Punascha Hari Om

Unlike many old people of today, I am a trained main frame computer programmer from 1970. My knowledge helped me to computerize the Institute that I was working from 1975 to 2000 using the micro computers which came in to the market in 1975. But somehow the wave of the modern day computers did not affect me at all. So when I needed to communicate to my children over the internet, I needed an e-mail Id. Raja and Ramachander were booked even at that time. So playfully my son tried “Ramya” which was the name of the house that I built brick by brick in 1984. Even that was not available. So we had to expand it by adding the number (475) of my house and my e-mail Id became ramya475. For the past 11 years I have been using this e-mail ID in various forums and I am sure that the great web site that I built and successfully launched in geocities bore that name. When geocities closed down, with the help of the Sathya sai bhabha brotherhood, I again my web site but did not use ramya475 in the name.
Yesterday, with heart weeping I sold my Ramya bearing the number 475. She was not only the house but a mother to me. There were several occasions when I have celebrated functions in side Ramya. My son and daughter got married there. My nephew who is more like a son to me got married there. My revered father bid farewell to me at the age of 97 in that house. Being from a lower middle class home, there were days when I had wept in my Ramya. She has without any reservation always consoled me. About two years back, I had to move out of Ramya with a view to be near my child and yesterday I had to sell it. Today Ramya is not my house /my mother any more. Tears gush out of my eyes. But I saw to it that they dried up quickly for I have been successful immensely in giving ramya475 an everlasting life over the internet. Try searching for ramya475 and thousand of references to that house would tumble out.
I am in search of a new ramya475 and I am sure I will get it soon. I am tempted to say “Punascha hari om”