God does not forsake
any one
Rewritten by
(This is a very famous story available in various places on line. One of them is written in 2013 http://www.frtommylane.com/stories/God/heart/fern_bamboo.htm
and even there the one who wrote has
mentioned that he does not know who is
the author. But I read it in face
book as
a post in Tamil by one of my
friends and wrote this. I thank the original author of this great story. )
One day I decided
to forsake this my world,
My work, My
relations and my belief in God,
I decided
that I would live deep
in the forest,
All alone like
sages who has left the world.
After entering the forest
I wanted to talk to God,
And ask him some questions and clear
all my doubts,
I called him and
he came
immediately before me ,
And I asked him , “Why I should not leave this world?”
God said , Just
see all the plants that grow
in this forest,
Most of them are
thorny bushes and ofcourse some Bamboos
Which have grown taller and firmer than all plants near it,
I was the one who put the seeds of
bushes as well as bamboos.
Ever since I put
the seeds I have
been observing them closely,
I also supplied each plant all their needs including water , food and light.
The seeds of bushes germinated very fast
and they spread all over
the forest ,
As if a very pretty
green carpet is spread all over
the forest.
But nothing happened
to the bamboo seed but I kept on caring for it,
One year
passed but still there
was no progress in its growth.
But the bushes rose up
and stuck deep roots and grew
But I did not stop
caring for the Bamboo seed that did not grow.
Three years got
over and soon five years
were also got over,
But nothing
happened to the bamboo seeds but I did not forget about it,
And the fifth year came and the bamboo seed produced two green leaves,
And the small looking bamboo plant had broken the strong soil and had come up.
But compared to bushes
it was simply insignificant and a pygmy
so to say ,
But within another six
months the bamboos grew much
taller than the bushes,
And I understood that
though bamboo seed did not
germinate and come out ,
In these five
years, it had produces a very strong
root system which has spread every
Only after it was
confident that its root system was strong and can support ,
A very tall bush
like structure the seed
had germinated and its roots were also strong.
For all my creations
I have given sufficient strength
to meet all the challenges it will face,
And I was very careful not to give them any
challenges and problems that they cannot face,.” Said god
God continued , “Did you know son that
whenever you faced problems and
were sad,
You were growing roots and getting ready to face
much more greater problems than
I did not forsake
the Bamboo seed , nor have I forsaken you any time
in your life.
Never compare yourself with others, you may be a
bamboo growing slowly and they only thorny bushes.”
“Both Bamboo and the
thorny bushes decorate the
forest , but they are very different,
I think the time for you to grow has come” and I
asked”how tall can I grow?”
And he replied “as
much as the bamboo plants” but I did not leave him there
and asked.,
“Hw tall would bamboo grow?” and he said “As much as
it is capable.” And I asked “That much?”
God said “Yes ,
you too can grow up in this life and
make progress , as much as you can”
And he disappeared and
I started back from the forest , with very great deal of confidence,
And if you and
every one who reads the story can
understand that God provides us all that we need,
And without
bothering about shorter growth at times
, we all should grow as much as we are capable.
I have read many of your posts and very much inspired. This is one is superb. Thanks.Forwarded to many friends through whatsapp.