
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Man always wants more

Man  always wants more


(rewritten from tamil  post in Whatsapp)

One  multi  billionaire  made a  public  announcement,
I am going   to distribute   all  my wealth   to all those  who want,
And he requested people   in the  palace   ground  of our city,
And when he went next  day , the huge crowd filled  the palace

He told them .”I have plenty  of money   for each  and every one of you,
Please do come  one by  one   and take  it from  me” ,
But the crowd of people thought  that the money may get over,
And fought   with each other to come   first in front  of the rich man.

However much he tried   the rich man    was not able  to give money,
To anybody   and he again announced.”The first man   who comes,
Would just one rupee   and the second one two rupees   and so on,
And if you come as  the millionth member  , you will get one million”

Suddenly no body  of the vast crowd   was   seen   any where,
Because  each of them wanted  to be the  one millionth person,
And due to their  desire   without any limitations ,
The millionaire   went back home   with all   his money.

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander