
Friday, November 6, 2015

Sringeri Sarada Temple and prayers and songs praising the Goddess

Sringeri Sarada  Temple and  prayers  and songs praising  the Goddess

Compiled by

    Singeri  or Srunga Giri is believed to be the place where  Sage Rishya Sringa lived  . This is in the   confluence  of two  sister  rivers  Thunga and Bhadra (Both Tributaries   to the  Krishna river  ) . The  Sringeri Sarada  Peetam  the first Peetam established  by Adhi Sankara  is located here ,. The Sarada  devi temple  is one of the many   temples  of Sarada  peetam. Sage Sureswaracharya    was the first Peedathipathi   of this peetam. There   is a very interesting story  behind Sureswara  Charya    and the  Sarada  temple .
      Adhi Sankara   in his mission   to   propagate  the philosophy of Advaitham   toured  all over India ,  trying to convince   great scholars as   well as  people  about the greatness  of Advaitha. In this mission when he went  to the town of  Mahishmathi  , he  met  a very great scholar  in Karma Kanda  , Mandana Mishra .   When Adhi Sankara  and Mandana  MIshra   could not agree  with each other  , they decided   to debate  .They both agreed that  Ubhaya Bharathi   , the wife of Mandana  Mishra should be the judge as she   was considered   as the  incarnation of Goddess  Saraswathi herself. When the debate went on  without  showing any symptom of ending, Ubahaya Bharathi gave  a garland each to Adhi Sankara   and her husband Mandana Mishra  and said  if their garland fades first they   would be considered as defeated,. After some time Mandana Mishra’s garland began to fade .Ubhaya Bharathi said that   since husband and wife are one soul in two bodies  , she also should be defeated. Adhi Sankara agreed and later Ubhaya Bharathi was   defeated. Mandana Mishra took  SAnyana and was given the name of Sureswaracharya  . Then Adhi Sankara realizing that   Ubhaya Bharathi    was Goddess  Saraswathi herself,  requested her to follow him ,. She agreed but  put a condition that   Adhi Sankara should not look back at her any time  .When they reached  Srunga giri, Adhi Sankara  noticed that  a snake with an open hood was protecting a frog from rain there and also a tiger and a deer were roaming together  . It was at that  time that  he felt that  he was not hearing the    sound of Anklets  of Ubhaya Bharathi.   Since he looked back, Ubhaya Bharathi disappeared leaving  a Sandalwood statue of mother Sarada . Adhi Sankara drew a Sri Chakra  on a stone there  and  consecrated the idol there. Then the mother  appeared before him and told  him  that  she would be with the pontiffs and sages  of the Peetam (to be called  Sarada Peetam ) there.   Later Swami Bharathi Krishna Theertha and  Sri Vidyaranya     got built that temple in the  Kerala style with tiles and   A golden idol was substituted to the  Sandalwood idol of the temple  .  The Present temple in granite was built in the twentieth centuary and was consecrated  in the year 1916   by Sri Abinava  Vidhya Theertha .A golden chariot was deicated to   her in the   year 1999.
         Along with the temple of mother  Sharada , there are several great temples in the same  peeta, some of them in the same compound and some outside .   The biggest and  great looking is the  temple of Lord, who is consecrated here as  Vidhya Sankara.  Then there  is the temples of Thorana Ganapathi, Janardhana  , Vageeswari  , Balasubramanya  ,Malahanikareswara ( 10 km away   from  the temple where  there is a growing Ganesa  statue)  , Adhi Sankara . Sureswaracharya  , the guardian deities  of sringeri town like Kalabhairava  , Anjaneya, Durgamba   and Kalikamba,  Malayala Brahma ( a  Brahma Rakshas  who was a scholarly Brahmin who refused to teach  others and later   blessed by  Swami Vidyaranya)  and Sri KOdandaramaswami. Then there  is Chandramouleeswara Linga which was given by Adhi Sankara   to Sureswaracharya , which is worshipped by the Peetathipadhi  himself thrice a day even now.
   The temples are normally open  from 6 Am -2 PM   and 5.00PM to 9 PM. And almost year round there are festivals  in  these temples.Navarathri is celebrated   in a grand scale  in the Saradambha temple  besides several other   festivals.  Some of the festivals are “5 day Sankara Jayanthi falling on the Shukla Panchami in April-May, Vyasa Puja, Varalakshmi Puja, Sri Krishna Jayanthi, Vinayaka Chaturti, Sri Vamana Jayanthi, Sri Anantha Padamanabha Vrata, Sri Uma Maheswara Vrata  and Maha Shiva rathri ”
Food  during lunch hour  is served in the temple to all the visitors, students studying in the school run by the Mutt   as well as   to all senior citizens in living   in the Senior citizen township   maintained by the Mutt.   Feeding of Huge fishes in the  temple ghat of the THunga Bhadra   river   is done by the devotees.
        The contact details are 
The Administrator,
Sringeri Mutt and its Properties,
Sringeri, Chickmagalur District,
PIN – 577139.
Phone Numbers
Fax Number
Some of the great prayers   about this Goddess  are :-
1.Sharada Bhujanga prayathashtakam
(The octet to Sharada written in a meter with snake like movement)

Adhi Shankara Bhagawat Pada

Translated by


(Sharda is the goddess of the temple town of Sringeri. She is supposed to be an incarnation of Goddess Saraswathi.Adhishankara has established one of his Mutts in this town, which is in the shores of River Thunga.
This great stotra unlike the other stotras of Adhi Shankara is difficult to follow, though it is extremely musical. Many interpretations exist because of that. I have to a large extent followed the Tamil translation (Making changes wherever I did not agree) which appeared in Brahma Sandesam, April 2009 issue. People who disagree with the translation are requested to pardon this ignoramus.)

Suvakshoja kumbham , sudha poorna kumbhaam,
Prasadavalambhaam , prapunyavalambaam,
Sadasyendu bhimbhaam , sadanoshta bhimbhaam,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 1

Having pot like breasts , which are pots full of nectar,
Prepared to shower her grace , she looks after those who do good,
And she has the form of ever glowing moon with reddish lips resembling a cherry,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.

Kadakshe dayardhraam , kare gnana mudhraam,
Kalabhir vinidhram , kalapai subhadhraam,
Purasthreem vinidhraam , pura sthunga bhadram,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 2

Brimming with mercy in her glance, showing symbol of wisdom in her hands,
Always awakened by the art forms, always wearing ornaments,
And who is the wakeful great lady and living in the shores of auspicious river Thunga*,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.
* Sringeri temple is situated in the shores of Thunga and not Thunga Bhadra
and so I have taken one meaning of Bhadhra as auspicious.

Lalaamanga phaalaam lasad gana lolaam,
Swabhakthaika paalaam , yasa sree kapolaam,
Kare thwaksha maalaam , kanath prathna lolaam,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 3

Wearing ornaments in her forehead, becoming ecstasic in good music,
Looking after her devotees , with two cheeks famous for their beauty,
And having garland of beads in her hand and who has deep liking for ornaments,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.

Su seemantha veneem drusa nirjithaineem,
Ramath keera vaneem Namath vajra panim,
Sudhamandharasyam, mudha chinthya veneem,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 4

With braided hair parted at the middle showing hanging ornamental balls,
With playing glances of a deer and worshipped by the Devendra,
With nectar like smiling face and hair that attracts our mind,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.

Susantham sudeham druganthe kachanthaam,
Lasad salla thagee manthama chinthyam,
Smara thapasai sanga poorva sthitham thaam,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 5

Very peaceful, with a pretty mien , with black hair ,with eyes like that of deer,
With shining body like a tender climber, who cannot be measured by mind,
And who existed before the imaginative world of great sages,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.

Kurange , thurange Mrugendre , Khagendre,
Maraale madhebhe mahokshe adhi rodaam,
Mahathyam navamyam sada saama roopam,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 6

She who rides on a deer, horse , lion and eagle,
She who rides on the swan, the bull and the elephant,
During the nine holy days and has a very peaceful form,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.

Jwalath kanthi vahnim , jagan mohanaamgeem,
Bhaje maanasam bhoja subrantha brungeem,
Nija stotra Sangeetha nruthya prabhangeem,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 7

She who is as pretty as raging fire, she whose prettiness attracts the world,
She who moves around the lotus like mind of her devotees like a bee,
And she whose luster is increased by true prayer , song and dance,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mother.

Bhavambhoja nethraja sampoojyamanam,
Lasan manda hasa prabha vakthra chihnaam,
Chlath chanchalodhara thadanga karnam,
Bhaje Saradambhaam ajasram madhambham. 8

She who is worshipped by Lord Vishnu, Shiva and Lord Brahma,
She whose face is lighted by her lustrous smile,
And she whose prettiness is increased by the swinging ear pendants,
And I pray that mother Sharada who is forever my mothe

2. Sarada Mahimna Stotram

Swami Sachidananda Shivabhinava  Nrusimha  Bharathi Swami
              Of   Sringeri  Peetam

Translated by

(Sarada    is the presiding deity   of Sringeri. She is considered as    the form of Goddess   Saraswathi. .This strotra is written by   the 33rd Pontiff of the  Sringeri Sarada  peeta   who lived between  1858-1912)

1.Srungadri Vasaya, vidhi priyaya,
Karunya  varambudhaye nathaya,
Vijnana dayakhila bogadhaya,
Sri Saradakhyaya namo  Mahimne

Salutaions  to greatness  of her  known as Sarada,
Who lives on Sringa mountain , who is very dear to Lord Brahma ,
Who  is the ocean of mercy   to her  devotees,
And who grants them knowledge  , mercy   and al type of pleasures.

2.THunga thata vasa kruthadharaya,
Brungali vidweshi kuchojjwalaya,
Angadari bhootha manojna hemne,
Srungara semnesthu namo  mahimne

Salutaions  to greatness   of goddess  who has lovely parting of hair,
Who living on banks of  Thunga   is honoured,
Whose  shining breasts  hates   swarm of bees  ,
And  who wears  lovely  golden ornaments on her limbs.

3.Veenalasad pani saroruhaya  ,
Sonadaraya, akhila bhagyadaya,
Kaanadha sastra pramukeshu  chanda,
Prajna  pradhayasthu  , namo Mahimne

Salutations to greatness  of goddess  sitting  on a lotus,
Holding Veena in her hands  , who has    red lips  ,
Who  grants  all luck to , experts in Sastra like Kanadha,
And who grants   very great wisdom.

4.Chandra prabhayesa   sahodharaya  ,
Chandrarbha kalakrutha masthakaya,
Indradhi  devothama  poojithaya,
Karunya santhraya   namo Mahimne

Salutations   to  greatness  of Goddess   who has nmmon as her  brother,
Who  wears  on her head   the crescent of moon  from the killer of God of death,
Who is worshiped   by Indra  and  other Devas  and who is full   of mercy.

          Ithi Sri Jagad Guru  Srunga giri  Sri SachidanandaShivabhinava
   Nrusimha Bharathi   Swamiji   Virachitha  Sarada Mahimna   stotram

    Thus ends the  “The Sarada   Mahimna Stotra written by 
Sri Sachidananda Shivabhinava  Nrusimha  Bharathi  of Sringeri  peetam.

3.Sarada Pancharathna Sthuthi
(The five gem like prayer addressed to Goddess  Sarada)

HH Bharathi theertha  Maha Swami Of Sringeri Peetam

Translated by

(Jagatguru  Bharathi Theertha Mahaswami   is the present presiding pontiff of SArada Peetam in Sringeri)

Vidhya  mudra , aksha  malaa  amrutha kalasa karaa  , Koti Surya Prakasa,
Jayaa padmodbhavasya, prantha jana thathe  sarvamishtam  disanthi,
Indroupendradhi vandhyaa , tribhuvana  janani  vaksavithri saranyaa,
Seyam Sri Saradambham  sakala sukha kari mangalaani pradadyath.

Shower on me auspiciousness, Oh Goddess who makes all people happy  , Oh mother  Saradha,
Who holds in her hand  knowledge , symbol of divinity  , rosary  and pot of nectar, who shines like billions of Suns,
Who is the wife of the lotus born , who fulfills  all the  wishes of  all people who pray her,
Who is saluted by Indra  , Upendra and devas, who is mother of three worlds, goddess of speech  and one who protects.

1.Srimada Shankara   desikendra rachitheThungaapagaa theerage,
Srungeryakhya pura sthithe , suvimale sanmouni  samsevithe,
Peete thaam  ravi koti deeptha sahithaam rajamanam shivaam,
Rajeevaaksha  mukhaam , amararchitha padaam  vandhe   sadaa Saradaam.

I always salute Sarada, who has a face with lotus like eyes ,
 Whose feet   are worshipped by Devas,Who is in the  town of Sringeri   
On the  banks of river Thunga established by Great Guru  Shankara ,
Who is very pure and  is served by great sages on the Peeta
On which she rules   with a luster   of Billion suns.

2.Padaa namra janarthi   nasa nipunaam , nadahanusandhayineem,
Vedantha prathipadhyamana vibhavam , vaadhadhi sakthi pradhaam,
Vidhyaa kalpa lathaam , Chathur mukha mukhomboja jatha  suryayithaam,
Vidhya theertha   guru uthamai raha raha samsevyamanaam  Bhaje,

I sing about that goddess who is served always by  the great Guru Vidhyatheertha,
Who  is expert in destroying the sufferings of those who bow to her feet,
Who can be prayed using musical notes, who has the fame of being described  in Vedantha,
Who confers the power of debate to us, who is  the wish giving climber of knowledge ,
And who is like the Sun God to the lotus like face    of Lord Brahma  .

3.Eeshath smera Mukhambujam, Kuchabhara namraam , trilokavanim,
DAithyavratha vinasini , kuchanjithapravrut payodhaam , shivaam,
SAmsarnava magna dheena janatha santhapa  sannasini,
Vandhe  thaam shubadhham ananya saranaa  swanthe sadaa saradaam.

I salute that  auspicious  Sarada ,  who does good to those who    do not have   protection,
Who has a gentle smile   on her lotus like face, who is bent due to heavy breasts,
Who protects  all  the three worlds Who destroys    very large number of Rakshasas,
Whose  locks of hair are   dark  like the rain bearing clouds , who is peaceful,
And who destroys the sorrow of suffering people   who are drowned  in the ocean of  domestic life.

4.Karunyamrutha vaari rasi manisaam Keyura  haarair aavrutham,
Kamare sahajaam karabja vilasathkeeraam  , Khuberarchithaam,
Kama Krodha mukhari varga samani, kaivalya sampath pradhaam,
Kanchod adbutha mana priyaam , hrudhi bhaje bhakthyaa sadaa  SAradam.

I always worship   with devotion  that Sarada in my heart, who likes to wear wonderful girdles,
Who is always      the ocean of the nectar of mercy , who wears crown and necklaces,
Who is the sister of Lord Shiva, Who holds a parrot in her hand , who is worshipped by Khubera,
Who pacifies the enemies of life such as passion and anger and grants the wealth of salvation.

5.Nithya anithyaviveka dhana nipunaam, sthuthyaam Mukundhadhibhi,
Yathyakara SAsanga mouli vinuthaam sathyarpitha swasravaam,
Nathyaa kevalameva   thushta hrudayaam  thyakthwaaanya devanaham,
BHakthyaa may hrudayambhoja anavaratham vandhe sadaa Saradam.

I salute with devotion that Sarada   who always decorates my lotus like heart leaving out other Gods,
Who is an expert  in granting the wisdom  in separating  the stable and unstable things,
Who is worshipped by Gods like Lord Vishnu whose form is like   the moon wearing a crown
Who is established in those who have dedicated    to truth,
And   is happy to be establishing herself in the heart of her devotees

4.Sharada Stotra
(Prayer to Goddess Saraswathi)

Sri Sridhara Swami of Chincholi, Karnataka

Translated by


(This great Prayer is written by a Holy sage of Karnatka called Sridhara Swami ( This stotra in sanskrit script with meaning is available in )

1.Vibudha vandithe , budha janasrithe,
Janani sharade , bhavthu they krupaa

Saluted by scholars , depended upon by the wise,
Oh mother Sharada , please shower your grace

2.Mathivikasike , mathi vishodhike,
Mathi vararchithe , kuru krupaam Shive

She who broadens and purifies wisdom,
Oh Goddess who blesses with wisdom,
Oh Consort of Shiva, please show your mercy

3.Vimala bhodhike , nija sukhathmike,
Yadhi thu they krupaa, sa thu sukhee bhaveth.

Teacher of pure knowledge , One who gives true comfort,
If I get your blessings then I would be really happy.

4.Janani they padam , jada vipasakam,
Sphuradhu sarvadaa, sphut tharam hrudhi.

Mother, your feet promotes even in your foolish devotees,
The pure knowledge always and for ever.

5.Chidavambhyahe , janani mana idham
Athi sushobhanam , visathu thava padam

Oh mother keep in my mind , your auspicious feet ,
And promote in me the divine pure knowledge

6.Thava sushobhanam, vimala roopakam,
Jagathi visthrutham , kuru dhayanvithe

Make your auspicious pure form shine,
Throughout the world, Oh merciful mother.

7.Thava krupanvithaa , jagathi naikasaa,
Thimira haraka , santhu budha janaa

Due to your mercy , the ignorant of the world,
Are cured of their blindness by wise people.

8.Mala harathmake , vimala jana pure,
Janani thwam sadaa, nivasa jnanadhe

Destroyer of bad thoughts , in this place of pure ones,
You mother should always stay and help us all.

9.Jayathu jayathu nithyam sarada veda mathaa,
Jayathu jayathu devi jnanadha mokshadhaa cha
Jayathu jayathu yaa sri sarva devairupaasya,
Jayathu jayathu nithya BHarathi chithswaroopa

Victory and victory daily to Sharada, the mother of Vedas,
Victory and victory to the goddess who grants wisdom and salvation,
Victory and victory to all those devotees of the Goddess,
Victory and victory to the Goddess with perennial divine form.

Srimath Paramahamsa parivrujacharya sadguru bhagwathaa,
Sridhara swami mana virachitham sri Saradha stotram sampoornam.

Thus ends the prayer to Sharada witten by the great saint and sage
Sridhara Swami.

5.Aarthi  Ma Sarada ki (Hindi)
(This is worship  of mother Sarada)

Translated by

1Hey Sarade  ma, Hey Sarade ma  , Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma
Thoo  swar ki devi hain , sangeeth thujse,
Har sabdh thera hain  , har geeth thujse ,
Hum hain akele  , him hain adhoore  ,
Their saran  hum  , Hamen pyar dhe ma

1. Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother  Sarada  . Oh mother , help us to come out of ignorance.
You are  the  goddess of musical notes  and so  all music is from   you,
Every word   is yours   and every   song is from you  .
We are  all alone , we are  incomplete  ,
WE have surrendered to you , Oh mother please  give us love.

2. Hey Sarade  ma, Hey Sarade ma  , Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma
Muniyom  ne samjhi, guniyom ne jaani  ,
Vedon ki bhasha  , Puranon ke  Bani ,
Hum bhi tho samje  , hum bhi tho jaane ,
Vidhyaa  ka  humko adhikar    they ma.

2. Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother  Sarada  . Oh mother , help us to come out of ignorance.
The sages understood  and  the good people came   to know ,
The language of the Vedas, the  sayings of the epics,
Make us also understand, Make us also know  ,
Oh mother   give us the  right   to knowledge.

3. Hey Sarade  ma, Hey Sarade ma  , Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma,
Thu swetha bvarni , Kamal pe viraje  ,
Hathom may veenna  , mukut sar pe saje,
Man se  hamare  mita dhe  andhere,
Hum ko  ujalon ka    samsar  dhe ma,
Hey Sarade  ma, Hey Sarade ma  , Ajnatha se hamen thar dhe ma.

3. Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother  Sarada  . Oh mother , help us to come out of ignorance.
You are sitting on a lotus of white colour  ,
You have  Veena in your hand   and  you are keeping the crown on your head ,
Please remove  all darkness   from our mind  ,
And Oh mother grant   us the  life   of brightness,
Oh Mother Sarada, Oh Mother  Sarada  . Oh mother , help us to come out of ignorance.

6.Jagadeeshvari Brahmma Hridayeshvari
(Goddess of the universe, the goddess of the heart of Brahma)
Ragam : Ragesri Thalam : Adhi

Composed by

Professer B. Ramamoorthy Rao

Translated by



Jagadeeshvari Brahmma Hridayeshvari
Sringeri peetastey Sri Sharada (Jagadeeshvari)

Goddess of the universe, the goddess of the heart of Brahma,
And mother Sarada of Sringeri Peeta


Sringara Roopadali Sri Chakra Peetadali
Sringeriyali Kulitha Vageeshvari (Jagadeeshvari)

Oh goddess of words, who sat in Sringeri,
In the lovely form on the Sri Chakra.


Kamakshi Neenagudu Kanakambari
Meenakshi Nee thaye Madhurambikey
Nalinakshi Sri Shantha Bhuvaneshvari
Gnaneshwari thaye rageswari (Jagadeeshvari)

Oh Kamakshi you have become one dressed in gold,
Oh Meenakshi you are the mother and Goddess of Madurai,
Oh Nalinakshi who is the peaceful bhuvaneswari,
Oh Gnaneswari you are the mother Goddess of Ragas.

Kaladiya shankarana karunambikey
Ninna Kaladiya Bagya kodu Jagadambikey
Bageshvari Para Brahmma swa-roopini
Vara vithu salahamma sri Krishna dasana (Jagadeeshvari)

Oh merciful goddess of the Shankara of Kaladi,
Oh mother of universe, give me luck of your feet,
Oh goddess of words whose form is the divine Brahmam,
Give advice and boons to Krishna dasa.

7.Vandeham Saradham

Swami Dayananda Saraswathi

Translated  by

Ragam  Yamuna Kalyani
Talam Chapu

Vandeham Saradham , Visharadam , Jnanadam Varadam

I salute  Goddess  SArada   who is very learned,
Who gives  wisdom and who blesses.

Shudha Sathwa svaroopineem, SWacha hrudaya nivasinim , swaprakasa  roopineem

She who  exists as purity  , She who lives in pure hearts ,
And she who is  self lustrous

Parathpara vidhya bhooshitham ,
Suravara  Sujana  SEvitham,
Sulabham, suswara vidhya  niratham.

She who is decorated with   the greatest knowledge  ,
Who is served by great devas   and good people  ,
Who can be easily attained,
And who is engaged  in  Knowledge  pronounced  well.

8,Bharathi Devi

By Ambhujam Velayudam

Translated by
 P. R. Ramchander

Raga: Mohana Kalyani
Thala: Aadhi


Bharathui devi vanthiduvay, aaya kalaigal thandjiduvay,
Sharadhe veenayai meetituduvay, Saptha swara jalam kattiduvay


Odi unarndhida un arul illayel,
Medhiniyil pugal edhmma?
Nadam  isaithida naan marandalum,
Nee yen naavil nadam cheyya vendum amma
Naan mugan nayaki panivorkku arul dhayaki,
Aagamam pugazh Vani jegam mohana kalyani.

English translation

Oh Goddess Saraswathi please come and give us all known arts,
Oh Goddess Sarada , please play the Veena and show us the magic of  seven notes.

If you are grace is not there to approach and understand,
Where  is the place of protection in this world,
Even if I forget to play the  musical sound,
Oh mother you should come and dance on my toungue,
Oh consort of four headed  Brahma, Oh giver of grace to those who salute you,
Oh SAraswathi praised  by Vedas, Oh bewitcher  of the world, Oh doer of all that  is good.

9.Raja Rajadithe
Harikesava Nallur Muthaiah Bhagawathar
Translated By

Raga Niroshta
Thalam Ekam

Raja rajadithe , nadha nidhe Sarade

Thejasrithe , sri Lalithe , sri eesa sahajaaye

Neene Harikesa rajni, Neene Kalyani,
Neene Krishna Rajendra rakshane, jaya janani.

English meaning

Oh Goddess who owns the king of kings,
Oh Sarada , who is the treasure of music

One who is depended upon by the shining devotees,
Goddess Lalithaa who is the wife of Lord Shiva

You are the queen of Harikesa , You are the auspicious one,
You are the only protection of king Krishnarajendra, victory to the mother

10.Gyana de Sharade
(Oh Saradha, grant me knowledge)
Ragam : Chandrakauns Thalam : Adhi

Composed by

Professer B. Ramamoorthy Rao

Translated by



Gyana de sharade (sangitha)
Gavum niranthara nama tumhare (Gyana)

Oh Sarada, give me knowledge (Of music),
So that I can always sing your names.


Gana brahma ke rani tuhe sama veda ke sangama tuhe
Veena vaadana madurima tuhe nithya chitananda rupa tumhare (Gyana)

You are the queen of the divine music,
You are merged deeply with the Sama Veda,
You bring out sweetness by playing on the Veena,
And your form is forever divine joy.


Sath suranu ke devi tuhe
Nadha brahma ke matha tuhe
Sruthi laya sahithya saritha tuhe
Krishna dasa ke janani tuhe (Gyana)

You are the goddess of seven swaras,
You are the mother of Nadha Brahmma (the sound of the soul),
You are the stream of Sruthi (tone), laya (rhythm), and sahithya (lyrics).
And you are the mother of Krishna dasa.

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander