What is Nirmalya
Darsanam and Vaka chathu in Guruvayur?
Translated from Malayalam by
Normally we take
“NIrmalya Darsanam”,
AS that which
remove sins(dirts) in our mind,
And some how every
one thinks it is seeing God ,
Without his garland
or decorations.
But as soon as the
doors are opened
What we see is the
God decorated ,
With all the
previous day decorations ,
And this is not NIrmalya darsanam.
This darsanam should be done with
Of Vedic Sukthas
and the devotees ,
Should put the
flowers in their hand,
Towards the steps
of the sanctum.
Then the priest
wakes up the lord ,
And removes the
dress sandal paste
And flowers from
the lord and what we see,
Is the bare statue
of God without decorations and this
is Nirmalyam
Since devotees
believe that by seeing
the God,
Glistening without
any decorations is more beneficial,
They think
Nirmalya darsanam grants ,
blessing than any other darsanam.
Then the God is
given a bath and,
Gingelly oil is applied
on the lord,
And powder called Vaka
is put on the statue,
So that oil can
be removed-This is called Vaka Charthu,
Normally the powder of dried leaves
Of the Nenmeni vaka (siris
tree ) is used ,
To remove the
oil applied to the God,
And the God
appears very pretty with sprinkled Vaka
Then the Vaka as well oil is removed from the body,
And the God is dried
and he is dressed up,
For all of us to
see after in various,
Forms mainly using flowers and sandal-Chandana Charthu
Useful information