
Monday, September 18, 2017

Grand parent express flights

Grand parent express  flights


(Based on a write posted in face book in Tamil .Thanks to the author)

There are  special grand  parents flights  most of the week days,
Flying to USA  or England  or  Australia   or Germany,
Whose  tickets   would be blocked  by young parents,
Who are  living  in those countries and struggling to look after their kids.

Most of the passenger couples  or some times  old ladies,
Would never have   seen the  inside of any flight   anywhere,
And their preparation to   this awesome journey  would start,
On the day  when their kids inform them  they are  expecting.

They would start  immediately  the job of VISA  application,
By going to a good studio   to take  Visa   photographs ,
And either their children  or their friends or some agents ,
Would  help them    to apply   fondly for the VISA.

All  the  members of foreign returned   grand parents  association,
Would scare  them to death, by telling them , how on the appointed day,
They have to go very early  to the  embassy   to stand in the Queue,
And they would also tell them  that , if they say  the truth their VISA  would be refused,

The same association members   would teach them how to dress  up,
For the VISA  interview and  take lessons on how  to face the interview,
How to dress properly   for the purpose, though   the people who take the interview ,
Would really not bothered. How they talk   or how they dress.  Or how confused they look.

Ultimately these two oldies would be asked  some  silly simple questions,
And would get   multiple   entry  VISA   though  they  do not need it  ,
And then the travel agent would    give them the ticket   for USA,
And their relations will take them to airport   and leave them at the gate.

Though these two old ones would be  expecting   hundreds of problems,
Nothing at all    would happen  and after  a comfortable    travel,
Being fed with their own food   almost   every  two hours  , they would reach,
That air port  where   they need to change   the plane within two hours.

Though they are tense  nothing  terrible would happen   and helpers,
Would put them   on wheel chairs    and see to is they catch their next flight.
And then they would start  feeling nervous about the  custotms and immigration,
As they would have packed  big pickle jars and several  packets  of several eatables.

Though they expect   that  all that they   are carrying    would be thrown in a dust bin,
Nothing like that   would happen 99 % of the times   , because the immigration  officers there,
Know what   goods to expect to be carried  by oldy passengers of the grand parent express from India,
And once they come out they would see  their children and grand children and jump with joy.

Once they reach their children’s home , they are  all sure to be disappointed,
At not being able to see  the USA  that  they have seen  in Tamil and Hindi movies,
They would live comfortably there    after  a few more months  attending several  birthday parties,

Visiting several   great zoos, parks, cruises  and malls  and leave USA  without wanting to return.

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I would love to have comments on what I write, Ramachander