
Monday, May 23, 2022

Some temples in South where sarpa dosha parihara is done

 Some temples in South  where sarpa dosha parihara is done


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Types of sarpa dosha


  1. Naga dosha delaying marriage

        If Lagna has Rahu or kethu  , the seventh house  will have  one of them.


2.Naga  Dosha lessening  number of children

      It is believed  that Rahu  and Kethu in fifth  house  of  lagna  , causes  reduction of children


3. Kala sarpa   dosham


Then there is Kala sarpa dosham , where  all the other seven planets  other than Rahu and kethu are on one side. Major effect  is delaying   the marriage

Some of the general effects of kaal sarp dosh include many hurdles in life, absence of children , marriage  getting postponed  indefinitely , lack of self-confidence, health issues and shortening of life, poverty, loss of job and business, tensions and anxiety, betrayal by friends, quarrels in family and less support from friends and relatives

Temples  where sarpa dosha  pariharas  are done

1,Kala hasthi temple near  Thirupathi

       When sarpa doshas   trouble a person, he  has to do santhi for them. The  most important  temple for it is Kalahasthi  ,Detailed  timing and fees for   doing pooja is given in


2.Thirunageswaram   temple   near kumbakonam


    Performing milk abhishekam for Rahu during Rahu Kaalam at Tirunageswaram temple wards off Sarpa dosha, Kaalasarpa dosha and Kalasthra dosha and bestows devotees with child boon, marriage boon, relief from marital problems, a surge in jobs and businesses. To one’s surprise, the milk poured on the idol during abhishekam turns blue which is apparently visible with naked eyes.

3.Kukke Subrahmanya   temple , Karnataka


Sarpa Samskara/Sarpa Dosha is one of the poojas performed at Kukke Subramanya Temple by devotees to get rid of the sarpa dosha Pooja can be done either by the person afflicted if he is a male and married, or through a priest. This is because the pooja involves rituals similar to the ones done in performing shrartham (death rites). Sarpa Samskara seva devotees are required to stay for two days. The seva occurs in the day time with no particular poojas in the evening. Food arrangements will be provided to the said devotees by the temple devastanam, for four persons only per seva.

4.Mannarsala  Nagaraja temple  , Kerala

    This  is the place  where sarpa pooja  and offerings are done  in kerala,On ayilyam days   special poojas are performed here. Some particulars  are given in


5. Ayilya pooja  in any Dharma sastha temple


     On Ayilyam star  , special pooja are done   in sastha temples . It is believed , they help in getting rid of   Saroa dosham



Telling stotras  and worship of naga  raja at  home


      The easiest method to please  Rahu is to worship Lord Subrahmanya  on Tuesdays  and to please kethu is  to worship  Lord ganesa on Tuesdays