Translated from Tamil
(I found many people
have written about this,I have
translated with some changes)
There are thirteen
types of curses viz
1.Sthree Sapam(
curse of a lady)
2.Pretha Saapam
(Curse of the dead body)
3.Brahmana Saapam(
Curse of a Brahmin)
Saapam(Curse of a serpent)
5.Pithru Sapam (Curse
of dead ancestors)
6.Go Saapam(Curse
of the cow)
7.Bhoomi Saapam (Curse
of earth)
8.Ganga Saapam ( Curse
of water)
Saapam(Curse of a tree)
10.Deiva Saapam(Curse
of gods)
11.Rishi Saapam(Curse
by sages)
12.Muni Saapam (Curse of village gods)
13.Kula deiva Saaapam (Curse of the clan god)
1.Sthree Sapam(
curse of a lady)
This is received
by us when we ill treating or deceiving
a lady or when we do not support our
mother/sister, or by neglecting wife .Our
family would get destroyed by this.
2.Pretha Saapam (Curse of the dead body)
When before a
dead body , if we talk bad of the dead person or if we jump over the
dead body or if we try to stop the cremation/burial of the dead body or if we
prevent the relation of friend of the dead body to do final honours. That person’s life span would reduce by this curse.
3.Brahmana Saapam(
Curse of a Brahmin)
It is the curse given by a Brahmin, when we ill treat or
trouble him. If the Brahmin who curses follows all rituals of a Brahmin , the person will suffer in various
ways. This can go only if that concerned
Brahmin pardons us.
Saapam(Curse of a serpent)
This comes if the person kills or ill treats the serpent. This also comes by
placement of Rahu or Kethu in a person’s horoscopes. Delay in marriage or absence of
children will result
5.Pithru Sapam (Curse
of dead ancestors)
If a person does
not do proper rituals for the dead ancestors or ill
treats old parents when they were alive this will result .Absence of male
children in the family , mental
retarding of children or infant death of children will result .By doing proper
rituals in certain pilgrimage centres would help.
6.Go Saapam(Curse
of the cow)
Treating cow
badly , troubling it, selling it for
killing , not giving when it is
thirsty etc may lead to curse of the cow.All sort of problems will occur to the family.
7.Bhoomi Saapam (Curse
of earth)
Needlessly hitting
the earth, unnecessarily digging
it , taking by force some body’s land etc
will lead to this curse.It will lead to
great unbeatable pain to the person.
8.Ganga Saapam ( Curse
of water)
Spoiling drinking
water, making running river dirty or not
giving drinking water to a thirsty
person would cause this. The person
who does it will not get water when he
needs it.
Saapam(Curse of a tree)
Cutting a
living tree , making a fruit yielding tree die, burning tree , cutting
away trees to build a home would cause this curse,Due to this curse , the person would suffer by ill health and would not be able to return loans taken
by him.
10.Deiva Saapam(Curse
of gods)
Discontinuing worship in the middle ,
using bad words against gods, making others not believing in God leads to this curse. Your family will split because
of this. You would suffer poverty ,
however much you earn.
11.Rishi Saapam(Curse
by sages)
Insulting sages,
godly people and devotees of Gods leads to this curse .The person’s family would
get destroyed because of this.
12.Muni Saapam (Curse of village gods)
Stopping the worship of village Gods and talking an
insulting way about them causes this.Without the blessing of these gods, the
person would not be able to complete any job he undertakes.Black magic
will work against him.
13.Kula deiva Saaapam (Curse of the clan god)
Each family
worships Some God or other , wherever
they go ,Forgetting such gods would lead to this curse.The persons home will
always be surrounded by sorrow , de to this curse
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander