
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Our complaints to the God who never complained

Our complaints  to the God  who never complained

Translated by

(When I   read this in Malayalam I cried for never  ever thinking how sad a  life our  darling Krishna lead?)

There   was one person  , who made  ,
His parents sad   , about  his future  birth,
Even on   the day of their  marriage  and ,
Who was the cause  of death of his seven brothers

There was   a person   born on useless  ,
Eighth  phase  of the moon as eighth child,
Who  cruelly moved away   from  his mother ,
Immediately   after he was born, for several years.

There was a person  , who when he was a baby,
When he ought   to have been  fondled and cherished,
Was   attempted  to be killed  by not  one or two,
But  very many persons of very great  strength.

There was a person    who fell in love   with a girl,
When he was a teenager , but was forced  to leave her,
Forever , one day   suddenly  telling her  ,
That He would  never   be able to meet her ever.

There   was a person  who was  known  all over ,
As the killer  of his own maternal uncle  and who.
Became notorious   as the thief of   Syamanthaka  gem,
Who was also  known as stealer  of a girl Rukhmani from her father.

There was a man who got released  sixteen thousand  women,
From the jail  of a king and gave   them all position of queens .
But who was  blamed as the most lecherous  person by all,
And who  fearing enemies  had to shift  his home to an island later.

There  was a person   who had to see  all his family,
Die quarreling with themselves but in spite ,
Of all this   that person never ever  shed a drop of tear,.
Except possibly  when he shed tears of joy on meeting his  friend Kuchela.

No where  it has been told    that    this person,
Was ever off his mood   or was greatly worried.
And all  that we know  is  that this person ,
Smilingly and courageously  faced  all his problems.

Imagine a day  , when  with our   extremely silly wants,
We who do not have  any problems   at all  at any time,
Are  standing  in front  of  his   temple    and crying ,
And imagine  that God inside  can come out and speak.

He will come  out   and   give us all  a slap  in our face ,
And tell “ Do you not know , what a   tragic life  with a smile,
That I lead , which has been written  in all  languages ,
For all of you to understand  and still have you  come here with complaints?

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander