Malayalam proverbs have become outdated-replace them with Malayalam new verbs
(I enjoyed the new proverbs in Malayalam posted by many people in face book as ,I had written stories to illustrate 100 old Malayalam proverbs-
I thought you too
should enjoy them and am giving the b suggested new proverbs and the old proverbs both in english. Enjoy them)
1. If needed Jack
fruit can be eaten even raw (if
needed jack fruit be made to fruit even on roots)
2.If friend is good ,
we can take loan from him.(If friend is good, there is no need for a mirror)
3.Even for jasmine of the courtyard , there is a need to irrigate( There is no
scent to jasmine of the courtyeard)
4.When the entire country runs, its people also would run
((when the entire country runs, run in between)
5,What was applied to whiten, should be washed off
(What was applied to whiten, became a
white mark of the skin)
6.Over the money, you need
to put a rubber band (Over the money, even eagles would not fly)
7.In the land of no nose men, there would not be cold(In the
land of no nose man, half nose man will become the king)
8 Give away the
elephant but not its trainer( Give away the elepant but never expectation)
9. He who eats salt, would never have seen sugar( He who
eats salt, would drink water)
10.Do back breaking work , get admitted in hospital(Do back
breaking work, eat till your teeth
11.If you have unity, you can stad in queue for beer( If you have unity, you can sleep on
top of a stick)
12, If crow takes a
bath it will shiver(If a crow takes
bath, it will not become a stork)
13.Even sell lad to become modern( Even if we sell
land, we have to celebrate onam)
14,Even if we loose a spear , search the google, (If we
loose the spear , serarch even in a pot)
15.If Tiger does not
get food, it will enter the town( If tiger does not get food, will it eat
16.New wife would see serial in Tv( New wife would lift the home)
17.If we eat slowly ,
we can spend time (If we eat slowly, we can even eat the stone)
18 He who stands leaning on mud, diedwhen mud fell (The one who stood leaning
on mud, vanished with the girl)
19.Al l that shines
is not light( All that glitters is not gold)
20.The snake on the fence
was stolen by Vava( He put on his lap the snake on the fence)
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander