Strange happenings
in Kali age
Translated by
After the
Mahabharatha war, just outside
Their capital,
horses were auctioned .
Towards the end
a black man came ,
With a pretty horse
and every one wanted it.
At that time
Sahadeva the last of pandavas,
Came there and
when he asked for the horse ,
The black man said, “please answer
my question,
And would give
the horse free to you.
SAhadeva said, “
okay” and the black man asked,
There was a big
well of water and all
the water,
In it was completely
filled into seven small wells,
But when all the water
of seven wells tried,
To fill up the big
well, it was almost empty”
Sahadeva could not
answer and then Nakula came,
And the black man
asked, “ one elephant entered through,
The nozzle of
needle .Though it could its tail,
Did not pass through
that nozzle, Why?”
Sahadeva could
not answer and when Arjuna came,
The black man asked, “one
crop was completely fenced,
And though
the fence was very much there,
Not a single plant
was seen inside in the field”
After some time Bhima
and took back all ,
The three
brothers back and they told,
about the happenings ,
As well as the
difficult questions asked:
Dharma Puthra was shocked and told,
that black man,
Is the deplorable
Kali age and his questions ,
Indicate about
what is going to happen,
And we better
die and go to heaven.”
“In Kali age
parents would feed their children,
But the
children would not able
to help them back,
And this is
indicated by his first question, and the big well,
Is the parent and
seven small wells are their children.
“ The elephant’s body
entering through the nozzle,
Indicates the great
evil would easily happen
and tail not
entering, indicated that good will be difficult to happen
And the
fenced crop disappearing , with fence intact
Would indicate that the
government servants who are
the fence,
Would eat
away all the crops and crop will not be there ,
And pandavas
started their journey towards heaven to avoid Kali
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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander