
Monday, May 18, 2020

Jogada Siri Belakinalli –Forever festival to you, mother

 Jogada Siri Belakinalli –Forever festival to you, mother

Nisar Ahmed the Nithyothsava  poet 

Translation attempt by

(I  was  once working  in Indian Institute of Horticultural research ,I was in a senior  position  and when some  staff members  wanted to celebrate  “Kannada Rajyothsava  “ I supported their cause and they  started  celebrating it  ,Once late NIsar Ahmed  was called  to preside over the function. Some how the duty of taking care of him fell on me, I told him that my mother toungue  is not Kannada  but  I wanted to talk him in Kannada. He laughingly agreed. After  the function he told me “You have  honoured  your mother toungue today  , by speaking  in Kannada. From now on try to speak in Kannada , to a  person  whose  mother  toungue  is kannada. Whenever  I do it , I remember him. In his honour, I have made an attempt  to translate .If I have  made a mistake do pardon me)

Jogada siri belakinalli
Tungeya tene balukinalli
Sahyadriya lohadalira
Uttungada nilukinalli
Nitya haridvarna vanada
Tega gandha tarugalali
Nityotsava taye nityotsava
Ninage nityotsava taye nityotsava

In  the Jog fall’s opulent  luster,
In the thunga river’s tassel like swirl,
In the lofty structure of the ore laced western ghats
In the teak and sandal  plants of their  ever green forests
Forever festival oh mother forever festival
To  you oh mother, forever festival, forever festival

Itihasada himadallina
Simhasana maleyalli
Gata sahasa sarutiruva
Shasanagala salinalli
Itihasada himadallina
Simhasana maleyalli
Gata sahasa sarutiruva
Shasanagala salinalli
Olegariya sirigalalli
Degulagala bhittigalali
Nityotsava taye nityotsava
Ninage nityotsava taye nityotsava

In the background of history.
In the  throne like mountain,
In the past  years,
 where   the adventures   of the past  is written,
In the throne like mountain,
n the back ground of history
In the past years,
where   the adventures   of the past  is written,
In the letters written on palm leaves,
in the inscriptions  on the walls
Forever festival oh mother forever festival
To  you oh mother, forever festival, forever festival

Olavemmaya sirimeye
Kulavemmaya garimeye
Sadvikala shila nudiya
Lokamruta simeye
Olavemmaya sirimeye
Kulavemmaya garimeye
Sadvikala shila nudiya
Lokamruta simeye
E varshada e harshada
Hala udara mahimeye
Nityotsava taye nityotsava
Ninage nityotsava taye nityotsava

The excellence  in the pride  of our manifold history,
the  dignity of  the greatness of our clan,
The story  of virtue  of our women
Take us to  the nectar  like end of the world
In this  glory   and joy of your children
we  touched    the   end points  of the  nectar like joy,
Forever festival oh mother forever festival
To  you oh mother, forever festival, forever festival

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir - please accept my sincere thank you for thousands of great postings especially translations of Slokams, Kirthis, rituals and many many more. I have used and continue to use them as reference.

    You have done such a phenomenal service for eternity

    Thank you again


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander