
Thursday, July 2, 2015

A request to read Ramayana during the Ramayana month

This year the Ramayana Masam starts  on  17th of July . The Adhyathma Ramayanam of  the great savant Thunjathu Ezhthachan is normally read     for the entire month   during this period. This treasure like book    occupies a  special place  in Any Maklayali Hindu home  .Unfortunately a very   large number of Maru Nadan Malayais   do not know how to read Malayalam script  and because  of that they are  unable to read  the Ramayanam, as was the practice of their ancestors. Not only that even if  they want to play the audio , most of them  do not understand the import of those nectar like verses.  One of my young friends   who does not know how to read Malayalam requested me to type out the entire Ramayanam in English    and also give  verse by verse meaning   of the entire work. By the grace of God Rama , I started doing it.  When  I was working with the translation of Sundara Kandam of that great work ,  one day  a huge monkey appeared  before  in my flat  in Koramangala, Bangalore  , where at that time I was alone and was found sitting near my lap top. Without doing   any harm to any one or anything , that monkey left after a few minutes. This incident gave me more zest  to complete the work quickly. Over the last  two years more than  twenty five thousand Malayalis have used  my   transliteration and translation   to read Ramayana during the Ramayana Masam .  To all those   who do not know   how to read  Malayalam  I  have a request.  Play   the  video  of Adhyathma Ramayana  by Sukumar, Canada   and read  the Ramayanam in English  as typed by me, side by side  understanding its meaning . Please pass on  this  information to all the Malayalis  whom you know and preserve the great culture  of  Our  own  Kerala  and get   the   blessings of Rama.
You can find my  English typing and translation in   
You can find the video of   Sukumar Canada  in


  1. What a great divine achievement! Our prayers and salutes. May Lord Sri Ramachandra Swamy bless you with long and healthy life to achieve more such blissful and divine accomplishments.

    Om Sree Ramaya Namah!

  2. Thanks a lot.God would bless my efforts if only at least the message reaches many people and they start reading Ramayana in theRamayana Masam.

  3. Sir,

    You have indeed been blessed by Mata Saraswati, Shri Ganeshji and Shri Hanumanji and your Guru.

    Future generations will owe a lot to you for this painstaking work of translation/transliteration that you have undertaken to spread the life story & message of Bhagwan Shri Ramachandra in the pious tradition of the Ramayana month-read of Adhyatma Ramayana of the famous father of letters Shri Ezhutuachan.

    It is due to people like you that the richness of Indian traditions/culture has been preserved and has been passed down from generations to generations.

    Jai Shri Ram.
    Jai Veer Hanuman.

  4. Sir, I want to read the entire ramayanam this karkkidakam month. How do I go about it? Is there a schedule to it, usually?

  5. Heelo Sir.. Om Namah Shivayah, am unable to access the Link You had provided Sir, currently ..

    Today is Ramayana month..
    Could you Please help Sir …


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander