
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Have deep faith in God Krishna to lead problem less life

Have  deep faith in God Krishna  to lead  problem less life

Rewritten by
(Based on a write up in tamil communicated in Whatsapp . My grateful thanks to him who wrote it)

Do not  wail  thinking  of something,
Do not cry   thinking  of some one,
Do not  ever be scared of life
Do not babble  due to desire in the mind
Do not get angry when what  you want  does not happen
Do not  get   disappointed ,  when what  you do not want happens
Do not get broken down  when you are  insulted,
Do  not feel  bad when you are  avoided by others
Do not lose  your life thinking of other  men
Do not ever lose hope  believing  in luck
Do not believe in lines in your palm  and lose Lord Krishna
Do not  believe   in horoscope  and decide about your life
Do not think that  your luck would change if you change your name
Do not  try to know forecasts  of your life

Please . please catch hold   of the concept of Lord Krishna,
You have  everything , you do not lack anything .
As long as you think  that  he is always with you.

Once  while travelling  in the middle of the forest  at midnight,
One person got  pain in the chest   but  for his good fortune
The  one  who was   with him was  a  doctor   of repute,
And when he told  the doctor  , he  searched  in his bag,
And gave him a round   thing  and asked  to keep on lcking it,
But never swallow it and slowly  his pain  disappeared ,
But when they reached home   and they found that ,
His daughter  was sick, he requested  the doctor ,
To  give  her  an injection  and the doctor  told ,
“I forgot my medicine bag”   and the person asked,
“What did you give me then?”  and spit the tablet,
That he was licking and   found that  it was  but a shirt button
And he asked  his friend ., “How did I  get cured?”
And his friend smile and told, “Due to your faith in me.”

Have faith in Lord Krishna  like that person had on his friend,
You would be completely   cured   of all your problems.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful and highly practical solution you are providing to many of us. Thanks


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander