The travel of a
sparrow( a human being ) to its/his land of dreams-a poem
( We as human beings
are nowadays prepared to loose
everything including our happiness and culture
to reach our land of dreams .Some of us reach there and lead a life of sorrow and others like the sparrow fall on the way . I got
the idea from posting of Hamsabai Santhana Krishnan.
Each verse of the travel of the sparrow is
followed by the travel of the man. The sparrow
loses all its wings and falls on the way
and the man reaches there after
losing everything he has including happiness.)
Your flight to
your dream land
One pretty , and cute sparrow saw,
A dream land far
, far away,
And it wanted to go there
very badly ,
And started to fly
towards that dream land
(A man of the modern times brought up,
In the waty of
tradition , saw a land of dreams,
And he
wanted to go there very badly ,
And started he a
journey to that land)
The sparrow did not know
the way to the land,
And on the way met
a great
astrologer and asked,
Would you tell me
the way to that dream land,
And he said yes,
if you give me a feather of yours,
The dream crazy sparrow
gave one feather and flew further
(The man not knowing how to go to the dream land of his ,
Went to the home
of a Guruji great and asked,
Can yyou show me how
to go to my land of dreams,
And he said yes , provided you desert your family
The dream crazy man gave up his family traditions to go up there.)
The sparrow flew
further following the way of astrologer,
But found
after some time that its dream land was far far away,
And then it saw a
snake , with its open hood and asked him,
“Can you show me the way to the dream land of mine,
The snake did but
the sparrow lost one more of
its wings,
(The man who gave up his
family tradition tried by his
But Still found his land of dreams far , far away and ,
He met an agent ,
whose job was to send people and asked him ,
“Can you send me
to my land of dreams?” and he did,
But the man had
to desert his near and dear
ones and his land.)
The sparrow
proceeded further , asking
various people on the way,
Directions to reach its land of dreams
and to each one,
Who showed it
the direction , it went on giving a
feather each,
And at last the
bird jumped with joy as it could see
its dream land nearby.
(The man proceeded
to the land of his dreams ,
asking help from several,
On how to reach his
dream land and to each one , he
had to give up ,
Jolly times with his family , wonderful food that he used to eat,
The affection of
his parents , the deep respect he got from his younger ones,
And so on and on but
he jumped with joy when he saw his dream land near by.)
But the sparrow could not fly to the land of its dream,
AS it had lost all its
wings and ability to fly and
(The man reached
his land of dreams but having lost ,
All his joy and
peace , suffered daily in his land of dreams )
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander