Quo Vadis -My
thirukkural translations?
THirukkral has
133 chapters (note 3+3+1=7) arranged in three books viz Arathupal( Book of Dharma) ,
Porutpal( Book of wealth) and Kamathupal (book of love .).Possibly the most
accepted commentary is written
by Parinel Azhagar(Pretty one on
the top of horse ),Several commentaries in Tamil exist.
All the commentators are of the
opinion that Thiruvalluvar did not
write a chapter on salvation
because he felt that those
who live according to the
tenets that he has explained , salvation is automatic..Thirukkural was
first translated in to Latin first and later in to English which was made
in 1886.. It has been later translated
in to 13 different Indian languages
languages. Nine asian
languages and 14 european languages. Since I have studied Thirukkural with lot of interest., I wanted to translate it in
my own style. I was hesitant as I was
not a master in Tamil lanuguages
and also I thought there is no further
need of one more translation
.Anyway , I did the first
chapter of Kural entitled praise of God
and uploaded in several social forums.Many people seem to like my translation and I was encouraged
by many to translate. I
started doing it about a month back and as on today I have
translated 24 chapters.
AS mentioned earlier
, the first chapter is a
chapter praising God.The second is the praise
of rain, the greatness of
those who forsake the
world and the fourth
is about a need to lead life according to Dharma,
The next twenty chapters deal about place of a householder in the world and
the next 19 deal about how a householder can make his life ideal.
The fifth chapter
emphasizes the need for a Householder
.In the next two chapters
Valluvar emphasizes the need of a
wife of good virtue ., need for
children to make it bright.Then he emphasizes
the need for a house holder to
love other, need for hospitality,
talking of only sweet things.
Gratefulness, unbiased nature, need to have
humility, need to have good behavior, not desiring the wife of others, need for patience, need
to be not jealous, need not to desire
wealth earned by others, need not to back bite, need to avoid talking non sense. Need to desist from doing evil acts, need not to expect
gratefulness, charity and getting fane
From 25th
chapter to 37TH Chapter ,
Valluvar deals about the life of a detached person and in 38 , he
deals about fate. This would bring to
and the first book of kural dealing with Dharma.
believe that as long
as atleast few people like it and not many do not like it at all, I
should continue what I am doing If any of you think that my effort is a wasteful exercise , I am willing to stop these
translations .
No thatha. Please don't stop translating. We are reading all your translations with great interest. The simplicity in your translations is the highlight.