An unsocial old man alone in his home.
He was a very old man of very unsocial type ,
And he did not
have any friends to talk ,
And he spent all
his time in reading,
And writing in
the computer but never talked.
She too was old, more
social than him,
But she spent
all her time in,
Learning to sing
prayers, going to temples,
Cooking and various
other handicrafts.
She wanted to attend
a marriage ,
And he said , Okay
you do go ,
AS I am not
interested in ,
Meeting people
and wasting my time there.
She asked him,”how
will you manage ?”
And the reply was
a sarcastic laugh from him,
And he told her .”
I know how to cook,
And even if you
are here, I rarely talk with you.
She did go for a few
days and on the first day,
He did not feel
her absence at all but the next day.
He felt , he was
missing her and the
third day,
He felt miserable without
her in the home
When she returned
, with sincerity he told her.
“I missed you a
lot “ but then she laughed at him and
told ,
“You know how to
cook and you do not like to talk,
And how did you miss me
“ and he said ,
“Without you I
felt our home was a vacuam”
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander