Compensation –then and now
( “Then” based on a story from a book called
Kalanchiyam(Spiritual collection
A king went to
hunt in the forest ,
And from a distance he saw some
being on a tree,
And he shot and killed
it with great ease,
But the being happened
to be a young man.
The king’s servants
summoned his parents,
Who were living in poor conditions in a hut,
And since their
young son was their only support,
They cried and
cried a lot, and felt very sad.
The king felt
bad that
he has killed that young man,
And offered to look after
his parents but they refused,
And then the king removed all the jewellery that he wore,
And kept it
on a plate and in another he kept his sword.
He told them, “Either
take all my ornaments or kill me”,
And then the lad’s father
told , “If we take your jewelleries,
WE would be
insulting our son by selling
him at a price fixed by you,,
And if we kill
you, our son would be sad that the
country had lost a good king”. And went away.
And now :-
But nowadays some rushing
bus kills some one,
In a political Tamasha
many people die,
A train
derails and kills many for no fault of the driver or the Government,
And the only
thing the parents of deceased want is a compensation in cash.
devaluation of human values saipremi