
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Onion Rava and Menu Dharma Sasthra

Onion Ravavum  , Menu Dharma  Sastramum
Onion Rava   and Menu Dharma Sasthra

BHagyam   Ramasawami

Translated  by

(My  translation    has  totally killed the  prettiness  of reading it in Tamil but I am doing it so that, the great  humour of the author   who can  be called as  emperor  of humorous writing  , would be lost.I request  those who have read it in Tamil original not to read my translation)

Onion  Rava  would  indicate  only  Onion Rava  Dosa,
An Onion Rava  prepared in a great hotel   would,
Be  thirty five cm long   and  twenty five  cm broad.
And no housewife  can ever  prepare  a dosa  of this type.

Ordering for  and eating  a Onion Rava  is a great art,
Eating it  like  an ordinary  Masala  dosa is like,
Watching   a folk dance  in Bharatha natyam stage,
And it is necessary for every one to learn  how to eat it.

After   you give an order   for Onion Rav a, it would take,
The supplier thirty seven minutes   to bring it and ,
A connoisseur would not order dishes   like Vada,
Because   eating  it would   reduce  your appetite.

A good cook  in a good hotel   would never make  hurry,
In making a Onion Rava and since   eating  it  is,
AS beautiful as   seeing a kurinji   flower  once in twelve years,
If it  is prepared in mega crisp and super  mega size,

It is also recommended  that when you   are  waiting for it,
You shoud not read   any paper   or Magazine  because,
If you read  something   very interesting there ,
You may  not bother  about the taste  of Onion Rava.

Please   do not bother  that  others may  think  that,
All this indicates  your devotion to  Rava  Masala
And even if they think   it does not matter at all,
Think about it by your toungue, touch  as well as  by your brain.

A devotee of Onion Rava   would tell  you that,
The joy  of seeing   Onion rava coming after  waiting,
Should be  comparable  to your waiting   for  your  new wife,
In  your  bed room , with dreams  of  everlasting joy.

Ordinarily  Onion Rava would be served  on a banana leaf,
Kept  on a  plate of 22 cm by  19 cm  and it is but natural   that  a good dosa,
Would be  bigger than the plate  and may touch the table,
And  as soon as the server  brings tell him to   slow down the fan.

Because fan will reduce  its most  desirable   heat  as soon as it is kept,
Enjoy its smell  by your nose and see it with  a poetic   eyes,
And   see  its golden edges as well as  its other beauties  ,
And slowly touch it   with   your  fingers to see its crispness.

Just  like planets   around the sun , he will  bring  ,
Green chutney, orange  colour   chutney,
A white chutney   and a   a  green chutney  ,
Along with Sambhar  in a   shaving   cup.

Some people would   fold the edges   which touch the  table,
Inside   the Onion rava  itself    and this is very wrong,
Because   the crispness  of onion  Rava  would be affected,
Better ask for an extra plate , break the edges  and keep it on them.

You may  feel extremely bad because  you are wasting  ,
The very crispy  portion of   the onion Rava  but  this,
Cannot be avoided as purity  also  is very   important,
Just like a very pretty girl  would be  more appealing with good conduct.

Just like  an efficient surgeon ,   examine the folds  .
Of the onion  Rava, touch    and examine   the crispness,
Of its  different parts   and most important  , never use,
A  spoon because Menu Dharma says  you will go to hell.

Onion Rava should be eaten  layer by layer and  you should,
Never pour chutney or sambar on onion rava  and remove its crispness,
Break  it in to small pieces , just touch the sambhar  or chutney.
Or touching it with chutney powder is the proper  method.

After eating the top layer, turn it to the other   side ,
And eat the top layer on that  side first  and if you  ,
Normally  consume more  of sambhar or chutney ,
Order  extra quantity before  the dosa comes.

After   eating  the entire  onion rava   do not drink,
Coffee  or cool drink , if you do , the pleasant  flavor,
Of your mouth, which should be there  for one hour ,
Would disappear and no one will ask you, onion Rava?”

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