
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Convergence of Science and Sanatana Dharma.

Convergence of Science and Sanatana Dharma.


Rajeswari  P Ranganathan

On 18 January 1940 , a multifaceted genius was born in Palakkad district.Originally from Puducode Agraharam in Palakkad district, he spent his childhood and teenage years in both Hyderabad and Chelakkara (adjoining Palakkad&Trichur) before moving to Tamilnadu for pursuing higher studies.Completed his post-graduate degree in Mathematics in 1960 and obtained Professional Statisticians’ Diploma in Agricultural Statistics from the Indian Agricultural Statistical Research Institute, New Delhi, in the year 1963 and continued Statistics/Economics from Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.

His biography says << He has carried out 37 years of scientific research in four different, premier agricultural Institutes as Head of the Section of Statistics. His specialized areas of interest include statistical applications to perennial crops, biometrical genetics, insect ecology and epidemiology. Some of his major achievements are his contribution to seedling selection technique in areca nut using Selection Index (which has since been included in the recommended package of practices for this crop), identification of suitable climate for growing extra-long-staple cotton, studies on statistical applications to insect ecology, development of software, for the first time in India, for comprehensive guidance of horticultural farmers and, also, several computer applications including systems analysis and modelling. He has published over 150 research papers, five popular articles and two books while in service.

He is a multi-faceted personality with hobbies such as cartooning, astrology, anthropology and history.

He was recognized as the ‘Fellow of Indian Genetic Society' in 1967 by Indian Genetic Society, New Delhi, and as `International Man of the Millennium’ and one of '2000 Outstanding Scientists of Twentieth Century ' by International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England, in 1999>>

Coming to the Dharma part, Puducode Rama Iyer Ramachander] blogs in the name Raja Thatha (grandfather in Palakkad Tamizh) Ramachander mama has been a regular contributor to Hindupedia,, Stotra-Ratna and has been rendering a great service to uphold the spirit of Sanatana Dharma.He has thousands of translations (sholkas.stotras.ashtakams,bhujangams,sahasranamas,...) to his credit. An endless list, I must say. Besides, Mama has published books on Rudram, Lalita Sahasranama etc. As on today, Mama has so far translated 2000 stotras and equal number of Krithis and hundreds of pieces on Kerala temples.

Shri Ramachander Mama neither brags about the greatness of our Dharma nor he laments about the inability of the younger generation to follow our tradition. No chest-thumping either. Mama continues to engage in his passion irrespective of the outcome. I have admired his prowess to take nuanced stance in traditional practices. His proficiency in at least half a dozen languages is a boon and we are blessed to get access to his works in a single click!! Treasure trove apart, Ramachander mama is an inspiration and icon for the younger generation. I am sure, many among us are enjoying the fruits of his hard work. His FB timeline speaks volume about his commitment and colossal contribution to Sanatana Dharma.

As they say, behind the success of every man, there is a woman. Mama derives inspiration from wife, Smt Jayalakshmi. Pranams to both Ramachander Mama&Jayalakshmi Mami.

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander