Desirable food
habits in the form of Tamil Proverbs
Translated by
(Author is unknown to me)
1.Without Jeera(cumin) , food would not be good
2.To heal our wound onion alone is enough or to look after our body onion is enough
3,Banana would make us live
4.Taking food with speed
is dangerous
5.For ulcer of the stomach lime juice
6.For blood pressure
Agathi keerai
7.Cough would be controlled by menthe leaves(Fenugreek leaves)
8.Penance of not taking
food , would increase life span
9.For avoiding heat
of body Kambam kali(Peal millet gruel)
10.For strength of liver
Guava fruit
11.For decreasing Cholesterol Gulabi grapes
12.For clearing the
mind Vilwa leaves(Aegle marmelos-Bael)
13.For pain while passing urine pineapple
14.For bringing down heat Karunai kizhangu(wild Yam)
15.For good digestion Chundai kai (solanum Torvum-Turkey
16,For curing head ache
radish juice
17.Ginger with honey purifies blood
18. Garlic has the power of Pencilin
19.For curing piles
dish made of Banana flower
20.For curing
vomiting Mana Thakkali (Solanum nigrum)
21.For preventing rheumatism
cutting type of amaranthus (amaranthus tricolor)
22,For removing bad
smell in mouth Cardamom
23.For losing weight cabbage
24.For getting rid of anemia Gooseberry
25.For ulcer of the
liver Agathi leaves (sesbania
grandiflora-august tree leaves)
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