
Monday, October 7, 2019

The ladder person

 The  ladder  person

Translated  by

(I have   climbed   up to the top climbing on my  father ladder. But for him, I would be  rotting at the ground level. I realize  this  and daily   salute him. Am I the only  one who have  climbed  using him? Definitely  not.)

Ladder   is never    worried,

For  it the person ,  
who climbs  up  on it  , up to the   top and kicks it
Who climbs   up to its top   and says  he  has reached  there by  himself
Who climbs  to the top    and forgets  the ladder
Are   all the  same.

For  it the person,
Who finds fault   with the ladder
Who tells a lie   that  he does not need the ladder   to reach the top,
Who tells what  has the stair done, I reached  here  because  of my ability
Are   all the same

The ladder  is never  worried,
It is waiting ,
To lift some one up,
Make   some one climb up,
And to remove  the sorrow  of a person  who is at the bottom

Whatever  people may say,
The ladder  is waiting   to do its duty.

1 comment:

I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander