
Monday, May 8, 2023

What is Khumbabhishekam? What Worships are done?

What is Khumbabhishekam? What Worships are  done?


Translated from Tamil

(khumbabhishekam fortemples is supposed to be done once  in 12 years.Here a fewrituals conducted during Khumbabhishekam is given


Kumbhabhishekam ceremony has everlasting effect on the society as a whole, besides on devotees. Aagama sastras mention, “Sarvaroga nivrityartham, sarva yaaga phalapradam Sarva sampathkaram nreenam putrapoutrabhi vardhanam, It is conducted with the sole purpose of eradicating all illness, obtaining good benefits from various Yagaas, deriving rich benefits for the well being and for the healthy propagation of the progeny.

The kumbhabhishekam brings all-round prosperity not only to any particular group or devotees but also to the society as a whole



All of you must have heard   about Kumbhabhishekam and might have  even participated.Many of few may not know, what is it and what type of worship is involved. Here is small note  which is from the  tamil write up 


The type  of Kumbhabhishekams

1.Aavartham .This is done when a  new temple  is built and consecration done.


2,Anavartham.This is done after  rebuilding of temple., damaged  due to neglect  or natural  calamities


3.Punaravrrutha,  .This is done when the sanctum sanctorum  , tower  and the building of  temple the damaged   and needs to be repaired


4.Antharitham ,This is done when some thing extremely undesirable happens  in side  the temple.


The following  important steps are  involved in every Khumbabishekam


1.Anujnai.This  is getting permission from to  do Khumbabhishegam-Mainly done   using astrologers or Acharyas   and by Ashta Mangalya Prashnam in Kerala


2,SAnkalpam .This is informing god as to what  we propose to do


3,Pathra Pooja- This is cleaning and worshipping  all vessels lamps , bell, plates  etc


4.Ganapathi  pooja –Worshipping Ganapathi for starting of the programme


5.Varuna  pooja- Praying and  worshipping  Varuna  as well gods of the seven holy rivers to clean the place


6.Vaasthu Saanthi   -Worship of gods so that the kumbhabhisheka  is completed with any problem


7.Pravesa Bali. Worshipping the  Ashta dik Palakas  (Guardians of the eight directions_ and making them stay in their  places so that  evil spirits  do not enter the temple


8.Mrit sangrahanam(taking soil)  . after getting permission   from ashta dik palakas, getting soil from a neat place and doing abhisheka  to the pit from soil is  taken


9.Angurarpanam. Put the soil taken in Palikas , sow seeds and make  them grow.Worship Dwadasa(12)   Adhithyas(Sun)    and mon   with them


10.Raksha Bandhanm Saying manthras  , for sake of protecting chief Acharya(Priest) and  Kartha(man who does  the kumbhabhishekam , called also as  Yajamana  and tie the holy threads so that  no harm befalls them


11.Khumbalankaam .Decorating the pots assuming that  they represent Gods


12.Kalaa  AAkarshanam  To transfer in Gods statue in to the several khumbas


13.Yaga   sala  pravesam –Taking the pots to place  where  Yaga  is being done


14.Surya, soma pooja-  Worship of Sun and moon in the  yaga shala


15.Mandapa pooja-  Worshipping the yaga sala


16.Vigraha  Shudhi- Purifying the vigrahas  by Manthra


17.Naadi  sandhanam-  tie  the yaga Shala with Gods Vigraha  using rope made of Dharbh, gold  , silver  or silk thread


18,Visesha Sandhi –Giving Arghya   to all 36 thathwa  devathas.Also giving Arghya   to all pithru


19Bhootha Shudhi =Transform the human body  to divine body


20.Sparsa aahoothi.Transferring the 36 thathwas from Yaga to the moola Vigrahas(God’s statues)


21AShta  Bandhanam , Using a n mixure od f eight  things fix the God on his  Peetha.These chemicals are pounded till they melt and then Gods statue  is fixed there


22.Poornahuthi- The final offering in homa fire


23.Kumbhabhishekam, Do anointing of the water in  te sacred pot on Gods head, It is believed God enters the statue


24.Mahabhishekam  Do all proper abhishekams to  consecrated God and decorate him for 48 days

 The highlight of this process is bathing of the Vimaana (steeple) and all the deities from the water of the kalasaas, by the priests. The Aacharyas are the center of attraction with their prominent turbans. Mahadeepa Aradhana to the sanctified deities after the kumbhabhishekam, and performing


Some points


1.The yaga  sala   can have Eka kundam(one fire place) , Panchagni(five fire places) .Navagni(nine fire places), Uthhama  Paksdha(33  fire places)


2.The set  of offering in   the fire place can be done 2 or 4, or  8 or 12  times


8.Yogaja  tells us how we have  assume the kumbha is


Kumbha(pot) is the flesh body  , water  I it is blood,, the gems we put in the pot are life generating principles,The Koorcha we put  in the pot are ournerves, The thread  that we tie tightly again and again the khumba  are the bones. The cloth covering Khumba  is our skin,The coconut on top of khumba is our  head and face, The mango leaves below coconut or hairs of God, The manthras we chant  is the soul


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