
Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Tharpanam on Lunar eclipse on 7th August 2017

Tharpanam   on Lunar eclipse on  7th August  2017

Compiled by

A Chandra Grahanam(Lunar eclipse  ) occurs on  7th August  2017. This is visible in India and almost all the world except  in American countries.The the eclipse  starts  around 10.51  PM ,  and it reaches  its middle phase   at 11.50 PM It comes to an end  at 12.49  PM. The Lunar eclipse Tharpana   has to be done   towards  the end of  Chandra Grahana. The Sankalpa  manthra is
  Hevilambinama samvathsare ,dakshinayane , greeshma rithou, kadaga  mase , Shukla pakshe, adhya Pournamasyam   punya thidhou , Indhu    vasara yukthayam, Sravana nakshatra yukthayam, shubhayoga, shubhaKarana evam guna viseshena, visishtayam asyam Pournamasyam  punya thidhou, Somoparaga  punya kale , uparaga sradham , thilatharpana roopena adhya karishye..
Sravana   Nakshatra is up to  4.54 AM 0n  IST  on 8-8-2017 and Pournami   is up to 0.24 AM IST  on 8-8-2017.
    The visibility   in different places of the world is given in

   So people who need to do tharpanam in countries outside India , where  it is visible are requested  to change the star  and thithi in the sankalpam  as per particulars given above.
  Please also note that , In case of lunar eclipse , if the moon sets before the end of eclipse, (Grahana asthamana) we should not take food during day time and take food only after seeing the moon.”  And also 
A women in periods should take the eclipse bath from water which is poured on her by others.

During eclipse all waters are equivalent to Ganges water and all Brahmins are equivalent to Sage  Vasishta.

Till the end of eclipse we should not sleep but keep on chanting mantras.

Pregnant women should not come out during eclipse.

If any left over food is there prepared before eclipse, it should not be eaten. Food should be freshly prepared after eclipse is over.

In case of curd or pickles , we have to put cut Durbha grass in them ,After the purificatory bath, this Durbha should be removed.
The  lamp in our Pooja room should  be kept   burning  during the eclipse time

The charity given and meditation done, during the eclipse would give us huge benefits.

Tharpana should be done  when it is leaving in case of lunar eclipse.

Tharpana can be done in sea water but Aachamana should not be done . Water taken from home after bath should be used for Aachamana.

Those in whose Nakshatra  or Anu Janma Nakshatra , the eclipse occurs*, should write the following sloka in a palm leaf and tie it to their forehead. After the eclipse this palm leaf should be removed. Then they should give in charity one Ash gourd, coconut and coin to a Brahmin.

“Indro analo Yamo , riksho, varuno vayurevacham, Kubhera, eeso knandu Indu uparaga udhavyathaam mama”

*The stars affected this time are Rohini, Hastham, Thiruonam , Uthradam  and  avittam

1 comment:

  1. Why we should perform tharpanam on eclipse. What s the thathparysm


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander