
Friday, December 16, 2016

Shuklambaradaram is it prayer to Ganesa

Is “ Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum…” a prayer   addressed  to Ganesa  or addressed  to Vishnu?
I do not have a  positive answer  and so I am putting before you   all that I know so that  you can tell   which is the correct answer?

Compiled  by

When a Brahmin starts   any ritual he  chants  and knocks   his forehead  with  both his clebched hands,

शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम्
प्रसन्न वदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये 

śuklāmbaradharam viṣhṇum 
śaśi varṇaṁ chaturbhujam
prasanna vadanam dhyāyēt 
sarva vighnōpaśāntayē

         The Vaishnavites   claim   this is a prayer   addressed to Lord Vishnu   and says  it means,

“I medidate  on Vishnu    wearing   white silk cloths,
Who is of the colour  of the moon  ,  who has four hands,
Who is a smiling face  and who removes   all hindrances”
    They point out  that none of  the names  of Lord Ganesa   occur   in this  prayer. They also point out   that there is no reason not to pray to him to remove obstacles. They also point out that both Gods   are not shown wearing white silk?

      The Shaivites  claim that  it is a prayer  addressed to Lord Ganesa   who is   the remover of obstacles 
 and translate it as:-

“I meditate  on the all pervading God    who wears   white cloths,
Who is of the colour  of the moon  , has   four hands ,
Who has a smiling face   and who removes all hindrances.”

They  further   say  that knocking  the forehead  is never   done to please  Lord Vishnu.

In north of Vindhyas    there  is no complication as  “Vishnum “  is replaced  by  “devam “

And it would mean to all of them    as

“I meditate  on the  God who is  all pervading   who wears   white cloths,
Who is of the colour  of the moon  , has   four hands ,
Who has a smiling face   and who removes all hindrances.”

They say 

It  refers  neither of Vishnu nor of Ganapathi but  to all pervading prana shakthi that is also pervading the human body. Prana activates all of our indriyas , five external sens organs (bahyendriyas) and four internal organs (anthakaranas) they are Manas, Budhi, Chitha & ahankara. On synchronizing these four internal instruments of action (chatur bhujam) one can free oneself from tensions and aberrations which is indicated by pleasant exposition (Prasanna Vadanam). One will thus be able to ward off all obstacles. It is a management technique not a prayer.
       The Ganesa Manasa  Pooja   while describing Ganesa   says  that he wears  Peetambaram (yellow silk)   . Ganesa  is normally shown with  four arms .However there are lot of variations  and it varies   from 2 to 16 hands.Ganesha is normally described  as having  red colour. He always has a pleasant look.
      Lord Vishnu   is always  described  as Peethambara daari(wears yellow silk)   .He is dark  blue in colour .He is depicted   with  four hands.He has also a smiling  look in his original form of  Lord Vishnu.Vaishnavites   however say  that Sasi  varnam  (sasi also has a meaning hare)   is blue black colour of the   rabbit shaped   shade on the moon.


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