
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Life -a short travel together

Life  -a short  travel together


(Whatsapp message in Tamil .Thanks to the great one  who wrote it)

One young lady   was travelling in a bus,
One very fat lady   got up  in to the bus ,
And sat near  this young lady  with lots  ,
Of bags on   a bench whose   length was less.

The fat one almost pushed   the young lady ,
Whose   discomfort  could be seen by all ,
And after   the fat lady   left the bus,
I asked the youngone, “how  come you kept quiet?”

She said , we are going to travel together  only for a short time,
And I felt that , for such a  small discomfort, there   is no need ,
To shout at her or make  her small  and uncomfortable  before others,
Any way  , I am   going to get down  in the   next stop,

I thought  , is not our  life also  like that ,
Is it not a   small jouney together and ,
What is the need for us  to quarrel, 
Argue and spread unhappiness  all around.

If some one does   that to you , please keep quiet,
For after all  the  time for our travel together is very small,
WE do not know   how long our journey will be,
And should we  not  make that indefinite  period pleasant.

Suppose  I have  hurt you, please  pardon me  ,
I also   would pardon you , for all the troubles you gave,
For  our travel together   is only for  a short period,
Let  us strive   to make this period   happy and joyful.


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander