
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Hey pleasure , where are you available- a hindi poem

   "सुख"  तू  कहाँ   मिलता    है
Hey pleasure  , where are you available

Sanjay  Kumar Jain

Translated by

( This is a great Hindi poem , about search of happiness , Hear and read it in Hindi  )

Hey  , Pleasure  where  are  you available,
Do you  have   a proper  address

Why are   you sitting without address,
What  is your  final decision about it?

Where   all   I searched   for you?
But  I could    not get  you any where.

I searched   for you  in tall  homes
I searched   for you  in big, big  shops

I searched  for you  in all tasty food, 
I searched   for you  among all rich peoples

But they also  were searching   for you,
And they were also asking me   about where you were

“Sir , do you have   any ides,
Where  this pleasure   is living”

I did   have the address  of sorrow,
Which I used to meet , morning , noon and evening.

Getting worried   I wrote  a complaint,
But even this    search   was of  no use

Now   my age  is going   downhill
My energy  was reducing

But yes, I   had its o picture
And even now  my desire  is remaining

I will not accept   defeat
I will   search for the  secret of pleasure

It was with me in my young age,
It was  living along with me

But When I grew up big,
My pleasure  took leave  of me

Again I would    not get   defeated.,
I will start my search again.

One day I hear   a sound,
“Brother  , where   you searching me?”

“I was hiding     within yourself,
And I was living  in your own house.”

None  of the wealth   , is mine,
AS I am not  interested inmoney

I am in the    smile   of children

I was with you when you   were drinking  tea with your wife,
I was with you   when you were  living with your family

I was in the blessings   of your parents
I was in the  dishes cooked  in your kitchen

I was in the success    of your children
And I am in the  stable   affection of the mother

Most  of the time, I am living with you,
And most of the time  I  talk to you

I am but just a realization,
Please stop  your search of me

In whatever you get   realize the happiness
Think of only today  and never about tomorrow

Do not search for   tomorrow’s  sake today

Never become   unhappy for my sake
Never become unhappy    for my sake

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander