
Monday, December 18, 2017

Some information about month of Margazhy

Some  information about  month of Margazhy

Translated by

Dhanurmas or Dhanur Masa is also known by the names Chapa Mas, Kodanda Mas, Karmuka Mas etc. Chapa, Kodanda, Karmuka etc., in Sanskrit are synonyms of Dhanus; meaning a bow. It is the month of margashira and so also called Margazhi masam in Tamil. Dhanurmasa is also called as Shoonya Masa because it is generally advised not to conduct any good things other than godly and holy functions. This is just to focus on God and not other material world events.
Lord Krishna in BHagwad  Gita has said :-

बृहत्साम तथा साम्नां गायत्री छन्दसामहम्।
मासानां मार्गशीर्षोऽहमृतूनां कुसुमाकरः।।10.35।।

Among the songs of the Veda, I am the great Sama,
Among the meters, I am Gayathri,
Among the months, I am  month of Dhanu(November-December,)
And among the seasons, I am the flowering spring. 10.35

The BHagawatha  Purana says that if we worship lord Vishnu one day in the Dawn of Dhanu month    we will get the effect of worshipping  him daily  for one  thousand years.So should we hesitate  to worship  . the following  slokas  tell us  about the  great effect of worshipping at dawn in the month of Dhanu

अयनं दक्षिणं रात्रिरुत्तरं तु दिवा भवेत्
दैवतं तदहोरात्रं तत्त्रिंशन्मास उच्यते ।।

The dakshinayana is night  and Utharayanna the day time
For the devas and so the year  is a full day   for the devas   

तद्दिनस्य उषःकालं चापमासं विदुर्बुधाः।
तस्मात्सर्वप्रयत्नेन चापमासे दिने दिने।।
उषःकाले तु सम्प्राप्ते बोधयित्वा जनार्दनम्
समभ्यर्च्य भजेद्विष्णुं जनानां दोषशान्तये ।।भास्करीये

The dawn of that day is Dhanu month  say the learned,
And suppose  efforts are  made in the Dhanu month  ,
At dawn to   wake up Lord Janardhana by the people
By the people  then all their problems would be solved.

उषःकाले तु सम्प्राप्ते अर्चयित्वा जनार्दनम्
उपचारैः षोडशभिर्मुद्गान्नं निवेदयेत् ।।

AS soon as it becomes dawn , we should worship Lord Vishnu,
With sixteen  types of worships  and offer him POngal , says Brahmanda  Purana

उषःकाले तु सम्प्राप्ते प्रत्यूषे स्नानमाचरेत्
अर्चयेच्च जगन्नाथं यावत्सूर्योदयात्पुरा ।।आदित्यपुराणे।।

Adithya purana  says we   should take  bath before dawn,
And offer worship to Lord Mahavishnu  before dawn breaks

ततःप्रभातसमये अर्घ्यं प्रक्षिप्य वै द्विजः
गायत्रीं ततो जप्त्वा उपतिष्ठेत भास्करम् ।।
आदित्य पुराणे

Adithya Purana  says that  bath should be  taken  before dawn,
Sandhya Vandhanam up to   offering of Arkhya,
Should  then be carried out  and Lord Vishnu  should be worshipped,
And then after  day break break , the japa part of Sandhya could be done

Shiva worship too  is recommended

चापराशौ स्थिते सूर्ये उषःकाले दिने दिने
अभिषेकं ततः कुर्याद्रौद्रमन्त्रेण रुद्रवित् ।।
अर्कपुष्पैश्च बिल्वैश्च पूजयेच्च महेश्वरम्
नैवेद्यं ततः कुर्यात् लोक संहार शान्तये।।
शिव पुराणे।।

When the  planet sun   stays in Dhanu Rasi  daiky,
We should do Abhisheka  and Chant  daily rudra  manthras,
And worship lord Shiva  using Vilwa  and Yerukku flowers,
And then if we offer  him  something , then all problems of world be solved

कोदण्डस्थे सवितरि प्रत्यूषे पूजयेद्धरेः
सहस्राब्दार्चनफलं दिनेनैकेन लभ्यते ।।भागवते

BHagwatha purana   says   that if we worship,
Lord Vishnu at dawn  during the month of Dhanu,
A days worship would get  us the effect ,
Of  worshipping him daily for thousand years

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander