
Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The curse of dependent old age

The curse  of dependent  old age

Compiled  by

The second most important  problem   faced by us is that” There  is no one  to take  care of us  at old age especially   when we   are  physically dependent”

   Even about   80 years   this  problem was not there  because

1.Every one had   several children    and  some one  of them   will take care of them

2.Most of the children were   financially   dependent  on their parents

3.All old and young lived  in India and after  retirement  old people used   to retire to their native village to live amidst   friends and relatives  

4. People used to die   around 60 years  of age  when  they    are not physically   dependent

45Every   individual  in India felt that it is their primary   duty to take care of old people

56There   were  no old    age   home to go,

At the present time

1.      Each of has have  one or two children
2.      No child is financially   dependent   on his parent
3.      Retired people   settle down in the place  they retire, far  away  from their close  relations
4.      Most of the people  live very long, subjected  to physically  depilating diseases and the curse  Alzheimer’s  disease
5.      Children do not feel    that it is their   duty to look after  their parents
6.      There   are very large  number  of old age homes

What can be done

1.Start   having a large family with many children
2.Become  financially  not dependent  on your children, if needed do not support them beyond an age   as done  in foreign countries
3.Before retirement  , along with relatives  and friends buy flats in the same apartments(your own old age  homes)
4,Nothing can be done about  old age diseases  except suffer and try  to lead   a healthy life3
5.Nothing can be done  to make children realize that it is their   duty to look after you
6.If you are  financially okay   go to an old age home

All these  I understand  are impractical, Nothing can be done  .If God wants  you to suffer    in old age   there is no other option  except praying him

1 comment:

I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander