Golden sayings
from Bharatha Varsha
Translated by
(The author in Tamil
claimed that it was from Bhagawad Geetha. Having read Geetha several times, I have my own doubts .But they
are indeed golden.)
1.The world likes a person who does not talk too much,
It respects a
person who talks based on only need,
It salutes the
person who is always busy with action,
2.Spend all that you have learned and earned,
For others till
you depart to the place of God,
3.If we need to
understand those who are with us,
WE have to first
understand ourselves.
4.When a person looses confidence in himself,
He starts acting
against dharma in his life
5.The person who
feels that life is a waste ,
danger in every opportunity
And the one who
achieves looks for ,
The oppurtunities in every danger
6.If there is no
sensation called joy,
Life would become an unbearable burden
7.Life is a very peculiar
university ,
Where there are no tests after lessons are taught,
But lessons are
taught after keeping a test.
8, Miserliness is not spending less money,
But it is how
usefully one spends
9.What we have not lost is not important,
But what is
remaining with us is.
10.Great achievements
do not depend,
On your strength
but our steadfast efforts
11.Be kind when
you go forward , for if,
you are forced to go back , others will help you
12 To the one who
tells the secrets and ,
To the one who does not tell his sorrow , there would not be peace,
13.Believing every
body is dangerous,
Moore dangerous is not believing in any body
14.Every sorrow
has two cures ,
One is time
another is silence.
15.Everybody instead
of reforming themselves,
Try to
reform every body else
16.There is no use
in attempt without desire,
Neither is there
a use
in desire without any attempt
17. God will never
help a person,
Who does not make
an attempt.
18,More than peace after
Peace without fight is any time better.
19, Yesterday was
never real,
Tomorrow also may not
be real,
Only today is
realty in our hands
20.All the
time that you have
Wasted Joyously
is not a waste.
21,Without knowing any thing of the past ,
You would not be able to
make anything new
22. The habit of reading is very tasty,
And is very pretty
hunger and ,
Once you
start tasting it,
It would keep on
following you.
23. You may possibly not get what you want,
But you would definitely get what is fated to you
24.Knowledge is
the only cure of fear,
And so by increasing knowkedge you can get rid of all fear.
all actions fearing,
That you may err is
extremely bad.
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander