
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Softa ware developed in 1995

It was  the year  1995 .Desk tops   were  available  but no google search   to find out  information  about  various things.
  I was  working  In Indian Institute  of Horticultural research .I   though  we can collect information   about   cultivation practices  of various  horticultural crops and put in computer.My director encouraged me  .I started  visiting  several  centres  of  South India to  collect  the needed info.This took about an year and then  editing  , and loading all that information took  another 6 months because only one desk top was available with us 
Once loaded   I wrote a programme   which would give all types on info about  various crops .WE started loading that info as   well as programme  in disks.
Whenever a farmer approached  for info, we used  to take a print out  of his need and give it to him..I was surprised to find a news item anout in India today magazine of 1996

1 comment:

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