
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Great prayer to my God

Great prayer   to  my God

(From a tamil prayer  )

Translated by

Even if income is less  , Oh my God ,  give me belly full of food
Even if life span is short , Oh my God , give me body without disease
Even if facilities are  less, Oh my God  , give  me loving   relations
Even if  relations are less , Oh my God, give me friends  who give their life to me
Even if my education is less  , Oh my God, Give me a job   with no need  for acting
Even if I have less wealth , Oh my God  , Give me a mind   full  with devotion,
Oh my God, Give me a feeling which considers pain of others as mine,
Even if I have  mountains of wealth, Ogh God, give me  a thought to give to others
Even if I have several supports, Oh my God , you only  become my life’s support

1 comment:

  1. शिव आह्वाहन मंत्र

    ॐ मृत्युंजय परेशान जगदाभयनाशन ।
    तव ध्यानेन देवेश मृत्युप्राप्नोति जीवती ।।

    वन्दे ईशान देवाय नमस्तस्मै पिनाकिने ।
    आदिमध्यांत रूपाय मृत्युनाशं करोतु मे ।।

    नमस्तस्मै भगवते कैलासाचल वासिने ।
    नमोब्रह्मेन्द्र रूपाय मृत्युनाशं करोतु मे ।।

    त्र्यंबकाय नमस्तुभ्यं पंचस्याय नमोनमः ।
    नमो दोर्दण्डचापाय मम मृत्युम् विनाशय ।।

    नमोर्धेन्दु स्वरूपाय नमो दिग्वसनाय च ।
    नमो भक्तार्ति हन्त्रे च मम मृत्युं विनाशय ।।

    देवं मृत्युविनाशनं भयहरं साम्राज्य मुक्ति प्रदम् ।
    नाना भूतगणान्वितं दिवि पदैः देवैः सदा सेवितम् ।।

    अज्ञानान्धकनाशनं शुभकरं विध्यासु सौख्य प्रदम् ।
    सर्व सर्वपति महेश्वर हरं मृत्युंजय भावये ।।

    Sir please translate above stotram.
    You are doing great service for Hindu Renaissance.
    Thank you


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander