
Saturday, December 9, 2017

My happiness is in my hands

My happiness  is in my hands


(I read this in Tamil in a post by  Madhavan Yengnanarayanan , who himself read  it  in a Whatsapp  message  ,Its original could be  in English but I likes the idea  very very much   and am putting it  in my own words, thanking whosoever  is the original author) 

There   was a   meeting  of several  married couples,
And the  one who presided  over that meeting  asked one lady,
“Does   your husband  make   you happy?”
And her husband   sitting near by  ,
Was waiting   with anxiety  to hear  her reply  of “yes”

But the lady said  “No” , and she    continued ,
“I  am leading my life   full of happiness ,
For   i  have not noticed   any problems in my life  ,
But one thing  is for sure , my happiness  is in my hands,
And no one  else  can or should   determine my happiness.”

“It is not my husband’s  job to make  me happy,
And I have never  entrusted  this job to him  till now,
And I would not entrust  it wih him in future   also.
I was alone  before my marriage  and I was happy ,
And even after  my marriage  I am living  with happiness.”

“I will not allow  my  income   to  make me happy,
Nor will I allow  my pain and pleasure   to make me happy,
I also would not allow   the people whom I  meet to do that,
And I take lot of care   that  my likes and dislikes ,
As well  as anger, jealousy   and pride, does not determine my happiness.”

“I  want my happiness to depend  only on me  and no one else”
And when she  completed  the answer  for some time  ,
There was deafening   silence   and suddenly   each  and every one ,
Stood up    and gave  her a  standing ovation     and they all told ,
“Had we been like   you  , in past , present and future , we would be with happiness.”

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander