
Sunday, October 28, 2018

In praise of Holy Places and rivers

n praise of Holy Places and rivers

Compiled and translated by

Anantha Narayanan  Vaidyanathan  

In all temples in Tamilndau, and in temples following the Tamil system of Agamas, after the formal pooja, especially on festival days, the scholars and devotees, stand before the deity in reverence and after presenting their respects,
recite the glory of the Vedas, Puranas, Itihasas and also describe the greatness of various landmarks and holy places all over Bharatha Varsha.
The deity is addressed as
देवदेवोत्तमा देवता सार्वभौम अखिलाण्डकोटि ब्रह्माण्डनायक
devadevottama devataa saarvabhauma akhilaandakoti brahmaada naayaka.
the lord of lords, the leader among gods like the emperor having control over the whole earth, the master of great universe consisting of many croses of celestial globes of Brahma..
( If the presiding deity is Mother, then the female gender is used in addressing Her)
यो नरः कुम्भ्कोणेस्मिन् क्षणार्धमतितिष्ठति
करस्थं तस्य कैवल्यं किमुतान्या विभूतयः॥
yo naraḥ kumbhkoṇesmin kṣaṇārdhamatitiṣṭhati
karasthaṁ tasya kaivalyaṁ kimutānyā vibhūtayaḥ||
The greatness of Kumbhakonam
If it so happens that a person stays in Kumbhakonam even for half a second, all divine grace and accomplishments would be withing his grasp.. What to talk of other worthy things he can attain.?
कावेरीतोयमाश्रित्य वातो यत्र प्रवर्तते।
तद्देशवासिनां मुक्तिः कुमुतः तीरवासिनाम्॥
kāverītoyamāśritya vāto yatra pravartate|
taddeśavāsināṁ muktiḥ kumutaḥ tīravāsinām||
the greatness of Kaveri
When the wind that has crossed the banks of River Kaveri passes through the villages in the landscape, all the people who are embraced by that wind get liberated from all sins and attain emancipation or Moksham..
And if that is so have we to speak anything about those who live in the banks of Kaveri.. ?
They are ever emancipated..
गङ्गा गङ्गेति यो ब्रूयात् योजनानां शतैरपि।
मुच्यते सर्वपापेभ्यः रुद्रलोकं स गच्छति।
gaṅgā gaṅgeti yo brūyāt yojanānāṁ śatairapi|
mucyate sarvapāpebhyaḥ rudralokaṁ sa gacchati|
Greatness of River Ganga
If a person repeats the word Ganga, Ganga, even thousands of miles away from where Ganga flows, he is relieved of all sins, and he would reach the abode of Shiva the Rudra in the afterlife.
अहं काशीं गमिष्यामि तत्रैव निवसाम्यहम्।
इति ब्रुवाणः सततं काशीवासफलं लभेत्॥
ahaṁ kāśīṁ gamiṣyāmi tatraiva nivasāmyaham|
iti bruvāṇaḥ satataṁ kāśīvāsaphalaṁ labhet||
The greatness of Kashi.. the Varanasi
Those who always talk with great sincerity that they want to go to Kashi and that they would live there alone, would attain all the merits of the one lucky man who really stays in Kashi.
हालास्यनाथाय महेश्वराय हालाहलालङ्कृतकन्धराय।
मीनेक्षिणायाः पतये शिवाय नमो नमः सुन्दरताण्डवाय॥
hālāsyanāthāya maheśvarāya hālāhalālaṅkṛtakandharāya|
mīnekṣiṇāyāḥ pataye śivāya namo namaḥ sundaratāṇḍavāya||
Greatness of Halasya.. the Lord of Madurai
Pranams to that attractive dancer of Tandava style, Shiva the lord of the damsel with eyes as vibrant as a pair of fish.. Meenakshi.. who is the master of Halasya.. and also the wonderful Lasya dance, who is adorned with the dark hue of the Poison Halahalam in His neck.. and who is Maheswara.. the Lord of all Gods.
कृपासमुद्रं सुमुखं त्रिणेत्रं जटाधरं पार्वतिवामभागम्।
सदाशिवं रुद्रमनन्तरूपं चिदंबरेशं हृदि भावयामि॥
kṛpāsamudraṁ sumukhaṁ triṇetraṁ jaṭādharaṁ pārvativāmabhāgam|
sadāśivaṁ rudramanantarūpaṁ cidaṁbareśaṁ hṛdi bhāvayāmi||
Greatness of Chidambaram
I meditate at the core of my heart the Lord of Chidambara who is a veritable ocean of mercy, who is of attarctive demeanour, who is having three eyes, who sports matted locks, who is having Uma Parvathy on his left, who is the epitome of eternal peace.. Sadashiva, who is Rudra, who is of universal.. and just having a form pervading eternity.
वेङ्कटाद्रि समं स्थानं ब्रह्माण्डे नास्ति किंचन।
वेङ्कटेश समो देवो न भूतो न भविष्यति॥
veṅkaṭādri samaṁ sthānaṁ brahmāṇḍe nāsti kiṁcana|
veṅkaṭeśa samo devo na bhūto na bhaviṣyati||
Greatness of Venkatadri.. the abode of Lord Venkatesha the Balaji
There is no holy place on the face of this earth that would match Venkatadri in glory, and there lives Lord Venkatesha for whom there was no equal before Him and for whom there can be any comparison in future too.
रघुवीरपदन्यास पवित्रीकृत पांसवे।
दशकण्ठशिरच्छेद हेतवे सेतवे नमः॥
raghuvīrapadanyāsa pavitrīkṛta pāṁsave|
daśakaṇṭhaśiraccheda hetave setave namaḥ||
Greatness of Sethu..
Pranams to the hallowed shore of Sethu.. which was purified by the dust flowing from the holy feet of the bravest of the Raghus.. Rama Himsel.. Pranams to Sethu who played a vital role in the beheading and annihilation of the ten headed Raskhasa.. the Ravana.
सदा परिमलोल्लास वासितम् पल्लवोपमम्।
मुखं वरदराजस्य मन्दस्मितमुपस्महे॥
sadā parimalollāsa vāsitam pallavopamam|
mukhaṁ varadarājasya mandasmitamupasmahe||
The Glory of Kanchi
We worship with great affection the sweet smile of Varadaraja of Kanchi.. the smile emanating from His face which is as tender as a fresh sprouting leaf, which exudes fragrnce and enthusiasm and divine beauty for ever and ever..
अहोवीर्यमहो शौर्यं अहोबाहुपराक्रमं।
नारसिंहं परं शौर्यं अहोबिलं अहोबिलं॥
ahovīryamaho śauryaṁ ahobāhuparākramaṁ|
nārasiṁhaṁ paraṁ śauryaṁ ahobilaṁ ahobilaṁ||
Greatness of Ahobilam.. the abode of Narasimha
Wonderful is the strength and vigour of His
Wonderful is the power and dexterity of his pair of hands
Wonderful is His valour.. the valour of the man and the lion
Wonderful is the cave abode.. Ahobilam.. wonderful indeed.
चौर्येण वा शङ्करसेवया वा शातोदरी सङ्गमवाञ्चया वा।
भूताः वसित्वा पुनरेकरात्रं मध्यार्जुने नास्ति शरीरबन्धः॥
cauryeṇa vā śaṅkarasevayā vā śātodarī saṅgamavāñcayā vā|
bhūtāḥ vasitvā punarekarātraṁ madhyārjune nāsti śarīrabandhaḥ||
The glory of Madhyarjua.. the Shiva temple of Tiruvidaimaruthur
( It was here that Indra took refuge in the abode of Shiva to escape the attack of Brahmahatya in the form of a devil.. because Indra killed the brahmin Vritra..and Vishvaroopa too.. The devil is not able to enter the temple because of the power of Lord Shiva.. So the devil waited near a gopuram.. after chasing Indra.. And Indra just worshpped the god and left the temple through another gate.. It is believed that all sorts of physical servitued or imprisonments or captivity would end once we go to this temple.. )
Whether it is for theft, whether it is to worship Shankara, whether to be in the company of source of other enjoyments, once living beings come to this Madhyarjuna and live here for one night, they would escape from all bondages that could happen to their body..
बालांबिकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च।
जपन्नामत्रयं नित्यं महारोगनिवारणम्॥
bālāṁbikeśa vaidyeśa bhavarogahareti ca|
japannāmatrayaṁ nityaṁ mahāroganivāraṇam||
Greatness of Vaitheeswaran Koil
If we chant the three names.. Vaidyesa..( vaitheeswara..vaidyanatha), Balambikesha.. the consort of Balambika.. Bhavarogahara (remover of all worldly illness) we would be relieved of all illness.
पञ्चापकेश वैद्येश भवरोगहरेति च।
जपेन्नामत्रयं नित्यं पुनर्जनम् न विद्यते।
pañcāpakeśa vaidyeśa bhavarogahareti ca|
japennāmatrayaṁ nityaṁ punarjanam na vidyate|
Greatness of Panchanada
If we recite the three names Panchapakesha, ( who wears five hole waters in his head) Vaidyesha.. ( the lord of Doctors) and Bhavarogahara( remover of all illnes) we would be blessed with ultimate emancipation from rebirths.
यन्मूले सर्वतीर्थानि यन्मध्ये सर्वदेवताः।
यदग्रे सर्ववेदाश्च तुलसीं तां नमाम्यहम्॥
yanmūle sarvatīrthāni yanmadhye sarvadevatāḥ|
yadagre sarvavedāśca tulasīṁ tāṁ namāmyaham||
The greatness of Thulas
I prostrate before the Goddes in the shape of Thulasi plant
Whose root is the abode of all holy waters of pilgrimage
Whose stem houses all the Gods
And the tips of whose leaves house the four vedas
त्रिदलं त्रिगुणाकारं त्रिणेत्रं च त्रयायुधम्।
त्रिजन्मपाप संहारं एकबिल्वं शिवार्पणम्॥
tridalaṁ triguṇākāraṁ triṇetraṁ ca trayāyudham|
trijanmapāpa saṁhāraṁ ekabilvaṁ śivārpaṇam||
The glory of Bilvam
I offer with great respect at the feet of Lord Shiva a leaf of Bilvam
Which is having three petals
Which embodies the three gunas Satva, Raja and Tamas
Which has three eyes or is found in the shape of the three eyes of the lord
Which represent the Trident.. the triple headed spear of Shiva
Which is capable of annihilating all my sins incurred during my three lives.
॥एकादशी माहात्म्यम्॥
शुद्धं भागवतस्यान्नं शुद्धं भागीरथीजलम्।
शुद्धं विष्णुपदध्यानं शुद्धं एकादशिव्रतम्॥
||ekādaśī māhātmyam||
śuddhaṁ bhāgavatasyānnaṁ śuddhaṁ bhāgīrathījalam|
śuddhaṁ viṣṇupadadhyānaṁ śuddhaṁ ekādaśivratam||
The glory of Ekadashi
Ekadahsi occurs two times a month.. the eleventh day in the new moon cycle and the eleventh day in the full moon cycle.. The day is considered very dear to Lord Vishnu
Purest of the pure is the food shared with a devotee of the Lord, the Bhagavata
Purest of the pure is the holy waters of Bhageerathi, the Ganga
Purest of the pure is the holy action of meditation upon the holy pair of feet of Lord Vishnu
Purest of the pure is the fast and worship undertaken on and in connection with Ekadashi.
the slokas in Malayalam
യോ നരഃ കുംഭ്കോണേസ്മിന് ക്ഷണാര്ധമതിതിഷ്ഠതി
കരസ്ഥം തസ്യ കൈവല്യം കിമുതാന്യാ വിഭൂതയഃ॥
കാവേരീതോയമാശ്രിത്യ വാതോ യത്ര പ്രവര്തതേ।
തദ്ദേശവാസിനാം മുക്തിഃ കുമുതഃ തീരവാസിനാം॥
ഗംഗാ ഗംഗേതി യോ ബ്രൂയാത് യോജനാനാം ശതൈരപി।
മുച്യതേ സര്വപാപേഭ്യഃ രുദ്രലോകം സ ഗച്ഛതി।
അഹം കാശീം ഗമിഷ്യാമി തത്രൈവ നിവസാമ്യഹം।
ഇതി ബ്രുവാണഃ സതതം കാശീവാസഫലം ലഭേത്॥
ഹാലാസ്യനാഥായ മഹേശ്വരായ ഹാലാഹലാലങ്കൃതകന്ധരായ।
മീനേക്ഷിണായാഃ പതയേ ശിവായ നമോ നമഃ സുന്ദരതാണ്ഡവായ॥
കൃപാസമുദ്രം സുമുഖം ത്രിണേത്രം ജടാധരം പാര്വതിവാമഭാഗം।
സദാശിവം രുദ്രമനന്തരൂപം ചിദംബരേശം ഹൃദി ഭാവയാമി॥
വേങ്കടാദ്രി സമം സ്ഥാനം ബ്രഹ്മാണ്ഡേ നാസ്തി കിംചന।
വേങ്കടേശ സമോ ദേവോ ന ഭൂതോ ന ഭവിഷ്യതി॥
രഘുവീരപദന്യാസ പവിത്രീകൃത പാംസവേ।
ദശകണ്ഠശിരച്ഛേദ ഹേതവേ സേതവേ നമഃ॥
സദാ പരിമലോല്ലാസ വാസിതമ് പല്ലവോപമം।
മുഖം വരദരാജസ്യ മന്ദസ്മിതമുപസ്മഹേ॥
അഹോവീര്യമഹോ ശൌര്യം അഹോബാഹുപരാക്രമം।
നാരസിംഹം പരം ശൌര്യം അഹോബിലം അഹോബിലം॥
ചൌര്യേണ വാ ശങ്കരസേവയാ വാ ശാതോദരീ സങ്ഗമവാഞ്ചയാ വാ।
ഭൂതാഃ വസിത്വാ പുനരേകരാത്രം മധ്യാര്ജുനേ നാസ്തി ശരീരബന്ധഃ॥
ബാലാംബികേശ വൈദ്യേശ ഭവരോഗഹരേതി ച।
ജപന്നാമത്രയം നിത്യം മഹാരോഗനിവാരണം॥
പഞ്ചാപകേശ വൈദ്യേശ ഭവരോഗഹരേതി ച।
ജപേന്നാമത്രയം നിത്യം പുനര്ജനമ് ന വിദ്യതേ।
യന്മൂലേ സര്വതീര്ഥാനി യന്മധ്യേ സര്വദേവതാഃ।
യദഗ്രേ സര്വവേദാശ്ച തുളസീം താം നമാമ്യഹം॥
ത്രിദളം ത്രിഗുണാകാരം ത്രിണേത്രം ച ത്രയായുധം।
ത്രിജന്മപാപ സംഹാരം ഏകബില്വം ശിവാര്പണം॥
॥ഏകാദ്ശീ മാഹാത്മ്യം॥
ശുദ്ധം ഭാഗവതസ്യാന്നം ശുദ്ധം ഭാഗീരഥീജലം।
ശുദ്ധം വിഷ്ണുപദധ്യാനം ശുദ്ധം ഏകാദശിവ്രതം।

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander