
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Never compare yourself to others

Never  compare  yourself to others

Never  compare  yourself to others

Translated from Tamil  by

Image result for great computer institute clipart

There  was  a boy    from a  middle class family,
They all  struggled together   to send their son ,
To one  of the top computer  institution of the city,
And the boy also very happily  went and joined there.

Suddenly they   found that their son  was getting  tired,
He started getting angry  at every body  and he  started,
Absenting himself    from the classes and avoiding,
Doing the home   tasks    given by   the Institute

The father started   shouting him, mother  consoled father,
Went to the institute  , talked  with  the trainers  ,
And later one day she   watched   her son in the institute ,
Without  his knowing and she  had some inkling   about her son’s problem

The next day mother  took the son with her  to a marriage ,
Of their rich friend and both of them   sat  for a great feast.
There  were so many  wonderful items  including  dishes,
Which they have  not seen   at any time  in their love.

In the middle of the feast  , the mother stopped  taking the feast
And went away and the son  finished  his   food without any interest ,
Later  met his  mother  and asked  her , what happened  to her?
She said that  she was upset   and did not like   to eat  .

When the son insisted she told, “I had just  began the food,
Some people were  eating the sweets and some even completed it,
And  I felt bad   that  I am not  like  them  and  got away.
He asked  , “How can you be like every one  , some are slow  and some fast”

Son continued, “You should have eaten  in your own pace  ,
Never  comparing  yourself with others”   and the mother asked,
“Why are  doing  that  in your institute ?”  , Here  the food is  free,
And  there we pay  fifty thousand  per month”

The son understood and said, “Mummy  , from now  on,
I will not compare  myself   to others and I will work,
To my best  possible extent” Mother smiled  and said,
“I am hungry, I will take   the feast once more and come back”

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander