
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Forty fifth mile stone-a poem

 Forty fifth  mile stone

A poem on the eve of  his forty fifth anniversary

Forty five years  back , on this day  me and my  wife ,
Started  walking together  in the way of life,
To  me     who had only   lonely walks  till then,
This walk with a  companion   gave a  very great joy .
The initial steps  of any path normally are rough ,
But we   two  learned  to adjust  to that  roughness,
And learned to ignore  the stones and thorns in that path.
Since  the path   was crowded  by  people known  only to me ,
My companion    did feel very nervous   and very lonely,
Then came  out,  our  storms, cyclones , tempests and tsunamis ,
Making both of us   totter  and about to fall .
Both of us the   walkers  on the great path of life ,
Believed   that there is a  great God  whom we loved ,
And all these  events   that  make us rock would  go away.
They did  and suddenly   the path  became a heaven of flowers,
Due   to the arrival   of  little  treasure of gems , who  boosted our resolve ,
“We would walk , we will not fall , for we were  three then.”
We  had soon   one more little one , a treasure  and gem of our life .
In that path of life  ,  the four  of us fought  for every inch  that we have to go,
There were  times,  when the  path became dark and difficult ,
Since we were four  , we found our way  by each of us laughing aloud.
One by one those new  companions   found other companions  and other paths
And again  we both    were left alone  in that way.
But not for long because God sent  us four of his angels,
To Babble , chatter  ,hug , kiss  , laugh and to cry.
Several mile stones have passed   after  that ,
Several of our friends  had  found their way to God,
But  today  we see the forty fifth mile stone  big and bright.


  1. Happy belated anniversary wishes thatha. Namaskaram to you and pati.

  2. Dear Sir,

    I am Ramamoorthy Sundaresan and I am admirer of your Translation of Core Hindu Words to English, which you are doing immense service to your BORN WAY.

    Accept my Namaskarams to you and your beloved, who was with you on all these days of Happiness & Sorrow, Good & Bad, Religious & Non Religious , official & personnel show you the way of this stage.

    Sure without a life partner is a half wasted life, and if she is with a man, who shall make even a sky to mend.

    Pray God to give you a long and healthy life to see HIM through your WORDS.


    R. Sundaresan

  3. Dear Sir,

    I am Ramamoorthy Sundaresan and I am admirer of your Translation of Core Hindu Words to English, which you are doing immense service to your BORN WAY.

    Accept my Namaskarams to you and your beloved, who was with you on all these days of Happiness & Sorrow, Good & Bad, Religious & Non Religious , official & personnel show you the way of this stage.

    Sure without a life partner is a half wasted life, and if she is with a man, who shall make even a sky to mend.

    Pray God to give you a long and healthy life to see HIM through your WORDS.


    R. Sundaresan

  4. Happy Anniversary(Belated).!!! Inspired by your writing and admired by your translation on different slokas.

    You are my virtual Guru in my life.

    Seek both of your blessings on this auspicious day.



I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander