
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Bhagavad Gita answers our questions ?

 Bhagavad  Gita   answers our questions ?

Compiled   from translation of Gita  by
Based on the answers given by Swami  Udit Chaithanya

    Swami Udit Chaithanya   is a  great Scholar belonging to Kerala. He is very well known for his lectures on Bhagwad Gita , Bhagawatham, Narayaneeyam etc.He has published a small booklet called “Nithya Parayana  BHagwad gita”  . In this book let   he  helps us to  use Bhagwad Gita to find out , the ever rolling questions  in our mind..The  Questions asked are

a.Who is God?
b.Where  is God?
c.Do we   have  many gods?
d.Are  the idols in the   temples  Gods?
e.If so  what is the   use of worshipping idols?
f. Who are   we really ?
g.What is then  birth and death?
h.Why do we get weak when   we   are sorrowing and worrying?
i.How does the weakness  of mind affect us?
j.What type of mental state  is created by  doing sins?
k.What  action should we take to stop the fickleness  of the mind?
l.What  action should be taken us to elevate  the mind?
m.What is most proper time   to  think about  god?
n.How does   God blesses   us?
o.What is the real aim of life?
p.What should we do to  understand the aim of life?
q.How does our  Guru help us  in achieving that  aim?
r.Who is the favourite   devotee  of God?

      The Swami gives verses from Gita   and then  writes commentary on that ..I have given only   the corresponding verses  of Gita   as translated  by me   in the form of verse.The number given  after each verse is chapter number followed by verse number.My translation   of Gita is available in Let us all sthank the great scholar Udit Chaithanya    for  simple answers from Gita for very complicated   questions.

a.Who is God?

Oh Arjuna, I am the soul,
That resides in the heart of all beings,
And I am the beginning, middle and end,
Of all the beings that is known.10- 20

b.Where  is God?

Oh Arjuna, God lives in the mind of everyone,
And causes all of them to revolve like a robot. 18-61
I am the one ,who is in the hearts of all beings,
I am the memory, knowledge and forgetfulness,
I am the one which is taught about by the Vedas,
And I am the one who knows Vedas and made philosophy.15- 15

c.Do we   have  many gods?

Oh Arjuna ,There is nothing ,
Higher or bigger than me,
For like the beads strung on a thread,
Everything else is strung on me. 7-7
d.Are  the idols in the   temples  Gods?
Not understanding me, who am lord of all beings,
And not understanding my exalted nature,
Fools disregard me, when I take the human form. 9-11
Those ignorant ones do not understand,
My divine form which never changes ,
Which does not have any thing above it,
And think that I have attained a form*,
While I am never born and have no form.7- 24

e.If so  what is the   use of worshipping idols?

They find it hard to meditate on the abstract,
For the way to the abstract is difficult,
For those, who have attachment to this body. 12-5

f. Who are   we really ?

Clearly understanding the fact that,
All individuals with this body , will attain,
States of childhood, youth and old age,
And after death the soul will reach another body.
Brave(learned?) men never get worried.. 2-13
This soul which daily lives inside the body,
Can never be killed at anytime, Arjuna,
So you do not have to sorrow about.
The death of any being in this world. 2-30

g.What is then  birth and death?

Like a man leaving out old worn out cloths,
And start wearing new cloths when necessary,
This soul leaves the body which becomes useless,
And moves on to newer bodies. 2-22

h.Why do we get weak when   we   are sorrowing and worrying?

Oh Arjuna, do not go in this path of thought which is fit to the unmanly,
And cast away this minor weakness of mind and raise up to fight. 2-3

i.How does the weakness  of mind affect us?

Oh Lord of Vrushnis, then why are the men,
Being forced without willingness to do sinful actions? 3-36
Please know as your enemies are your acts of passion,
Acts of fury, acts done for the sake of self,
Acts of great food consumption and,
Acts creating other greatly sinful actions.3- 37

j.What type of mental state  is created by  doing sins?

Oh Krishna, Is not the mind always unstable,
Turbulent, restless, leading to pain
And something that cannot be controlled?
I think controlling it is ,as difficult as controlling wind. 6-34
Oh Arjuna, there is no doubt that,
Mind is restless and difficult to control,
But Oh son of Kunthi, it can be controlled,
By practice and detachment, 6-35

k.What  action should we take to stop the fickleness  of the mind?

One should elevate oneself by one’s self,
One should not ever lower oneself,
And surely self alone is one’s friend,
And self alone is one’s enemy, 6-5
None can remain for even for a fraction of time,
Without doing any action whatsoever,
For by fundamental laws of nature,
One is forced to indulge in some action or other. 3-5

l.What  action should be taken us to elevate  the mind?

You have only ownership of your actions*,
But you do not have anything to do with what results,
So please do not do any action with ,
Interest in the results but please,
Forever never decide on doing no action.2- 47
*The word used here is Karma. It could mean
Duty/action, the load of previous actions on you and so on.
I look after the welfare of those,
Stable minded and great devotees,
Who do not think of anything except me,
And worship me through meditation. 9-22

m.What is most proper time   to  think about  god?

So always keep thinking of me,
And also fight in the war and,
If you always keep your mind and brain,
On me , you will surely attain me. 8-7
n.How does   God blesses   us?
 Give that divine wisdom which will,
Help them to reach and attain me,
To those who are very stable,
And who serve me with love and devotion.10- 10
Anything which proves my manifestation,
Or looks like having the sign of glory,
Or exists as the greatly great power,
It has to be understood as,
A part of my power which has materialized. 10-41
But for those, who renounce all actions in me,
Believing me as their greatest goal,
And do not depend on any other method,
But meditate on me and worship me,
And have their mind fixed in me,
Would get freed from this sea life with death,
And Oh Arjuna, I redeem them and protect them. 12- 6-7

o.What is the real aim of life?

Oh scorcher of his enemies, please know,
That I can be seen or known or conversed to
In this great form by undivided concentrated devotion.11- 54

p.What should we do to  understand the aim of life?

Please learn and understand this,
With humility, with enquiry and with service,
From those wise men who have realized the truth,
Who will instruct you in this type of wisdom. 4-34
My conduct has lost its sharpness due to ignorance,
And due to that I am not able to know, what is my rightful action,
And so please tell me which path would lead to me to fame,
For I am your student and have surrendered to you. 2-7

q.How does our  Guru help us  in achieving that  aim?

Oh Arjuna, take refuge on that God with sincerity,
And you will attain the supreme peace of his eternal abode.18- 62
Let you be fully devoted to me,
Surrender and bow down to me,
And then I will reach you,
And I promise you this,
As you are very dear to me. 18-65
My firm conviction is that, wherever there is Krishna,
Who is the Lord of Yoga and wherever there is Arjuna,
The great wielder of the bow, there is prosperity and victory.18- 78

r.Who is the favourite   devotee  of God?

He who will teach this to my devotes,
With devotion to me, would reach me at the end,
And no one will be doing dearer service than him to me,
And no one will be dearer than him to me.. 18-68-69
And I believe steadfastly that the one,
Who reads this conversation between us,
Would have  worshipped me,
By performing the wisdom sacrifice. 18-70

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander