
Monday, April 22, 2019

Expectation groom/bride

Expectation groom/bride

Compiled by

What type  of wife  a groom expects?
What type  of husband  a bride   expects?

A groom    should  expect   a bride ,
Who is interested  in married life ,
Who would never  ever be his slave,
And  who never ever be  his boss.

A bride    should expect a groom,
Who is interested  in married life ,
Who would never   ever be her  boss,
And  who never ever   be her slave.

A groom  should expect   a bride ,
Who never  thinks he is ugly,
Who never  thinks that he is  stunt man of picture,
And who loves her  and is interested in her welfare

A  bride    should expect    for a groom,
Who never thinks   she is ugly,
Who never wants her  to look like  heroines  of films,
And who  loves him  and wants  to please  her in always.

A groom  should    expect a bride,
Who  is interested  in giving him a child,
Who to the best extent looks after his parents,
And also interested  in the welfare  of her parents.

A  bride    should    expect  a groom,
Who is interested  in her giving a child,
Who  is also interested in welfare of her parents,
And who helps  her to look   after   his parents.

A groom    should expect   a bride,
Who is  as rich or poor as he is ,
Who is as much  educated  as him,
And who would help him making their family  prosperous .

A   bride  should expect   a groom.
 Who is as   rich or poor as she is,
Who is as much educated as her,
And who would help  in  taking care  of chores

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander