
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A poem to super star Idli

 A poem to  super star   Idli


Translated by



(Thanks to sister  Anandi  Lakshmi  for posting it)

You  are nectar  fed by mother’s to their kids

Tou are  the full moon  rising on breakfast table

You the nectar which came like a white and soft cloud

You are  the mother  to babies   after  the mother’s milk

You are   flower of jasmine  touched by my wife

You    are the reddish  mountain  along with c hutney powder

You are nectar of devas  , if accompanied  by  coconut chutney

You are  the golden puff  along with tomato chutney

You are  green flower    along   with mint chutney

You got boon of immortality    along with sambar

You are   the victory along with any  of your friends

You are  the food recommended  by doctors

You are   the perennial   super star  of entire  south india



  1. Need this for sadhana

    Dear sir this translation has been done by you

    Please provide the sanskrit version as it is not available

  2. You have done a great job. I will definitely dig it and personally recommend to my friends. I am confident they will be benefited from this site.


I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander