Old is not always
gold -says the younger
1.Some grandpas both from cities and small
Had their usual
meeting on the benches of a city park.
They then started
talking about the greatness ,
Of those days
when they were naughty young children.
2.Those times were great as we were
all healthy ,
As guided by our
parents wise, we were taking,
Healthy food and
as all of us had back breaking work,
We never had
any physical problem to worry.
3.Since all
the ladies of our houses were loving,
Caring and hard working
, we never had a care in the home.
All of us got
married at a very young age ,
So that there
were no wants , and no yearnings
in our life.
4.When they were
chatting like this loud enough,
For all people to
hear , a few young lads playing ,
On the other
side of the park approached them,
And asked “Oh Grandpas,
can we clear our doubts.”
5 “ We did read
some books about the
life ,
Of then and now in the library
and it said.
The age when
people were expected to die then,
Was thirty and
now it is definitely nearing seventy.”
6.” Those books
further said that if a man attains sixty,
It called for a
very great celebrations as such people
were very few.
And as for the people
celebrating their eighty second birthday,
They were so less ,
that such functions were
held once in a decade.”
7.”Photos of roads
and places showed clearly
Most of the old people of
fifty to sixty, walked hunch back,
With a walking
stick to support them and also,
Most of those
people did not have teeth and could not read.”
8.”We are
sure that all of you agree that ,
you attend,
Every month
three to four sixtieth birthdays ,
Almost every two months one
eightieth birthday,
And you have
attended recently several hundredth
9.”You also are quite
aware that during those
Almost every
home had miserable widows,
Whose age
ranged from ten to forty
Working like maid servants for the family.”
10.”You also would
without hesitation agree with us,
That none of you are
hunched back and none of you,
Ever use walking
stick, and you read lot of books
And have either teeth in tact or have put dentures.
11.”It said that
the food you could afford then was minimal,
Devoid of all nutrition , as it lacked varieties
of fruits and vegetables.
Due to poor
nutrition and lack of health
care ,
Large number of mothers died during
12.”WE are sure
you use nowadays , lots of varieties of vegetables ,
And there is none
here who do not eat
Pomgranates and
several other fruits regularly ,
And none of us have heard of death during delivery
any time recently. “
13.”We are sure
you that all of you without fail,
Have noticed that
your children are much taller ,
As well as healthier
than you , because ,
They are having
much nutritious food than you.”
14. “Even the babies
were then very poorly fed , as they,
Came in a dozens in every home and even a
rich father,
Could not afford to feed them all to keep them all healthy,
And the book
said a very large percentage of them
died in infancy.”
15,”I am sure all of you have noticed
without fail,
That most of the
homes have one child or two,
And are being
brought up like children of kings,
With great
education a coupled with luxurious living.”
16,”All of you are
aware how our present heavenly
During your
time was much more
than a hell,
By incessant in-
law quarrels , some times for dowry,
Some times just for fun ,which even lead to burning
of brides.”
17.”True we have
changed, When some one tells something we question them,
We some times do have
a miserable life with a
wife , questioning us,
WE spend lot of money
to make our life in to a dream
land heaven,
We leave our
children with Ayas , even
when they are babies”
18.”In our rat
race called life , when each of us tries to excel the other,
We regretfully
some times are not
able to do our duty properly,
Possibly we
are not that
good parents like you neither are we good sons,
But we can assure
you that we want to do it and we will do it.”
19 .’The seniors started
mulling over what has been told to them,
And felt that
there was some truth in
what those lads told,
They felt they themselves
were dwelling only
the good that was in past,
Ignoring lot of bad
that existed and they all went to their homes better informed.
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander