
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

March of ability in the time machine of life

March  of ability  in the  time machine of life


(This  material was posted in Tamil by my face book friend   Kutti Sankar  Kalidaikurichi.I  have   rewritten   what he had given   in my own way. My thanks   to him.,)

After  you attain the age  of twenty,
Whether  you live  in your mother land,
Or  whether you  live in a foreign land ,
Does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After   you attain    the age   of thirty,
Whether  you work at night  ,
Or whether   you work during day,
Does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After    you attain      the age  of forty ,
Whether   you are less learned  and  own a business,
Or whether  you are well learned  and draw a salary,
Does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After    you attain the age   of fifty  ,
Whether   you are  pretty or ugly,
You would get  to silver mines on head  ,
And  also slight   wrinkles   I on your skin,
And so it does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After   you  attain    the age   of sixty .
Whether you  are  the boss or subordinate ,
You would    retire from service  and do nothing,
And so it does not make  any difference  whatsoever,
After  you attain    the age of seventy  ,
Whether   your home is big or small,
The area  that you  can move about  would be same,
And so it does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After   you reach    the age   of eighty,
Whether you have  lot or less of money,
You would eat less and your needs would be less,
And so it does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After     you reach the age   of ninety  ,
Whether   you are  male   or female,
Since the difference would have faded,
And so it does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

After  you reach    the age  of hundred ,
Whether  you are walking or lying down,
There would  not be anything    for you to do,
And so it does not make  any difference  whatsoever,

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander