Wo(men) in
life of men
international women’s day)
Every male is born to a female-his mother,
She gives her milk
as food for him,
Struggles lots and lot to
keep him clean,
And till her death she is worried about his health.
That male is indeed
greatly blessed ,
If we had grand mothers
on both sidesliving,
Who will spoil him by fulfilling all his wishes,
And shower him
with all the yummies that he
Some males are
indeed blessed with more
than one mother ,
In the form
of sisters of their mother and father,
For the inexhaustible
affection that they shower on
Would make him
lead a
life in heaven always
Some lucky
males are blessed with a sister,
Who is younger or
elder or born with him,
She loves him most
in the world ,
After their
mother. Without any selfishness
Most of the
males , when they grow up,
Find a lady
to marry and to be called his wife ,
Who satisfies
him in all possible ways we can imagine,
And with great pain, gives him children to love and look after.
Only the lucky
males are blessed by A
daughter by God,
Who loves him a lot
, showers all her affection on him,
Gets sad when he
is sad, from any cause whatsoever,
And sacrifices all her
wants, so that he is cared in old
Very true. Lucky males, especially in a family of girls gets all the attention to the envy of others. Maybe there is some selfishness involved here. A male, in Indian society, is viewed as an insurance for the old age. Well written.