
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Some family conundrums

Some family  conundrums
(A feeble attempt  based on a    very pretty essay in tamil on கொஞ்சம் கவனிக்கவேண்டியவை.(Some things that  need to be cared  for by J.K. SIVAN. I hope he will excuse me)


1.Husband   is in a hurry to go  out  some where,
But wife    spends lots, lote and lots  of time ,
In dressing  , chatting almost  nothing with her friends,
And  Would not this   irritate   that  poor man.

2.He does not  bother to reduce AC  when  she feels cool,
He does not bother about his   sleep   while watching  TV news  loudly,
He  does not switch off  light , allowing her to   sleep,
Would they   not irritate her   who  has day of  hard work  ahead.

3,Men do not    control gobbling of  tasty food    and become fat,
Women  goes on  not eating endlessly, making her endlessly irritable,
He wants  her  to be slim but eat food, though he never thinks  of his looks,
Would these  not irritate   each other  and make life miserable.

4.A woman does not want  , her husband  to appreciate beauty of another girl,
And he  does not want her  to   talk  of any  man of  her pre marriage life,
Men are  jealous  of their wives and   they   keep on dreaming of girls with whom  he talks,
Would not these  mutual   attitudes make   their  family  life miserable.

5.The husband   wants his wife  to  only cook  dishes in his mummy’s way ,
And he  never allows  her  to order   the dishes she likes in any  hotel,
And she knowing well  , his likes ,  cooks everything   her mummy’s way,
Would  not these mutual torture  make their family life  miserable.

6.There  is  nothing  in the world   that  is impossible   to him, he says
And it is also   true that   he fails to do all those  miserably,
She says   she is a super cook   but all her dishes   are difficult to eat,
Would not   accepting what you are  make  family life less miserable.

7.Promising one thing   and doing   just the  opposite,
Acting as if you love your in laws  while you are    really hating them,
Telling every one that  the other person is a boss while they are slaves,
Would not these   contradictions  in life make  it miserable.

8.Bombarding children  in front of  husband  but telling  the child,
In private that she only  loves them  and would give  them what they want,
Without the knowledge  of the  husband and making  them smile ,
Makes the children  take up to   wrong ways  and makes  them hate their father.

9.A husband  not bothering   about   the life and health of his wife,
And  being very sensitive  of even a   sneeze   of his own,
And a husband thinking   that  he  is the king and she his   slave,
Would not these   attitudes  make    family  life  miserable.

10.A husband  would be spending   all his   time in whatsapp and facebook,
A wife  would be  day and night busy on watching lengthy serials in TV,
Making both of them   having  no time   to discuss and take important decisions,
Would not this type of life  , lead their   life   to be  full of misery,

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander