Ten lessons
that Bhagwad Gita teaches us
(I read this in Malayalam
in a Whatsapp message.The person
who saw these great and relevant
teachings in Gita is indeed a great person.My thanks to him.)
1.Never get scared
of anything
Every one is scared
of death ,
But in Gita the
God teaches Arjuna ,
Not to be ever
scared of death,
AS every
death is only a change of form,
Even relationship
and wealth die,
And a life without
fear is indeed pretty.
suspect anything
Unnecessary suspicion is the chief cause,
Which takes away
peace and joy from life,
For a person who
suspects everything ,
Cannot live with peace
in this or his future lives,
But the curiosity
to know oneself should never,
Be considered
as suspicion .
3.Get freedom
from attachments
Our mind would be
peaceful only ,
If we get freedom from
innumerable ,
like possession , passion,
Ambition , pride
and egoism,
And only a
peaceful mind can,
Get wisdom
and freedom from worries.
4.Get freedom from worry about the result
When we plan
carefully to do anything,
Never start worrying
weather ,
WE will meet
with failure or victory,
But do the entrusted job
with truth and honesty.
5,Never swerve
away from the path of duty
Running away and hiding
ourselves ,
From the job entrusted
to us does not take us forward,
Getting away from
attachment to the family and friends ,
Is not path to
spiritual knowledge or permanent peace,
Running away
from our responsibilities when
we lead a normal life,
Is not at all easy
and would lead to utter failure and great sorrow
the ultimate Godhead
If we are able to bid farewell to all attachments,
Then it would be easy
for us to submit to that Ultimate God,
that each individual is the work of art of God,
And blaming the
past and fearing the future is a useless
exercise ,
Which would take us away
from understanding ultimate Godhead .
7.If you are
egoistic, wisdom is of no use
If a mirror is fogged
, we will not be able to,
See our reflection
on that mirror clearly
the mind of an egoistic person ,
Is fogged and it cannot reflect wisdom ,
And his day today
life would be full of problems.
tolerance of view
on everything
The person who cannot
do proper meditation,
Would not be able
to observe control over his actions.
Taking lot of food
or no food at all does not take you,
Nearer to
God but proper meditation can win
9.Anger is the
path to errors so practice peace
anger makes you incapable of finding out,
The good or bad in
every thing we do or attempt,
And anger is the reason for failure of every thing in life,
And it is the main
gate to
the disaster in life and hell.
10.Understand that body is temporary but soul is for ever
Lord Krishna
compares our life to a piece
of dress ,
And says that the soul changes its
dress (the body) often,
And he also tells Death is to the body and not to soul.
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander