Cruel "no" , but really a great
(Based on the tamil
writing of my face book friend
Sri Guru Moorthi. Thanks are due to
On the banks of
one torrential river ,
There were two huge Banyan trees.
Once a sparrow
approached the first tree.
And asked, “Can I build
a nest on you,
So that I can lay
my eggs and nurture my kids.”
For some
strange reason that Banyan tree
Said , “NO” and
the poor sparrow ,
Approached the other
tree by its side,
And that tree with great
joy and grace ,
Told “By all means
, I would enjoy having you.”
Soon the rainy
season started with
all its fury,
And the river could
not contain its waters within its shores,
And there
was a very huge flood
and in that flood,
Only the banyan tree
which said no to the poor sparrow,
Got uprooted and
started flowing
in the river water.
Then the sparrow
thought , “Great and deserving punishment
For the inhospitable and
cruel huge
tree “
But that tree which was
flowing in the water thought,
“My roots were
weak and I was expecting this in this
And not
wanting the sparrows kids to get killed , “I said no,”
The great ones who
want good to all the world ,
Do not show
their goodness to the world like that banyan tree .
Like many of our relations who give up all they have to keep us safe.
Our in laws who
say “no” and send us to a separate
home after marriage,
And our parents
who sacrifice all their
wealth to make us happy are like that.
To many of us , who think more
about our own safety and
It may appear as
if such people are cruel and selfish ,
When they tell us
“No” to many of our
wants and requests,
But they are
really Gods who can think without
And do us great
help so that we
are always joyous and comfortable.
Very Nice Story...