Maha Periyava
Abstracted and
Translated by
(When I was lad I
was attracted by small book lets published by rama Krishna mission titled, Rama Krishna Paramahamsa speaks, Vivekananda speaks etc
. One of my aims was to bring out a book called “Maha Periyava speaks”
Jagadguru Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swamigal (20
May 1894 – 8 January 1994) [birth name: Swaminathan], also known as the Sage
of Kanchi was called as Mahaperiyava (meaning, "A
venerable sage") and was the 68th
Jagadguru of the Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham.
He was a very
great Saint who has given several
discourses to people visiting
him,.These has been compiled in a book
form and was called
“Deivathin kural( voice of God) .
I always
thought that we must have a very tiny
book let with the above title . This month
The tamil Magazine called “Kumudham
Bakthi “ brought a slightly bigger book with this title. This has got 29
I have read it again and again , made a small abstract of each lecture and then translated in to English. These easy to follow advices of “Maha Periyava” would make
our life meaningful. God
bless all those who read it,.)
Mahaperiyava's discourses has been written as magnum opus
based on Hindu philosophy in a Tamil book titled - "Deivathin Kural"
(Voice of God).
1.We can see God
It is impossible
to explain,
What is sweet to
Who does not
know ,
What is sweetness ,
Similarly to a
And to one who
does not ,
Know what is
We cannot
explain God.
2.What offering
we can give to God?
A devotee
wanted to give,
To his god ,
what he does not have,
After great
search he found out,
That God does
not have mind,
And so he offered God
his mind.
3.The stable mind
I f a lamp keeps
on shaking ,
WE would not
be able
To see
anything clearly ,
And similarly if our mind,
Keeps on jumping
One thing to
WE cannot feel God clearly.
4,Do not get angry
Like the rubber
ball , thrown on a wall ,
Comes back and hits
us badly,
Anger thrown against
Comes back and hits
us badly,
Take a selfie when you are
You would not
like your photo,
Imagine how our mind
Would look like ,
if we can,
Take a selfie
of our angry mind.
5.To live nicely
When a
machine works constantly,
We stop it , lubricate
it and rest it,
Our ancestors told
that if we keep on working,
And eating , do we
need a rest by not
And lubricating
our mind by praying to God?
6.Everything is one.
Though we
eat very many sweets or even sugar,
We are able to
enjoy only the taste
of sweetness always,
Like that
whichever God we pray
, in whichever form,
And whichever prayer, we
get mental peace .
7. We can control
When we get
million dollar lottery ,
For a second our
breath stops and revives,
When suddenly our
close relative is no more ,
For a second we are not able to breath,
Proving that mind
has something to do with breath,
And so by
controlling breath, mind can be controlled.
8.Ills would disappear
We wash ourselves
, our cloths and our teeth daily,
And we never think
, we need not do it one day,
Should we not clean
our mind daily , by ,
Thinking and meditating
and praying to God,
Will our inside not get dirty , if we stop it one day?
9.Anna dhana
(Charity of food)
Gita says
that a person who only
eats food,
For himself and
never gives it to others are sinning,
The only
charity which can fully
satisfy a person,
And make him say , “This is sufficient” , is Anna
Dhana(Charity of food)
10., I , you and
There is only
one sun in the sky , but if we sprinkle,
Water on the
floor , in each drop we see a
Like that there
is only one God to all of us,
But he appears
in every one’s mind as very many
11.The seat of God
If you see a
tin not coming up the water,
If you examine it
, it would be filled with mud,
The more , more
mud we take out of it ,
It starts
floating and similarly , if we
To God to sit in the
throne of our mind,
Our mind should be clean of bad thoughts.
12, Sandhya vandhana
At dawn and
dusk the mind is calm,
And the wind of
godliness blows at these times,
I request all
people to say “Hari , hari…” at
And “Shiva..Shiva..”
at dusk, so that mind
achieves concentration.
13.North is
Our ancestors advised us
, not to sleep ,
With head towards
north and a few generations,
Called it blind
belief but now scientists have ,
Identified the
north –South electro magnetic
And are advising us
to do same thing.
14.Navaneetha mind
When we churn butter
comes out of milk,
But milk gets diluted
when mixed with water,
And butter floats
and never gets diluted.
While living in this world , we should ,
Be like butter, floating all over and not attached,
And the God who wants to have our unattached
Is called “Nava
neetha(butter) chor” and “Chitha(mind) chor”
15.tHe cause of the act
When baby eats mud , mummy ties
his hand ,
And when the baby
cries , she laughs, “A cruel monster”
Thinks the
baby without understanding his mother,
Our Ambika(goddess)
, some times ties our hand
And without understanding her
good intentions,
We too call her “Cruel monster” , what a tragedy?
16,Try to be a baby
When we pray and
worship our goddess ,
In the form of a baby
, our mind also would become that of a baby?
If we become “anger
proof “ and passion proof” ,
She would become
our mother who feeds us “wisdom milk”
Our villagers knew it and called their baby goddesses,
As “Kathayi (karthyayni) and “” and “BHattarikaa”
Let us all worship
our gods as babies with a baby mind
17.Learn before
quarter of your life span
We consider that a
human being can live 100 years.
The first quarter(Kaal) of it is the
age to study,
Can we call it
“Kaal age” or College and If ,
We do not concentrate
on learning at this age ,
We would not be able
to learn anything in life.
18.Learn devotion
The central aim
of learning is to know
But nowadays those who
learn do not believe in God,
The central aim of
getting knowledge is getting humility,
But those who learn nowadays are
Though our girls
get knowledge , they are not submissive,
Most of our students
have lost devotion to teachers,
Though what we
learn or taught has not changed ,
We have changed and this would mean ,
WE may get knowledge
but we will not get intelligent
19.Social service
to repair our temples
Our age old
temples , where we used to pray God,
Need lot of repair
and rebuilding and I feel,
That each and every
one of us have to contribute
It need not be
always monetary donation
voluntary effort and we have
to learn from,.
Saivite saint
Appar , who used to cut the grass
around the temple.
20.Where is
happiness does not come to us
from outside,
But comes deep from our mind and it comes,
When we
identify some thing as ours and
ours only,
Suppose we get more and more yield we get happy,
Suppose one year yield
decreases we feel sad,
And suppose we
sells and buyer gets ,
Much high yield
next year , we get sad.
21, All are his
When we get in to
trouble or get worried,
If we go to the temple
and tell him our complaints,
Slowly we get in
to the habit of remembering that God
In trouble and joy and
peace and joy would fill our
22. Mastery of
God has given only
man the ability to speak,
So that, he chants
the name of god and if,
He does not do that, God may decide,
That there is no
use in giving this ability to him,
It has been told that
in this Kali age,
The best and most
easy of
praying God ,
Is repeating his
name again and again.
23.What is prayer?
It is true that we
should not beg from God ,
But in Gita, human
beings are classified,
As Not only as those
trying or getting salvation,
But those who pray
to get cured of
And also those
who pray to get wealthy,
Indicating that
God does approve our asking him.
And so do pray,
pray for anything you like.
24Service to others
.Every one
should do service to others,
The rich can give money
and the poor service,
Wise people who
are not rich can teach the people,
Without expecting
any thing and once people,
Decide to help
other do their best possibility,
The world will improve
and no one will suffer.
25.Our Dharma
There is a
lot of quarrel based on religion and caste ,
If all people do the prescribed proper method of living for them,
Without anger and
passion , without bothering ,
To compel others to
change their Dharma,
The world would
be a quiet peaceful place to live.
26.Good thoughts
We are all
always sad and sorry without any
And we are always
worried , about, who will help us ,
To come out of this
life of problem but if we understand,
That catching hold
of god firmly and coming
Out of misery is the only way
out, our life will change.
If we are drowned
in mud,
we need to catch ,
Something firm
to get
out of there and that is God.
27. You can become
.The water of all
sacred rivers joining the
Would become sea water and cannot be identified,
Like that if we
understand we are a part of god ,
From that second ,
we would become him.
28.Think that
which is only good
If mind thinks
always about something,
It changes in to
that thing and even doctors agree to it,
And if we always
think of God , the ocean of love
and mercy,
We ourselves would become
people pervaded with love and
It seems when Sita in Lanka was always
thinking of Rama,
She had a doubt that
she will become Rama and Trijata,
Her friend told , true, and Rama there
would become Sita there
29.Hari and Shiva are one
When we go to a
new place , we do not know ,
Which is east or
west and even if you enquire and know,
When we proceed further we would get further confused,
But if we remain at the same place we would be able to identify directions,
Initially when
we start devotion to gods , we wil get confused,
Whether Shiva is our god
or Lord Vishnu is our God,
But when our devotion becomes firm and matured,
Such differences would not occur
to us.
Periyava charanam. Thank you for sharing this treasure in a nutshell. Please share more about Periyava.
ReplyDeleteGreat composition of great thoughts of Mahaperiyava. Short and sweet read