Sorrow tinged with joy
I had a non believer
atheist friend ,
And one day we
both saw ,
That one of our common fiend has died,
Because we
were informed by his crying son,
My father has reached the
lotus feet of god.
My atheist friend
laughed uproariously ,
And told me,
“If our friend has really reached God ,
Why is his son
crying and weeping,
Instead he should
be full of joy.”
My friend had
a married daughter ,
And I asked him , “I know
you gave ,
Your daughter in marriageto a prosperous family,
But on her marriage
day I saw you crying ,
Why were you not happy
that your daughter,
Would lead a much
happier life than you?”
My friend told because I
would miss her company,
And I told him,”Our
friend;s son would also miss his
And that may be
the reason that he is sad ,
Though he knows that
his father would,
Reach the
lotus feet of God and be eternallay happy.”
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander