
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Hear other’s problem with kindness

Hear other’s problem  with kindness

Translated by

There  was a rat in a house   and one   day,
It saw the owners  opening  a new parcel,
And it thought  , it was something which ,
It can eat, but it was   a rat   trap.

The rat  ran out  of  there  and met  a cock,
And told him  how he was scared   because,
The owners  had purchased a rat trap, and ,
The cock replied, “öh rat trap, I am not bothered.”

The rat then met  then .the Turkey  hen grown there,
And told the same thing   and it was also  not bothered,
And then it met the   goat  of the house   and complained,
And it laughed saying, “ So what , as far as  I am concerned|

The owners kept a fish bait  in the trap   and went to sleep,
Suddenly there was a sound and the owners   saw a snake,
In the trap  , which bit the lady of the house, who was  advised,
To drink Chicken soup  by  a doctor and so cock  was killed.

Some relations came   to esquire  about the lady’s health,
And they  cut the turkey and cooked   food    for them,
And by the grace of God the lady  was cured and  ,
They hosted a feast to their friends  and mutton was served.

 They kept the rat trap  on the attic and rat  escaped and so,
When some one comes   with a problem    to you  ,
At least  listen  with kindness  and ask how you can help them,
Because  that problem  hich is now to them, may come to us.

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander