Proper division based
on what you gave
(Based on a folk story that I read in Kumudam
Bhakthi. Thanks to them)
In a forest two
way farers were caught
in a heavy rain,
They ran and
took shelter in a forest
Where already
one man was standing
And the torrential
rain went on and on
The three of them
felt very hungry ,
While one of them had five rotis , the other,
Had three rotis but the man
who was ,
Already there did
not have anything with him,
The third one suggested , “Let us make
three equal,
Pieces of each
roti and then we will have ,
Twenty four equal
pieces of rotis and each of us,
Can take eight
pieces and satiate our hunger,
They agreed and
did as suggested and the rain stopped,
And the man who was already there gave the other two ,
Eight gold
pieces and left and then one way farer ,
Who had three rotis told , “Let
us divide the money equally.”
The other one did not agree and said, “I had five rotis,
And so I should get
five coins.” And suddenly they heard ,
A voice from temple
which said, “Let the one who
had three rotis,
Take one coin and let the one who had
five rotis , take seven coins.”
Both of them
believed that the God inside
the temple ,
Was giving judgement
but the man with three rotis ,
Felt that it
was greatly unjust, and they heard the voice again,
‘Count the number
of pieces of rotis each of
you gave me ,
And then you
will find that i have
given one coin per one piece.”
Good story... thought provoking...And inducing arithmatical analysis among children..Children should be fed with more and more of these kinds of stories.